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General New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Land Deal

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I cannot believe we're having a conversation about Jericho!!
It is Town more or less .You can't park there, it's got traffic wardens as well. There is not a bus stop even in Jericho. Total nonsense, as for under 3 miles I don't think so. The only place sensible for a drink & whatever is George Street or the pub next to Oxford station. The Kidlington main bus stop is just round the corner from George Street out side the old Debenhams. Train station straight walk. Why go to Jericho??? It's a bit like parking in HEADINGTON, having a few sherbets in the Brit & Standard & what not ,then catching the bus to the K****m... I don't think so...💨👠💊
As @SirAndyOfCrosby pointed out If the majority of fans are going to be going by train from Oxford to Oxford Parkway Jericho is walking distance from Oxford station and thus a place for fans to gather and drink before a game

@nige01ox is right that a fall in property prices is not a valid reason for objection when it comes to planning considerations. which is why those who are concerned about a fall in the value of their property raise all those other grounds from parking to environment which are

To drink in Jericho before the game, unless you actually live there, requires you to do a lot of walking if you are going to use the train, you have to ignore all the much nearer pubs in town which no away fan will do and not many home fans. The pubs in Walton street, which strictly speaking isn’t even in Jericho, are all at the other end away from the station.
Good luck with parking around there as well, hardly anywhere to and traffic wardens are there regularly.
For someone who is for the new ground you don’t half make up a lot of problems.
This stadium conversations has revealed a lot about people’s views of the geography and topology of Oxford. Jericho is 3.2 mi from parkway, but also only 4.6 mi from kassam and I doubt people would consider Jericho local to kassam.
To be fair Jericho offers some good pubs and a short walk to the Banbury road and a good bus service to Kidlington.
But what are the arrangements going to be for home and away fans using the Rail station to get to Oxford Parkway - how will fans enter and leave Oxford Station, how are home and away fans going to be segregated
This is something that has been on my mind to be fair, but I was thinking going away from town. Imagine Oxford v West Brom (for example). You would have fans looking to go on the same route out of town. Then you hit Bicester where a lot will alight, with our Brummie friends then needing to cross Bicester to get to Bicester North to continue their journey. It will be an interesting logistical problem to solve.
Making sure that there is adequate cycle parking at the stadium will be important for Mr Middleton ;-) (to say nothing of the many green voters who also support the stadium.)

talking through the plans in detail from the carbon footprint to thinking through the options for fans getting to and from the stadium, where people will meet and drink beforehand, and showing that the club and the fan base are offering solutions rather than dismissing all the issues raised as being irrelevant - (or claiming that someone who lives in Jericho will be unaffected) are all signs that we are serious.

Lots to learn from other clubs. Bolton's stadium which is almost twice the size is close to Horwich Parkway

After more than two decades of being taken on a journey by Firoz Kassam to perhaps the worst new build stadium in the country its time that we think about how the new stadium can be a different in every way.
This is something that has been on my mind to be fair, but I was thinking going away from town. Imagine Oxford v West Brom (for example). You would have fans looking to go on the same route out of town. Then you hit Bicester where a lot will alight, with our Brummie friends then needing to cross Bicester to get to Bicester North to continue their journey. It will be an interesting logistical problem to solve.

But these logistical "problems" happen across the country for many events (not just football games) every week, the safest thing to do and most problem free is for everyone to just stay in their houses, but we tried that and the country will be paying that back for years to come and it was an utterly miserable experience.

No point having public transport if you then try and stop anything that requires public transport.
To be fair Jericho offers some good pubs and a short walk to the Banbury road and a good bus service to Kidlington.

Its not going to get hordes of fans out there though (although very few of the pubs are actually in Jericho, Walton street is in town all the way up to where it meets Walton Well and Kingston roads) most people will prefer using the train to the bus and are not going to want to walk there and back for a couple of pints.

If people local to those pubs choose to use them before the game so what, its their local. No wonder pubs struggle if people going in them is considered a crime, the pubs were there before the Nimbys moved in, its an area of Oxford people use for a night out so why shouldn't football fans use them as well?
To be fair Jericho offers some good pubs and a short walk to the Banbury road and a good bus service to Kidlington.

12-15 mins to banbury road then you’ve got the bus ride. It would be very minimal numbers. Go see how many oxford fans drink on the Cowley road or plain.

I grew up in Jericho. The pubs are great. No way would I even consider drinking there pre match though
12-15 mins to banbury road then you’ve got the bus ride. It would be very minimal numbers. Go see how many oxford fans drink on the Cowley road or plain.

I grew up in Jericho. The pubs are great. No way would I even consider drinking there pre match though

That's a good point about the Cowley Road, a similarish area within a similar distance. The only people who go down there before or after are people who likely have done so anyway.

I think arguments against are getting so spurious that the club trying to mitigate against every eventuality would be impossible, it's obviously a new tactic being thrown out there by the NIMBYs.

It's also not a bad thing if people do go out and enjoy themselves as well obviously, it creates jobs and wealth and increases the tax base, also people do have a right to do it.

if the best argument people have against something is that it will create wealth and bring life to areas then that is very much in our favour.
I shall be on my pushbike so I don’t care.
I have never driven a car in my life , so I'm pushbike or public transport. Anyhow I live in Kidlington so it's a nice stroll along the canal for me. As it is now , it's bus to town, in the four candles.Taxi or bus to the Blackbird. Then walk to ground, watch match . Then it's visa versa, sometimes via the Cowley road. So it's easy doable to do do.Espeacally with the train station. People have got to be prepared to sacrifice their luxury of a car .
Having grown up in Jericho until the age of 19 (moved away in 1991) there is absolutely NO way anyone will be walking to the Triangle from there!
I spent every school day waking to Bishop Kirk middle school in Summertown and that was a good 40min walk.
Like someone said it would be a near 1hr15 march.
To suggest fans would congregate in Jericho (no parking) is a spurious argument simply to whip up fear.
Summertown maybe. Cutteslowe possibly but come in Yellow Taxi I think you need to reconsider your case.
Having grown up in Jericho until the age of 19 (moved away in 1991) there is absolutely NO way anyone will be walking to the Triangle from there!
I spent every school day waking to Bishop Kirk middle school in Summertown and that was a good 40min walk.
Like someone said it would be a near 1hr15 march.
To suggest fans would congregate in Jericho (no parking) is a spurious argument simply to whip up fear.
Summertown maybe. Cutteslowe possibly but come in Yellow Taxi I think you need to reconsider your case.
Excatly!!! As well as pushbike,& public transport.I walk every where,& trust me that's a trek. You might get 1 in thousand maybe 😂😂
I ve never said that anyone would walk from Jericho to the stadium.

I said some people might meet there for a drink before getting a train from the station, or a bus up the Banbury Road

I’ve just logged on this morning and everyone is talking about Jericho and how the new stadium is going to negatively impact on the residents in that area. FFS!

Who comes up with this s**t? It’s scaremongering no nonsense.

I can only think someone is lashing out because the vote didn’t go the way they hoped on the 26th.

Desperate stuff.
I ve never said that anyone would walk from Jericho to the stadium.

I said some people might meet there for a drink before getting a train from the station, or a bus up the Banbury Road
Or they might meet in Woodstock, or Wolvercote or Oxford City centre! I just don’t follow.
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