General Season Ticket Holders - Welcome Pack

At least we will now know who the season ticket holders are at home games wearing their “one off” season ticket scarfs and who are the part timers.........!
Obviously only season ticket holders are real fans...... 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Well pleased with mine. Nice to get a scarf when it’s 30 degrees out there. 🥵🥵
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So I received 1 welcome pack but still missing two I dunno whether the postman lost them or if the club didn't send them out which would be strange considering they sent me one . If it was just for me I wouldn't be to fussed but one of my boys got theirs the other didn't get his so he abit disappointed 🙂

Do you think I should contact the club or give the postman a few more days to bring them 😂
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