European Championships Nike England Shirt

Should Nike have "played" with the St George's cross?

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Typical yanks let’s change the colour of the national flag
I'm sure we've had kits previously where the St George flag has been different colours, think Nike have tampered with the Brazil flag this year too. To be honest, it's great marketing from them, they've got people talking about this one and will get a shed load of orders when they eventually change it. It's the FA I have an issue with, who on earth has allowed it to happen and why has it not been pulled straight away? So out of touch.

No ignoring the fact this one looks shite though, would actually be a really lovely shirt if it was proper.
Nike are American owned that George cross should be left as it is RED not because of the scum down the road but has always been and should remain the colours of England
I respect your opinion, but I really don't care. In fact, England shirts never used to have the cross of St George on them at all, you look at the ones from the 70s and 80s. I think it only started at Euro 96.
I respect your opinion, but I really don't care. In fact, England shirts never used to have the cross of St George on them at all, you look at the ones from the 70s and 80s. I think it only started at Euro 96.
there have been England shirts with a multitude of different coloured crosses on the shoulder, to apparently reflect diversity in the ( English) community? ( cant recall the tournament), don't think there was much of an uprising about that?

conversely- if American sportswear company Nike replaced the horizontal stripes in red and white on USA national flag with vertical multicoloured ones, and replaced the stars on Usa national flag with purple elephants on a pale green background, I don't see that being a very astute move for them - a move they, Nike, would never dare to make
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It's not the cross of St George unless it is red on a white background, Nike have just put a multicoloured cross on the shirt, as it's just a cross you could argue that it is disrespectful to other religions.
It's a win-win for Nike, lots of publicity and the geeky shirt collectors will buy one as it won't be around long. It's not like they've permanently changed the Union Jack to Pride colours, after all - though that might be a laugh.
f*****g Hell.

[Apply this to whatever aspect you wish]
I respect your opinion, but I really don't care. In fact, England shirts never used to have the cross of St George on them at all, you look at the ones from the 70s and 80s. I think it only started at Euro 96.
My argument over it is the fact it was done without asking the fans. Not sure if it was in conjunction with the FA bit it’s the England flag the cross is red and not red and purple
My argument over it is the fact it was done without asking the fans. Not sure if it was in conjunction with the FA bit it’s the England flag the cross is red and not red and purple
Once again, I take your point and can see why it has annoyed people. It just doesn't bother me though, but then I wouldn't have bought the shirt anyway. I'd be more annoyed if they changed the 3 Lions to be honest, and I wouldn't be that annoyed even about that.
Once again, I take your point and can see why it has annoyed people. It just doesn't bother me though, but then I wouldn't have bought the shirt anyway. I'd be more annoyed if they changed the 3 Lions to be honest, and I wouldn't be that annoyed even about that.

What about if they made it 2 Lions and 1 Robin?
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