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General New Stadium Plans - Stratfield Brake

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There is no way fans will choose the stadium design, different designs could have huge implications on cost, usability, sustainability etc. The owners and planning authorities will influence the design.

Fans however, could input to facilities that they would like to see in and around the stadium and the match day experience e.g. safe standing, supporters bars etc.
Just an idea, if they produce plans in line with any planing application then we as fans have a look.
It's not the ones with masses of wealth or amazing jobs you need to worry about.

In my opinion, it's the individuals who have lived there for a million years, woken up and found that they have a property of real value that they could not afford in today's housing market.

The stadium news could be seen by them as threat to their "wealth".
Well yes there is that as well and my sister in law’s Husband is an estate agent and they live in the cluster of houses that would be directly behind Stratfield Brake and he won’t want the valuation of his house reduced because of the new ground and he isn’t rich he’s an average jo of which there are many in Kidlington, and tbh apart from fans the others won’t want it but a planing inspector from the government will over rule the wishes of those that oppose so it will happen but not for a few years.
Different district council though so not sure they have much of an argument. Its about time OCC grew some and tell these nimbys that you only own your land not anything around it. Lots of stuff getting passed nowadays though 4.5k houses to the east of didcot which is actually vale of white horse council and the flyover through Appleford. Can't see why it won't get through especially when it's for the wider community.
Is this the same OCC who are a coalition made up of those who oppose new house builds
Is this the same OCC who are a coalition made up of those who oppose new house builds

Hardly oppose house plans. That's the district councils who try to and occ jump in and give it the green light. Obviously some housing shouldn't be built in some locations but it has to be built somewhere.
Hardly oppose house plans. That's the district councils who try to and occ jump in and give it the green light. Obviously some housing shouldn't be built in some locations but it has to be built somewhere.
Yes but the OCC is made up more with Libdems and they’ve opposed a lot of house builds in south Oxfordshire
Anyone got any ideas when & what the club will announce? Do we imagine they will have 3D renders/rough site plans to show?
Yes but the OCC is made up more with Libdems and they’ve opposed a lot of house builds in south Oxfordshire

Houses don't bring anything to the community though. Where as our plan will.
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