General Season ticket prices

If iFollow is still "live" when the season starts then I might keep Greta happy & not drive my 2.4l gas-guzzling 4x4 130 miles each way, not go in the Bird for a pint prematch and not go to the chippy on the way home.
This is the part that really hit me.
Renewed mine last night, even if I did have to clench my teeth when pressing the confirm button!

2019/20 season I worked out that I spent around £750 on the club, that's ST, cup games, away games and merch. Unsure what I spent last season, probably a bit less having only missed a handful of away games on stream.

Am I a fool for it? Yes
Would I do it again without hesitation? Hell bloody yes!
I didn't renew for myself and son last season as not sure what was going to happen but cannot wait to this .
He will only go to a few matches due to age but failing to understand why people don't want to renew.
Really hope they will reconsider.
I spent on i player and even have that terrace box on monthly order as happy the club will benefit at this hard time .
I’m intrigued to know why good fans (MC Yellow, RyanioBirdio & Essexyellows) are not renewing their season tickets, and what is it that the club hasn’t/should have done differently.

This is a real shame.

That’s a very kind comment.

For me though, it is more my personal mindset I think, rather than direct criticism toward the club.

It is not just football either. I have no idea when I will want to jump on a plane again for some winter sun, but I know it will not be this year. Same applies to lots of things we used to do, city breaks, theatre meals etc etc. It will likely not be happening with any of the frequency that it used too. Although I did go glamping last weekend and it was great to be somewhere different, in a field basking in the sun….. feeling almost normal.

Having said all that, it sounds as though the club could perhaps have been doing a lot more with their communication, even if it was just to stir up the emotion of the coming season, raise the spirits and give us some real hope. It has been a bit flat (like my mood) so I haven’t suddenly felt like being jolted into committing to the season.
Cheap shot. Even with the wink.

If there is one thing any business needs it is customers and to retain those customers. Football clubs are in an enviable position in that they are not the same as supermarkets - you aren't going to change your club at the drop of a hat. So they can get away with more - I have moaned, but have renewed: if Tesco had treated me/us in a similar way I'd be off to Sainsburys!

That breeds a certain attitude in the club (not restricted to ours of course), but when such transparent marketing speak ('packages', 'valued supporters' etc) is used and then not carried through it's all a bit lazy and could even be seen as arrogant.

As we have heard from several people on here (and most on here are long-time, core supporters), not all will renew. A bit more care and attention to communication and a bit less trying to be clever with words, along with a more considerate approach to pricing or extras (other clubs have managed to do this, not all of whom are rolling in cash) might have stopped that happening.
Not really. I'm genuinely surprised by some people's expectations. I'm not going to throw my toys out of the pram because the club try to make a silk purse from a sows a**e on the marketing front and mess up.
That’s a very kind comment.

For me though, it is more my personal mindset I think, rather than direct criticism toward the club.

It is not just football either. I have no idea when I will want to jump on a plane again for some winter sun, but I know it will not be this year. Same applies to lots of things we used to do, city breaks, theatre meals etc etc. It will likely not be happening with any of the frequency that it used too. Although I did go glamping last weekend and it was great to be somewhere different, in a field basking in the sun….. feeling almost normal.

Having said all that, it sounds as though the club could perhaps have been doing a lot more with their communication, even if it was just to stir up the emotion of the coming season, raise the spirits and give us some real hope. It has been a bit flat (like my mood) so I haven’t suddenly felt like being jolted into committing to the season.
Thanks for the explanation and totally understand your feelings/thoughts which I’m sure are echoed by many.

I agree, if there is such a take-over of new ownership I’m not sure why they haven’t used that to build momentum, especially after the year or so we and other football fans have had. Like you say, the communication has been flat which probably mirrors a lot of people/fans moods etc.

Glad you managed to get away at the weekend and have some kind of normality.
I'm not going to throw my toys out of the pram because the club try to make a silk purse from a sows a**e on the marketing front and mess up.
Who is throwing their toys out of the pram?

I think you’ve grossly oversimplified a number of people’s grievances or disappointments. To write it off as “people are flapping because the club marketing was bad” is pretty inaccurate.

Not sure such a tone really helps anybody to be honest. You’re being very dismissive.
Discovered recently that York City are changing a flat price (per category) across their new stadium for Conference North football.
They have 2 less home games than us as well. Adult price is the same as a Jim Smith stand season ticket at Oxford. And we remain cheaper in some categories in some stands as well.

Adults - £299 (£14.24/game)
Concessions - £250 (£11.90/game)
Under 19s and Students (with valid ID card) - £105 (£5/game)
Under 12s - £45 (£2.14/game)
Under 5s – FREE

I think our prices for the level of football in comparison are pretty good.
Has anyone done a comparison of League One season tickets?
Who is throwing their toys out of the pram?

I think you’ve grossly oversimplified a number of people’s grievances or disappointments. To write it off as “people are flapping because the club marketing was bad” is pretty inaccurate.

Not sure such a tone really helps anybody to be honest. You’re being very dismissive.
A number of people have cited the club's poor communication/crappy marketing as a major reason for not renewing their season ticket(s) (that the toys/pram bit).

Yes I understand they/you think that way but I just don't get it. We're are a club without our own ground, kept afloat by millions of £ other people's money yet some think they're getting a raw deal. Fair enough. I don't. I think we're lucky not to be in the Conference, lucky to have had five or six pretty good seasons, lucky to even exist.

Same facts, different conclusions.
A number of people have cited the club's poor communication/crappy marketing as a major reason for not renewing their season ticket(s) (that the toys/pram bit).

Yes I understand they/you think that way but I just don't get it. We're are a club without our own ground, kept afloat by millions of £ other people's money yet some think they're getting a raw deal. Fair enough. I don't. I think we're lucky not to be in the Conference, lucky to have had five or six pretty good seasons, lucky to even exist.

Same facts, different conclusions.
I don’t agree that an opinion constitutes toys being thrown from prams. Such a saying reflects an attitude and a type of behaviour, not a viewpoint. I think you’re being purposefully condescending towards people by using that language, and are being quite belittling of them by using it incorrectly, but we’ll agree to disagree I suppose. Not a problem.

I’ve listed lots of reasons in recent weeks about my issues that are more than “your marketing is rubbish, Oxford.” They’re all on here already, including a number of important questions that have not been answered. I’ve even spoken to the club myself in the past week - I am not just shouting in an echo chamber. Those conversations have been very open and mature.

I think that’s all fair enough. Not a teddy bear in sight.
I don’t agree that an opinion constitutes toys being thrown from prams. Such a saying reflects an attitude and a type of behaviour, not a viewpoint. I think you’re being purposefully condescending towards people by using that language, and are being quite belittling of them by using it incorrectly, but we’ll agree to disagree I suppose. Not a problem.

I’ve listed lots of reasons in recent weeks about my issues that are more than “your marketing is rubbish, Oxford.” They’re all on here already, including a number of important questions that have not been answered. I’ve even spoken to the club myself in the past week - I am not just shouting in an echo chamber. Those conversations have been very open and mature.

I think that’s all fair enough. Not a teddy bear in sight.
The issue is, I spoke to the club about the way they went about distributing tickets for last season’s games and they listened and said they had learnt lessons, but it feels like lip service to me as they continue to make poor judgements.

So I’m glad you’ve had adult discussions with the club, but it’s what they do about those discussions.
As we don`t really know how many ST`s were sold last season shall we set the benchmark at 3,500 as "normal"?
That seems about the average over the years at GR.

That leaves, very roughly, 9,000 empty seats.

Deduct from that 1300 "away". 7,700 to go.

Wonder what a £250 "Welcome Back" blanket price across the East & North would have done except reduce the number of said empty seats?

If you sell half of them 3,850 @ £250 = just shy of £1 million in the bank, or half a Rob Atkinson, and still space for walk-up/pay on the day.

Go bold or go home Mr Marketing Exec. :)
It’s pathetic. Surprised someone hasn’t complained that Rosie hasn’t personally called them up to renew their season ticket.

Everyone’s got different reasons but I suspect most are genuinely scared of going out of the house in case the covid fog drifts across and infects them. So no chance of them going into a pub or using public transport or being within breathing distance of another fan.
As I have said earlier, I was not happy with the club and the way it’s handled the situation but as I said I have bitten the bullet and renewed again, but I can confirm from the five of us who have been going for years two defiantly will not renew, they will pick and choose there games.

Based on that logic 40% of ticket holders will not renew, in reality I have no idea.
We'll I've renewed and my son. But I just hope that a good portion of the Atkinson money is used to improve the team and for once start the season with a balanced squad and no more gambles. Let's hit the ground running this season please.
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