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Transfer Window January 2024 Transfer Window Thread

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24th January and still no available alternative to Mark Harris up top.

Make all the excuses you want, it's negligent at this point.

We were absolutely desperate for options going into January. It was known for weeks in advance. Realistically we should have had another striker ready to go before Coventry - and most definitely before Carlisle

You can queue up to patronise us of the tribulations of the infamous 'domino effect', but I don't see how anyone can conclude anything other than our management and/or recruitment being largely culpable for this.

Even a bog standard target man would make a massive difference (as Sam Cosgrove did for Barnsley last night).

Some people on here seem to think that January fixtures are free hits, but fail to win either of the next two and it won't be Derby and Peterborough we need to worry about, it'll be Blackpool.
Did you hear Des say last night that they’re trying to bring in a forward and a winger and ‘it’s not for lack of trying’.
I really don’t get how hard it is for some people to understand..
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Many on here have been saying we've needed more in central midfield for months even years but it's never been addressed and I think it's a major failing on our part.

A proper central defensive battling midfielder would free up Cam/MM/RR and enable them all to go and do their job a bit further forward....Cam can play there but is blunted when he does, and I still don't think it suits MM, he won't really dig in and battle when the going gets tough.

Yes we need a (fit!) wide wide player or two and the extra striker obviously, but I fear we won't get the nasty midfielder we're crying out for and that is an error in my view, i really believe it could transform the way we play.
Been banging this drum continuously for so many years. Following the Blackpool playoff defeat it was so glaringly obvious that even Robbo stated we needed one in his post match interview. We invested heavily in Hanson previously who turned out to be useless, maybe that's why we didn't invest further but it meant the brilliant Herbie Kane was forced to cover that role and as we saw last night it was a dreadful waste of talent.

It wasn't addressed in again in the summer or January window and it cost us a playoff place, we conceded more goals than any side above us.

Hanson has finally left the building freeing up a big wage but we still appear to neglect that position in our recruitment. We have Brannagan, McGuane, McEachran who are all mainly ball playing midfielders, none of whom specialise in defensive midfield cover. We are left with the Herbie Kane scenario again, now hampering the trio above depending on who's playing. It's another reason you see those three taking less risks with the ball, whether that's less forward passes or less forward runs to open things up. If they lose it, they're the last midfield man and the opposition are straight at our back 4/5. It's why you'll see us make 15 passes around the back waiting for Cam or Marcus to receive it in acres of space before they can comfortably turn and make one of those riskier forward runs or passes.

Same reason Man City don't opt for a midfield 2 of De Bruyne and Silva, you need Rodri as cover to allow them to focus on creativity.

A position that allows us to concede less and our attacking players to play with more freedom, yet I'm watching another season where we've neglected it again, so frustrating.
McGinty OUT to Sligo Rovers on loan until the end of the season:

Been banging this drum continuously for so many years. Following the Blackpool playoff defeat it was so glaringly obvious that even Robbo stated we needed one in his post match interview. We invested heavily in Hanson previously who turned out to be useless, maybe that's why we didn't invest further but it meant the brilliant Herbie Kane was forced to cover that role and as we saw last night it was a dreadful waste of talent.

It wasn't addressed in again in the summer or January window and it cost us a playoff place, we conceded more goals than any side above us.

Hanson has finally left the building freeing up a big wage but we still appear to neglect that position in our recruitment. We have Brannagan, McGuane, McEachran who are all mainly ball playing midfielders, none of whom specialise in defensive midfield cover. We are left with the Herbie Kane scenario again, now hampering the trio above depending on who's playing. It's another reason you see those three taking less risks with the ball, whether that's less forward passes or less forward runs to open things up. If they lose it, they're the last midfield man and the opposition are straight at our back 4/5. It's why you'll see us make 15 passes around the back waiting for Cam or Marcus to receive it in acres of space before they can comfortably turn and make one of those riskier forward runs or passes.

Same reason Man City don't opt for a midfield 2 of De Bruyne and Silva, you need Rodri as cover to allow them to focus on creativity.

A position that allows us to concede less and our attacking players to play with more freedom, yet I'm watching another season where we've neglected it again, so frustrating.
Spot on, need someone behind Cam & Marcus to give them both licence and not allow them both to be bypassed which happens when they play as a 2 together, which always gets targeted against the better sides. We rarely control the midfield against the better sides. If we can see it, it’s disappointing the recruitment can’t. You are stifling the talent of mcguane and Brannagan by not having someone to sit behind them guarding the back 3 or 4.
As others have said, we ask too much of MM. It's not that he isn't good enough, both he and CB need some help in the form of an effective DCM.
It seems blatantly obvious but I've seen no suggestion that's on the menu.
How often does MM do a killer through ball or ping it brannagan style to the wings. How often does he shoot. How often has he burst through the middle and created something. Not enough imo considering he's not a physical tackling midfielder. He's great at 5 yard passes sideways ir backwards. That's about it.
McGinty OUT to Sligo Rovers on loan until the end of the season:

Been on the cards for a while that one. Good luck to him. Didn’t really get a sniff here.
If you're dying of thirst and someone offers you a pint of crisp, refreshing, clean tap water, would you say 'no ta, I'm holding out for the possibility of a bottle of evian later this month'?

This analogy just about works if we don't have 11 fit players to put on the pitch, but even then it's a stretch.

I don't know what more you think could be done that hasn't already been done?
Did you hear Des say last night that they’re trying too bring in a forward and a winger and ‘it’s not for lack of trying’.
I really don’t get how hard it is for some people to understand..
Not for the lack of trying? Then I suggest they try harder he and us know we have striker issues we’ve had those problems for a few seasons now and if they got Goodwin knowing he will be out until probably the 1st or 2nd weeks of February but then that’s another up ton4 games, I would like to think as soon if not before Goodwins medical they already have someone else lined up
Been banging this drum continuously for so many years. Following the Blackpool playoff defeat it was so glaringly obvious that even Robbo stated we needed one in his post match interview. We invested heavily in Hanson previously who turned out to be useless, maybe that's why we didn't invest further but it meant the brilliant Herbie Kane was forced to cover that role and as we saw last night it was a dreadful waste of talent.

It wasn't addressed in again in the summer or January window and it cost us a playoff place, we conceded more goals than any side above us.

Hanson has finally left the building freeing up a big wage but we still appear to neglect that position in our recruitment. We have Brannagan, McGuane, McEachran who are all mainly ball playing midfielders, none of whom specialise in defensive midfield cover. We are left with the Herbie Kane scenario again, now hampering the trio above depending on who's playing. It's another reason you see those three taking less risks with the ball, whether that's less forward passes or less forward runs to open things up. If they lose it, they're the last midfield man and the opposition are straight at our back 4/5. It's why you'll see us make 15 passes around the back waiting for Cam or Marcus to receive it in acres of space before they can comfortably turn and make one of those riskier forward runs or passes.

Same reason Man City don't opt for a midfield 2 of De Bruyne and Silva, you need Rodri as cover to allow them to focus on creativity.

A position that allows us to concede less and our attacking players to play with more freedom, yet I'm watching another season where we've neglected it again, so frustrating.
We’ve got a player already in the building who can play this role. And he’s good .
Hard to disagree with Smyth being one of our best performers in the last run of games. Brannagan is way out in front. I know he cares deeply but it's like he has added motivation at the moment - is he trying to attract someone before end of Jan? Who could blame him. After that you'd probably say Smyth has been the one who can hold his head highest. Critical goal at Charlton and just a string of notably positive performances.

I don't mind him at right back one bit. I remember suggesting we throw him in there in pre season and got scoffed at. In fact, he's looked so comfortable of late that I'm not quite sure why you wouldn't push him in to his preferred position now and see how he goes. I think playing him behind McGuane and Brannagan might unlock something in that midfield - it certainly won't cost us anything bar one of the attacking mids, all of which were totally ineffective last night anyway.

Des likes a 451 and has the players for it so I'm not sure why he's resisting it. Rodrigues could play wider or up top as long as there are willing runners beyond him. I think Rodrigues as the central striker and Harris making runs past him from out wide might be worth a try and then put one of the more direct 1v1 wingers on the other side. Tyler isn't a starter for me, not at the moment. He's much too flaky and would rather we use him when the game opens up. I know it's experimental but that's where we are now as we are creeping in to insanity. Same thing is getting us the same result in terms of performance and the better sides don't find that difficult to play against. We are well short in the squad, yes, but there's more we could be trying with what we have and that's the frustration.
I thought the way Barnsley set up was very good. 3-1-4-2.
Bring in a good DM and another Striker and it's a variation we could try. I don't really like 1 single striker, Harris was very isolated at times again last night and it made it so easy for their CB's .
Maybe Smyth could play the DM role? He looked decent again last night, has confidence to pass forwards when it's on and is fairly robust. I just don't see what positive effect bringing McEachran on has. We just seem to stagnate even more.
If you're dying of thirst and someone offers you a pint of crisp, refreshing, clean tap water, would you say 'no ta, I'm holding out for the possibility of a bottle of evian later this month'?
What about if someone offers you something that looks like tap water, but when you drink it you find out it’s sea water, dehydrating you even more?

In recent windows under Karl there was so much panic and waste, but your hyperbole is making it seem the exact same thing is happening in this window and the summer, which just isn’t the case.

I totally recognise the need for a striker now, but I’d rather we bring in the right players who miss a few games in January than the wrong player ready to go from the off.
Not for the lack of trying? Then I suggest they try harder he and us know we have striker issues we’ve had those problems for a few seasons now and if they got Goodwin knowing he will be out until probably the 1st or 2nd weeks of February but then that’s another up ton4 games, I would like to think as soon if not before Goodwins medical they already have someone else lined up

Are other clubs sat there, chuckling into their hands, thinking to themselves 'silly old Oxford - we would've let them have player x by now if only they'd tried harder!'?

Or does 'try harder' mean going for anyone who is available, just so we can add a body? That'd likely mean going for players who are - probably for good reason - lower down our 'wanted' list, just so that we've got definitely got someone in for the next two games, rather than holding out for the players we actually want who could have a much bigger impact for the 18 or 19 games after that?

We know players have been shown round the training ground, and I'd rather hold out for a player who has been identified as fulfilling an important role in the last 18 games of the season, than sign someone we're much less keen on just because they happen to be available and so we can say we've signed someone.
Are other clubs sat there, chuckling into their hands, thinking to themselves 'silly old Oxford - we would've let them have player x by now if only they'd tried harder!'?

Or does 'try harder' mean going for anyone who is available, just so we can add a body? That'd likely mean going for players who are - probably for good reason - lower down our 'wanted' list, just so that we've got definitely got someone in for the next two games, rather than holding out for the players we actually want who could have a much bigger impact for the 18 or 19 games after that?

We know players have been shown round the training ground, and I'd rather hold out for a player who has been identified as fulfilling an important role in the last 18 games of the season, than sign someone we're much less keen on just because they happen to be available and so we can say we've signed someone.
I actually agree with @SirAndyOfCrosby , we need bodies now, we're in the middle of a run of important games and are short. I'd have tried to get an experienced striker on loan from 1 January - he doesn't have to be Mr Right, just Mr Right Now.
I actually agree with @SirAndyOfCrosby , we need bodies now, we're in the middle of a run of important games and are short. I'd have tried to get an experienced striker on loan from 1 January - he doesn't have to be Mr Right, just Mr Right Now.

Who is this fabled experienced striker who can score goals in League One, was available on loan from January 1 and whose club was willing to let him go?

All the 'try hard's in the world aren't going to manifest one.
Are other clubs sat there, chuckling into their hands, thinking to themselves 'silly old Oxford - we would've let them have player x by now if only they'd tried harder!'?

Or does 'try harder' mean going for anyone who is available, just so we can add a body? That'd likely mean going for players who are - probably for good reason - lower down our 'wanted' list, just so that we've got definitely got someone in for the next two games, rather than holding out for the players we actually want who could have a much bigger impact for the 18 or 19 games after that?

We know players have been shown round the training ground, and I'd rather hold out for a player who has been identified as fulfilling an important role in the last 18 games of the season, than sign someone we're much less keen on just because they happen to be available and so we can say we've signed someone.
I don't want to dismiss your point as it's perfectly valid but does that mean Plymouth, who announced 4 or 5 in the opening week of last January I think, were just fortunate?

There are people at the club, evidently good people too, whose full time job it is to seek out potential transfer targets that fit what we want to do and they feel are gettable in the short/medium/long term. Manning's wants will differ slightly from Des so we have that small interference but it's not like the window just pops open unexpectedly. I don't doubt Ed for a second. I reckon they know who they want and when they can get them and at what cost but the execution of it, which presumably sits partly above their heads, is where we are radically behind.

Cumming was a success story. Shows we are more than capable.
Who is this fabled experienced striker who can score goals in League One, was available on loan from January 1 and whose club was willing to let him go?

All the 'try hard's in the world aren't going to manifest one.
We managed to find Bennett didn’t we? Someone like that but who plays as a forward would have helped tide us over
Did you hear Des say last night that they’re trying too bring in a forward and a winger and ‘it’s not for lack of trying’.
I really don’t get how hard it is for some people to understand..
We seemed to have loaned a few players out well before the end of the window no problem, but when the boot is on the other foot struggle to get them in.

We’ve been very light on numbers available and had a very weak bench since the start of Dec at least.
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