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Ex-Staff Chris Williams Leaves

But you can’t back it up. Present the facts rather than heresay. What’s clueless about what I’ve said there ? I’ve employed people for 40 years and that’s just basic business. Longevity doesn’t supersede quality in my opinion. It’s served me well anyway.

So what your are effectively saying is all of your long term loyal members of staff have no reciprocity from you.

You don’t even question or want to understand why a stalwart member of staff suddenly wants to leave?

So glad I don’t treat my staff like that.
But you can’t back it up. Present the facts rather than heresay. What’s clueless about what I’ve said there ? I’ve employed people for 40 years and that’s just basic business. Longevity doesn’t supersede quality in my opinion. It’s served me well anyway.
We get that with you being a Man United fan you don’t truly understand the meaning of loyalty at a smaller club like OUFC. Even so though, surely even you can’t be this stupid to miss the very obvious dig Chris Williams made about being a customer!
I bet your employees must love having a boss who doesn’t give a toss about loyalty.

Ps…how are the new Qatari owners getting on at Old Trafford? 😂
Chris Williams has clearly stuck the boot in on his way out the door. All not well on the comms front, but it’s not the first time he’s left the club, fell out with Kelvin didn’t he?

Talented writer and wish him well.

The official comms recently has been as dull and formulaic as the football .

I’m going to write to club the club and ask for a special ‘Exiled Supporters day’ where the Oxford based punters have to applaud those who have to travel from outside the county to games.

For ten minutes, applause starting in the first minute of additional time.

Logs on to twitter, sees the back lash from the fans, quickly tweets thanking CW.

It’s becoming a common theme where it takes a bit of backlash from the fans for club officials to do the right thing.
I’ve seen this sort close up, I’m sure we all have. I’m currently on 3 months garden leave moving away from a role I spent 5 years in and thoroughly enjoyed. It was a result of the incompetence, greed and deceit the of people above me. The hardest part of it all and I’m sure Chris might say something similar, is watching these frauds put up the best show possible in order to protect their own image while good, honest, loyal staff who gave their everything to cause and tried everything to change course collaboratively are reduced to feeling as though they have to leave to avoid being run over by power-hungry bellends in positions they should be nowhere near.
I'll be honest I've never been a huge fan of Chris Williams. That said he has served the club loyally for 20 years and is part of the furniture and it is concerning the manner he appears to have left in. One for the fans forum.
Am I wrong ? It’s called an opinion. Present a hard and fast argument that says he’s been booted out of the club rather than cheap and silly little one liners. If he’s being appointed general manager of a NL club I’d say that’s a step up to his OUFC role. Why shouldn’t it be that he’s gone after that job and fair play to him if he has ? Who doesn’t want to better themselves. I just don’t understand why there’s always mischief making just because a long time employee goes. If they were still alive you’d still have Ken Fish training the first team and Jim Hunt running the show off the pitch. Show me the facts - not just tenuous forum tittle tattle with not an ounce of substance.
Read the room Dick.
So what your are effectively saying is all of your long term loyal members of staff have no reciprocity from you.

You don’t even question or want to understand why a stalwart member of staff suddenly wants to leave?

So glad I don’t treat my staff like that.
Radical candor - be caring (compassionate), but have the important conversations (future direction, performance, etc.) with all staff, regardless of how long they’ve been with you. Now we don’t know whether Chris left because it was his choice, chance to write one more chapter in his work career, OUFC had courageous conversations about his style and performance (on and off camera), or something entirely different. As an employer, if it wasn’t the first, they probably need to respect his confidentiality as might be the case (or not).

Now I am not a fan of Tim Williams as many should know, but to critique him and the club on something people know little about facts wise, or think we are entitled to know all the intricacies of personal, confidential, employer to employee conversations, feels somewhat naive. Hold the club to account yes, but at the right time.

Good luck Chris whatever the reason you are moving on.
Logs on to twitter, sees the back lash from the fans, quickly tweets thanking CW.

It’s becoming a common theme where it takes a bit of backlash from the fans for club officials to do the right thing.
When I spoke to Grant at the last fans forum (Dec 2022), I found him to be quite genuine/approachable etc, whereas, I’ve taken a real dislike to Tim because of his ‘I’m better than thou’ attitude.
When I spoke to Grant at the last fans forum (Dec 2022), I found him to be quite genuine/approachable etc, whereas, I’ve taken a real dislike to Tim because of his ‘I’m better than thou’ attitude.
The only problem with Grant is the fact he is out of the country most of the time and I think a chairman should be a lot more hands on. He does come across as genuine though.

As for Tim and Adam Benson, both of these people are damaging our club and need to go. I’m pretty sure 1 will be off before too long.
A lesson needs to be learned here in that good people are walking away through various amounts of ill-feeling towards the people at the top.

It’s only a matter of time before this is mirrored on the football side looking at the way it’s heading. I suspect a number of players that felt this was home under Manning and somewhere that would take them all to the next level are now seriously contemplating where they went to be next season. Why waste another year? How many of our better players could it cost us to be loyal to Des?
The only problem with Grant is the fact he is out of the country most of the time and I think a chairman should be a lot more hands on. He does come across as genuine though.

As for Tim and Adam Benson, both of these people are damaging our club and need to go. I’m pretty sure 1 will be off before too long.
Agree that it would be better if the Chairman was more hands on/visible.
If the new comms person is in for the fans forum, I feel sorry for them already.
It’s not an official club event, so they probably won’t be involved. It’s an OUSP / OxVox event so no skin off their nose. Has the club actually acknowledged or advertised the forum at their end, or is it only OxVox and OUSP that have done so?

New person is coming from Scotland. Even the club doesn’t have a start date for them yet.
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