With Tigers stated intent to market Oxford United and Oxford, is it therefore not logical tin have the Kassam Stadium Road directional signs changed to Oxford United.
First the badge, now the signs.
First the badge, now the signs.
Lets have a whip round. I would contribute, just to destroy any vestige of that man's name. By the way, its"paid" not "payed".Depends who pays for it, I wouldn’t have thought Kassam paid for them originally, so if the council payed I can’t see them doing it again.
If you corected evry misteak on this forrum ud be a very bussy man.Lets have a whip round. I would contribute, just to destroy any vestige of that man's name. By the way, its"paid" not "payed".
If you corected evry misteak on this forrum ud be a very bussy man.
As much as we would all love to see the road signs changed, it's worth remembering the Kassam Stadium is a conference facility too, so I can't see our beloved landlord wanting any of the signs changed. (It's likely he paid for them too). A brown tourist sign for an A-road or dual carriageway costs £8K - £20K to design and install. And how many signs are on the approaches to Oxford? I'm guessing 8-10.
Well sayed!!Lets have a whip round. I would contribute, just to destroy any vestige of that man's name. By the way, its"paid" not "payed".
As much as we would all love to see the road signs changed, it's worth remembering the Kassam Stadium is a conference facility too, so I can't see our beloved landlord wanting any of the signs changed. (It's likely he paid for them too). A brown tourist sign for an A-road or dual carriageway costs £8K - £20K to design and install. And how many signs are on the approaches to Oxford? I'm guessing 8-10.
Strange, as I’d already spelt in right once, still it’s good to know the forum spelling police are about.Lets have a whip round. I would contribute, just to destroy any vestige of that man's name. By the way, its"paid" not "payed".
You are up early, Cass63. I do not "surface" til around 9 am , then its full english and coffee, Telegraph crossword, then out for a few bevvies.Strange, as I’d already spelt in right once, still it’s good to know the forum spelling police are about.
Some of of us have got to work?
"Some of of". Repetition?Some of of us have got to work?