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General New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Land Deal

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Can't read it due to the pay wall.

OCC said last week that this wasn't a public beauty parade of people interested in this site but a private matter between them and OUFC.

Who is the charity? Will be interesting to check for links between them and those opposed to the stadium.

This link gets round the paywall
Can't read it due to the pay wall.

OCC said last week that this wasn't a public beauty parade of people interested in this site but a private matter between them and OUFC.

Who is the charity? Will be interesting to check for links between them and those opposed to the stadium.
Woah, as if such things would happen.
Can't read it due to the pay wall.

OCC said last week that this wasn't a public beauty parade of people interested in this site but a private matter between them and OUFC.

Who is the charity? Will be interesting to check for links between them and those opposed to the stadium.
lets hope they keep to their word
The Friends of Stratfield Brake campaigners, who are opposed to the new stadium plans, called for the decision to be delayed so the alternative proposal could be given “due consideration.”

Quelle surpise - thought it was a green haven that must remain untouched?

Anything but football fans it seems.

Frustrating that the article doesn't name this mysterious charity.
I wonder who the founders of this mysterious charity might be???
An education charity, must be linked to spotting and identifying wildflowers and learning all about them?

Maybe they’d like to try for a small space at an alternative site instead, Stratfield Brake perhaps, plenty of room there!
The Harbold Road residents association?
many a true word spoken in jest .... ( I actually don't know - but would not be at all surprised if certain prominent opponents to the Stadium had an involvement ,one way or another, with the un named 'charity')
Anyone know whether this sort of information is documented anywhere? presumably any such proposal must be recorded. Unsure if this could be revealed using a FOI request?
No doubt they've waited until the last second to put the proposal in so that there's not enough time for us to validate the origins of the charity.

It does seem oddly convenient that the only organisation that has had any prior knowledge of this proposal, and have been allowed to voice an opinion on it in the OxMail article, is the very same organisation that is strongly opposed to the OUFC stadium. 🤔

It's a blatant last ditch desperate attempt to try to delay the proceedings. Let's just hope that OCC have the vision to see through this nonsense and not allow it to alter their views ahead of tomorrows decision.
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A charity with no name ummm 🤔🤔 pushing kids out on to waste land just like fosb said
Apparently the charity want the land to build Swedish Style huts.

The charity help children who struggle in mainstream education. Not sure how that links to the huts exactly!

FOSB want this to be given due consideration thus delaying the decision for OUFC. So some sort of a small factory or large workshop on the site will be fine, and sod the green belt, but nothing to do with football. Absolute hypocrits!
No doubt they've waited until the last second to put the proposal in so that there's not enough time for us to validate the origins of the charity.

It does seem oddly convenient that the only organisation that has had any prior knowledge of this proposal, and have been allowed to voice an opinion on it in the OxMail article, is the very same organisation that is strongly opposed to the OUFC stadium. 🤔

It's a blatant last ditch desperate attempt to try to delay the proceedings. Let's just hope that OCC have the vision to see through this nonsense and not allow it to alter their views ahead of tomorrows decision.
It absolutely stinks of yet more FoSB deceit.
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