Transfer News January 2021/22 Transfer Window

Any comment on fitness in the release?
Says the following:
He will hopefully have a big part to play this season but he has signed a long-term deal and that’s what we are signing: an excellent football with his best years in front of him.”
So he's actually made of leather which is an interesting development.
Only a few weeks away from being fit enough for regular football too apparently which is alot better than expected
Knowing that Matty plays the saxophone could give us another option up front.
Says he's done all the rehab from the injury. He's ready to train but couldn;t play tomorrow. He needs to build up to match fitness and getting a few minutes here and there. So sounds like a couple of weeks minimum, if all goes well.
Browne only finally settled in the north east a few months ago. Moved a family member up with him and everything. I sense he’s someone who is never really sure what his best move is, going back to the last-minute move to Boro to begin with when he was all but signed here, then he comes back on loan again but doesn’t want anything more, then at Christmas it looked like he was coming back but suddenly said he wanted to stay up north, then he’s off to Charlton, then he’s back here again… he has been as temperamental off the pitch as he can be on it.

Hopefully he can get his head straight now that he’s signed somewhere he’s desperately wanted, and just focus on playing football rather than plotting out different moves for at least the next 18 months. If he can perform near the top of his game on a regular basis then everyone knows what he’s capable of.
Excellent work all round. Let's hope he gets up to speed quickly,
Whyte, Holland, Browne and Williams are serious options for wide players.👍🏽
Bodin, I would say he’s been much better than Whyte and Holland, and Williams. Really hitting form now, and up to speed. Serious options, that other clubs can only dream of.
winger... injury prone, former player... it had to be!

Hope to see him again at his best, what a goal he scored at Pompey away, bags of ability if we can keep him fit. COYY
Our official highest transfer fee was £475,000 for Dean Windass, although what we paid for Marvin Johnson likely exceeded that. I would think that the fee paid for Browne exceeded both.
Listening to the interview:

We have been unlucky on a substantial bid for someone else which shocked Karl Robinson (due to how much the board were willing to spend)

Also, he basically is in love with Marcus Browne, and the other players laugh about it apparently. Some of his comments about how he has a fire burning inside him were quite poetic…
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