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General New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Land Deal

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I trust that FOSB are now going to return all the money that was donated to stop the development at SB.
Doubt it mate, they will be spending it all on cheese, crackers & a bottle or two of wine. I would be interested to know where that money has been spent that they have on their website, did they go down the correct routes? Is it properly registered. Zero transparency from them & maximum transparency from our football club. They have messed up massively in how they have gone about things. I read somewhere that TVP are investigating their charity organisation & whether it’s legitimate. Think it is on Twitter, oh how I hope they haven’t done something correct and proper.
Don't see why they can't simply build on Port Meadow. Good rail, road, bus, canal AND river links! Masses of space for development and the pitch is already in place. May need to sort drainage out. Lovely views of the city.
Don't see why they can't simply build on Port Meadow. Good rail, road, bus, canal AND river links! Masses of space for development and the pitch is already in place. May need to sort drainage out. Lovely views of the city.
Salters steamers would need to invest in around ten more boats, pre match drinks at the Head of the River and then leisurely trip to PM,sorted
I’m beginning to see a business opportunity. Old Lucy Electric site in Jericho has very large underground car park (worked there for many many years. Across the road is the Victoria, handy for craft beers & Ciders. Walk down to canal rent a canoe the paddle your way kidlington

That's flats now and those underground car parking spaces sold for thousands. Sorry if I have just ruined your business plan, hope you haven't spent the money you thought you were going to make already.
On a personal level it really annoys me that a few people are against this stadium and could have a say in whether it goes ahead because of their own interests.

Back in 1963 I lived with my parents in New Street St Ebbes a few houses down from the Duke of York. Our family like hundreds of others were evicted and had their houses compulsory purchased.
This was to make way for the monstrosity that was the original Westgate.

We were moved to Cowley but a lot of my friends went to BB Leys,Rose Hill,Wood Farm etc, nobody had a say and the people that were left had an awful construction to look at.My grandparents were moved to the maisonettes that are still there

People were sad ,my mother never really recovered from this and was depressed for a number of years and I’m sure lots of other people were affected in the same way. As kids you get on with it and I made new friends and they are still my friends to this day.

Compare this with a new stadium being built on a piece of wasteland where nobody is being evicted other than a fencing company.
I really think some people should have a good look at themselves and ask in the scheme of things is this going to turn my life upside down

I think not
Very well said
Tim Martin has just been on the blower, he is massively excited about buying the building Oxford University Press are in and turning it into the worlds biggest Weatherspoons, rumours Hungry Horse are looking at the new Blavatnik building, could have even bigger big plate specials in a place that big. With the new Kebab vans and fried chicken shops going to be opening up and down Walton Street the new ground is really bringing some positive gains to a pretty run down area, just need someone to turn the Jericho Tavern into a pound in the pint glass strip pub and we will have helped to turn that slum into a place people can be proud to call home.
@Colin B one thing that has been niggling at me is the idea that as a fanbase we may have taken our eye off the ball in ensuring that the club are protected from the mistakes of the past. When the announcement was made that the club were looking to build a new stadium a year or so ago, one of the things I was very interested in was to hear about the protections we'd have in place to ensure we don't get bitten like we did with Firoz Kassam again.

I believe we were assured that the land lease would contain clauses that committed the club OUFC to a peppercorn rent of £1 per annum. As a member of OxVox I also sought, and was given, assurances that OxVox would be looking at how they can ensure that the club and the stadium can never be separated again (in the same way we have been at the Kass Stad) and that, for example, any future owners would not be able to start charging the club rental payments for use of the stadium.

Obviously with the vocal anti-stadium voices gaining traction, the fanbase has rightly moved to a highly supportive position and lobbied the council to be 100% in favour of the lease., without lobbying for any of these protections

Can we be sure that OCC will still be writing into the terms the peppercorn rent? And perhaps any other protections for the club? e.g. perhaps a requirement of the lease is that it can only ever be owned by OUFC, and not any holding company associated with OUFC? @OxVox and @Paul P for reference and possible response too.

I suppose we will see for ourselves when the heads of terms come back to OCC, but it would be good to get reassurance on these points.
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Does anyone know why Oxford city council are so quiet on the whole stadium matter?

That had Middleton going during the meeting, tempting to think they were just doing it to wind him up but I am guessing they are just keeping a low profile as anything they say will just be turned against them by Middleton et al as dumping their problem elsewhere.
Jericho has gone, from the red light district 🚨🚨. To yuppie land, seven hundred &50thousand pounds for a coronation Street, style house.. Get them for 40 grand ooop north.. you could get a lift,to the new ground, off the new age boat people along the canal😂😂🚨🚨
I trust that FOSB are now going to return all the money that was donated to stop the development at SB.
they should donate it to cash strapped KPC ( council tax rise of 4.99% incoming) , to go towards funding the facilities for the various sports clubs based at SB sports ground - who will no longer be getting the improved facilities, scuppered by FoSB , KDW and KPC colluding to stop progress
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Got to admit it’s a genuine concern.

The hundreds of 1980s football hooligans (and their f*****g offspring!) descending on gentrified Jericho and its delightful marina.
Just think of the mayhem they’ll cause on the canal network north of Kidlington.
Thrupp, Shipton on Cherwell, Lower Heyford, et al will all become no go hellholes on matchdays.

It’s a desperate situation we find ourselves in.
Username checks out
Tim Martin has just been on the blower, he is massively excited about buying the building Oxford University Press are in and turning it into the worlds biggest Weatherspoons, rumours Hungry Horse are looking at the new Blavatnik building, could have even bigger big plate specials in a place that big. With the new Kebab vans and fried chicken shops going to be opening up and down Walton Street the new ground is really bringing some positive gains to a pretty run down area, just need someone to turn the Jericho Tavern into a pound in the pint glass strip pub and we will have helped to turn that slum into a place people can be proud to call home.
£2 in the pot. Inflation.
Plenty of pubs and restaurants in Bicester the fans can stop at before getting the train from Bicester Village to Oxford parkway. Great business for Bicester.
Yeah it will be good for the town, but if it makes it harder for me to get into Shakil's on a Saturday I may have to come across all NIMBY about it :ROFLMAO: .

It's more logistically that will be interesting. We could conceivably have a few hundred home fans and a few hundred away fans all looking to head out back Bicester way. Currently it's 2 trains an hour, so getting everyone moved quickly will be problematic. Would extra trains be available to go into use? If so, where would they terminate? Bicester? Haddenham?. If they go through to Haddenham you are closing the crossing on London Road more frequently, which as a fellow Bicester resident you'll know gets people all annoyed as it is. And that is before you consider any extra train capacity going the other way back into town.

It's this kind of question that OUFC will need to have answers ready for, so I expect discussions with Chiltern Rail further down the line to address this.
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