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General New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Land Deal

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I'm sorry that some posters are greeting my suggestions that we build a broad coalition in support of the stadium with so little enthusiasm.

Perhaps we should continue abusing opponents, calling them "Full of sh1t" "pr1cks "or "W*nkers "publishing their addresses or wondering why people from Jericho should be commenting on developments less than three miles away from their home (whilst encouraging others to express support from all over the country.)

I'm sure that friendly attitude will help win over the waverers, and make sure any ideas that football fans are likely to be bad neighbours are completely discredited.
I’m open to any/all ideas that can get across to folk who may have doubts about the stadium.We have to convince people that it will be an asset to the Community
As I have said before it’s like the Ice Rink. Lots of people had there doubts about it but over the years thousands of people young and old have had enjoyment from the place
To be fair Jericho offers some good pubs and a short walk to the Banbury road and a good bus service to Kidlington.
I have caught the train on many occasions from Banbury for football and not once thought I would drink in Jericho. It’s always George Street or Victors/ The Alchemist and if we get a Stadium at the Triangle this won’t change although there are some decent pubs etc I’m Jericho.
I have caught the train on many occasions from Banbury for football and not once thought I would drink in Jericho. It’s always George Street or Victors/ The Alchemist and if we get a Stadium at the Triangle this won’t change although there are some decent pubs etc I’m Jericho.

Get you fancy pants with your pre match drinks in Victors and The Alchemist, the Jericho Tavern is going to seem like slumming it when for some reason you are made to drink in there beforehand.
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If you were going for a drink pre game anywhere in North Oxford surely it would be around the Summertown area

Wouldn't it be absolutely marvellous if M and S was replaced by a Wetherspoons, forget the anti stadium nimbys this would really give them something to complain about😀
I have caught the train on many occasions from Banbury for football and not once thought I would drink in Jericho. It’s always George Street or Victors/ The Alchemist and if we get a Stadium at the Triangle this won’t change although there are some decent pubs etc I’m Jericho.

A few dry ice cocktails up Victors always gets me fired up pre-match too.

I’ve just logged on this morning and everyone is talking about Jericho and how the new stadium is going to negatively impact on the residents in that area. FFS!

Who comes up with this s**t? It’s scaremongering no nonsense.

I can only think someone is lashing out because the vote didn’t go the way they hoped on the 26th.

Desperate stuff.

Oxford wine cafe on Walton street is this morning already putting grills over its front windows, a perspex screen over the counter and turning itself into a fried chicken shop ready for 2026 when a football ground moves 0.8 of a mile nearer to it, they have to think of the new demographic when they will only be be 3.4 miles away.
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This is something that has been on my mind to be fair, but I was thinking going away from town. Imagine Oxford v West Brom (for example). You would have fans looking to go on the same route out of town. Then you hit Bicester where a lot will alight, with our Brummie friends then needing to cross Bicester to get to Bicester North to continue their journey. It will be an interesting logistical problem to solve.
Yes, and using your West Brom analogy it is interesting that they have the same hypothetical problem with fans finishing the game and all heading to New Street via Smethwick Galton Bridge after the games.

However, I don't think they have any significant issues and those stations aren't overly policed on match days.
But these logistical "problems" happen across the country for many events (not just football games) every week, the safest thing to do and most problem free is for everyone to just stay in their houses, but we tried that and the country will be paying that back for years to come and it was an utterly miserable experience.

No point having public transport if you then try and stop anything that requires public transport.
What a strange reply. Thanks for your thoughts.
Making sure that there is adequate cycle parking at the stadium will be important for Mr Middleton ;-) (to say nothing of the many green voters who also support the stadium.)

talking through the plans in detail from the carbon footprint to thinking through the options for fans getting to and from the stadium, where people will meet and drink beforehand, and showing that the club and the fan base are offering solutions rather than dismissing all the issues raised as being irrelevant - (or claiming that someone who lives in Jericho will be unaffected) are all signs that we are serious.

Lots to learn from other clubs. Bolton's stadium which is almost twice the size is close to Horwich Parkway

After more than two decades of being taken on a journey by Firoz Kassam to perhaps the worst new build stadium in the country its time that we think about how the new stadium can be a different in every way.
And the club will mitigate these factors & allay these fears and facts. There is no way they have got this far now to see the project fail. If they have to invest in some infrastructure to organise things better I can’t see it being a sticking point. They are going to be spending millions on building a new stadium, a few more million to develop better traffic management systems & better transport hubs, I can’t see that being an issue. It will benefit Oxford and Oxfordshire in the end anyway.
Oxford wine cafe on Walton street is this morning already putting grills over its front windows, a perspex screen over the counter and turning itself into a fried chicken shop ready for 2026 when a football ground moves 0.8 of a mile nearer to it, that have to think of the new demographic when they will only be be 3.4 miles away.

Always knew the man leading the line in the preseason friendlies would come back one day.
Most people who now live in Jericho are well heeled. Many decades ago, Jericho housed manual workers who worked in places like the iron works and OUP, today mostly academics. Very few of those living in Jericho would be interested in football. Supporters will not park in the area and walk to the new stadium, they will not even enter this area. Get real.
So the walls of Jericho will come tumbling down. Why pick on Jericho, will score of fans start trying to use the canal to get to The Triangle? Nobody will go there unless they are visiting, unless Brasserie Blanc becomes the new Spoons experience for visiting football fans.
What next street vendors in Five MIle Drive!!
I ve never said that anyone would walk from Jericho to the stadium.

I said some people might meet there for a drink before getting a train from the station, or a bus up the Banbury Road
Oh the devil's, bringing much needed revenue at quiet times to local pubs . Awful .... or are you expecting all of those ' horrid ' football fans to be hooligans ? Think you will be very disappointed.
On a personal level it really annoys me that a few people are against this stadium and could have a say in whether it goes ahead because of their own interests.

Back in 1963 I lived with my parents in New Street St Ebbes a few houses down from the Duke of York. Our family like hundreds of others were evicted and had their houses compulsory purchased.
This was to make way for the monstrosity that was the original Westgate.

We were moved to Cowley but a lot of my friends went to BB Leys,Rose Hill,Wood Farm etc, nobody had a say and the people that were left had an awful construction to look at.My grandparents were moved to the maisonettes that are still there

People were sad ,my mother never really recovered from this and was depressed for a number of years and I’m sure lots of other people were affected in the same way. As kids you get on with it and I made new friends and they are still my friends to this day.

Compare this with a new stadium being built on a piece of wasteland where nobody is being evicted other than a fencing company.
I really think some people should have a good look at themselves and ask in the scheme of things is this going to turn my life upside down

I think not
Oxford wine cafe on Walton street is this morning already putting grills over its front windows, a perspex screen over the counter and turning itself into a fried chicken shop ready for 2026 when a football ground moves 0.8 of a mile nearer to it, they have to think of the new demographic when they will only be be 3.4 miles away.
Kip will be pleased, saves him going to KFC and he can annoy the locals 😀
See FOSB have now just put out a statement on their Twitter that they are glad Stratfield brake is off the table, well of course it is as that’s why the club have been trying for the triangle & abandoned the ‘Brake’ site. If they had listened & not chatted complete rubbish they would have known that SB was off the table & that what they were campaigning for wasn’t actually going to happen anyway.
Is there a canal boat service from Jericho to Kidlington. Electric boat of course.

Got to admit it’s a genuine concern.

The hundreds of 1980s football hooligans (and their f*****g offspring!) descending on gentrified Jericho and its delightful marina.
Just think of the mayhem they’ll cause on the canal network north of Kidlington.
Thrupp, Shipton on Cherwell, Lower Heyford, et al will all become no go hellholes on matchdays.

It’s a desperate situation we find ourselves in.
See FOSB have now just put out a statement on their Twitter that they are glad Stratfield brake is off the table, well of course it is as that’s why the club have been trying for the triangle & abandoned the ‘Brake’ site. If they had listened & not chatted complete rubbish they would have known that SB was off the table & that what they were campaigning for wasn’t actually going to happen anyway.

I trust that FOSB are now going to return all the money that was donated to stop the development at SB.
Got to admit it’s a genuine concern.

The hundreds of 1980s football hooligans (and their f*****g offspring!) descending on gentrified Jericho and its delightful marina.
Just think of the mayhem they’ll cause on the canal network north of Kidlington.
Thrupp, Shipton on Cherwell, Lower Heyford, et al will all become no go hellholes on matchdays.

It’s a desperate situation we find ourselves in.
Horrendous queues at the locks and water points
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