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Ex-Staff Chris Williams Leaves

Why does there always have to be a negative with someone leaving ? An employee can leave 🤷‍♂️ for pastures new or an employer has a right to evolve a business and freshen things up. Big clubs in the PL have huge staff turnovers. Do they employ the same people for 30, 35, 40 years ? CW has been a great club servant - like many others - but things change. Move on.
Dick by name!
But you can’t back it up. Present the facts rather than heresay. What’s clueless about what I’ve said there ? I’ve employed people for 40 years and that’s just basic business. Longevity doesn’t supersede quality in my opinion. It’s served me well anyway.
How is one meant to present the facts in this situation? Do you want a signed statement from Williams saying as much? Because you pretty much got that yesterday as far as professionalism would allow. You’re absolutely miles off the truth here.
Dick by name!

Am I wrong ? It’s called an opinion. Present a hard and fast argument that says he’s been booted out of the club rather than cheap and silly little one liners. If he’s being appointed general manager of a NL club I’d say that’s a step up to his OUFC role. Why shouldn’t it be that he’s gone after that job and fair play to him if he has ? Who doesn’t want to better themselves. I just don’t understand why there’s always mischief making just because a long time employee goes. If they were still alive you’d still have Ken Fish training the first team and Jim Hunt running the show off the pitch. Show me the facts - not just tenuous forum tittle tattle with not an ounce of substance.
How is one meant to present the facts in this situation? Do you want a signed statement from Williams saying as much? Because you pretty much got that yesterday as far as professionalism would allow. You’re absolutely miles off the truth here.

Ok, so he wasn’t officially gone yesterday hence the programme notes. When he is officially gone we can expect the truth to come out ? Why wouldn’t it ? No ones got anything to lose.
Chris Williams has clearly been a compassionate supporter of Oxford United. And I for one will wish him well for being a fellow yellow. This said, as a ‘customer’, I won’t miss his interviews where he led everyone he spoke to, or paper over the poor way he dealt and interviewed Robinson, interviewing KR as if he was one of his mates down the pub! When you watch how other teams interviewers use calibrated questions (open ended, what, how, etc.), the contrast is stark. Perhaps he was pushed, or perhaps he wasn’t? Either way, it’s a chance to improve the quality of media reporting.

He looks a similar age to myself, and maybe a fresh challenge is what he wants and needs. Good luck Chris as it is clear you are yellow through and through.
Ok, so he wasn’t officially gone yesterday hence the programme notes. When he is officially gone we can expect the truth to come out ? Why wouldn’t it ? No ones got anything to lose.
It’s already coming out, you’re just refusing to believe it
Am I wrong ? It’s called an opinion. Present a hard and fast argument that says he’s been booted out of the club rather than cheap and silly little one liners. If he’s being appointed general manager of a NL club I’d say that’s a step up to his OUFC role. Why shouldn’t it be that he’s gone after that job and fair play to him if he has ? Who doesn’t want to better themselves. I just don’t understand why there’s always mischief making just because a long time employee goes. If they were still alive you’d still have Ken Fish training the first team and Jim Hunt running the show off the pitch. Show me the facts - not just tenuous forum tittle tattle with not an ounce of substance.
It’s not about him being booted out of the club, it’s the terms that he’s leaving on. If you can’t see the deliberately unsubtle inference in CW referring to the fans as “customers” in his notes then I can’t help you.
Are you not over thinking it ? We are all customers after all. Maybe because I’m an employer, as opposed to an employee, but everything is weighted towards the employee nowadays. If a long term employee of OUFC leaves it always seems there has to be a sinister motive behind the scenes. Let’s say CW announced he was leaving of his own accord to better himself, it would be thanks and back slapping all round - no mention that he’d be quitting on an employer who’s given him a livelihood for 25 years.

As an employer, I would have expected to you be a bit sharper. Instead, you can’t seem to see the wood for the trees.
OK, take 5 minutes and just summarise my naivety. Give me the concrete evidence that I’m wrong. No guesswork, no sensationalism, just pure hard facts that back up your opinion and destroy mine. ,

Give us some concrete evidence that you are right 🤷🏼‍♂️.

We’ve seen the notes and read between the lines, what do you have?
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