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Transfer News January 2021/22 Transfer Window

Regarding Browne, he had an ACL injury.
Does anybody know how many players come back strongly from such an injury?

Having gone through an ACL reconstruction myself (twice), I think the biggest hurdle is the mental one. The surgery procedure itself has come on a lot in recent years, and I'm sure professional footballers get excellent aftercare/rehab. But from experience it takes a long time to build the confidence to go into 50/50 tackles or put yourself in a position where you're likely to get knocked off balance etc. Some players come back absolutely fine, but others are never quite the same.
People being stunned at glacial transfer machine being glacial shocker. It was ALWAYS going to be scraps on deadline day.
No, it’s probably a power turn, in other words players and their agents have to back down a bit, no faith you KFC
Would’ve been fine but for a botched knee op that ruined him. At one point he was told he would never be able to sprint again. Remarkable that he’s still getting a game and doing well at NL level given the severity of it all.

Top lad, Robbie Hall 💛
I thought he was a top lad until he blocked me on Twitter. Have searched every tweet I’ve written about him & still for the life of me don’t know why.

If you’re reading this Rob - I’m not angry, I’m just upset
Apparently 2 deals done, and hopefully 3 more to finalise. One of those we're looking at is under 21 so will not impact squad numbers. Of the deals to complete, 1 is looking good, and the other 2 positions have a few options for each. I've no idea when they'll be announced but would guess at 2 tomorrow and the rest on Monday. Crewe are one of 4 clubs looking at Dan so I'll be amazed if he doesn't leave. There have been a few offers for Sykes with one getting close to what we'd accept, but it'll depend if we can bring in a suitable replacement.

Big 72 hours ahead. 3 points at Gillingham and all this to come hopefully 😬
Its a big pile of P**s (frozen or otherwise) because I like us signing shiny new players and I also think we're in desperate need for cover all over the bloody park. I'm sure come Monday midnight we'll be ok but its just not great position I don't think.

We're supposed to be going for it this season but either something has clearly gone wrong with our acquisitions so far or we're not going for it (or at least not yet)

So its frustrating and puts pressure on the club
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