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General New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Land Deal

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I've had some VERY interesting messages tonight! I need to validate this before sharing, but it potentially blows apart any notions of neutrality from our friend as well as exposing FoSB for who they really are!

Watch this space!!!
You little devil you 🥴
Can't say I've ever had that problem just my post going missing followed by a email saying your post has been removed for being public shaming 🤣🤣
Same. But now Nextdoor San Francisco's social care team are going through the posts and moderator behaviour as they're seeing odd patterns in threads going
Same. But now Nextdoor San Francisco's social care team are going through the posts and moderator behaviour as they're seeing odd patterns in threads going
Are they really shouldn't be to hard to see the odd pattern they have some plan worked out they probably message each other to report posts
Ok, here is the information that has come from different sources, some of which I am unable to verify.

I am moderating what I post for two reasons. Firstly, and more importantly, I do not want to do anything which jeopardises the outcome of Tuesdays meeting. And secondly, there are things which need addressing via the appropriate authorities and that will be directed through them.

No.1 There is absolutely a link between FoSB and Mr Middleton, and the Campbells have socialised with Mr Middleton on numerous occasions, including celebrating his recent election victory. These links are extended through Mr Campbell and Mr Middleton and a third party that I will not name on here due to their political position.

The links pre-date FoSB and they have been working together in this campaign from the outset. The belief is that Mr Middleton saw this as an opportunity to gain political standing in the hope that he could fight a GE as a Green MP with the support of local Lib Dems following boundary changes.

No.2 There are splits showing within FoSB and their campaign with certain individuals being really upset by the nature of the tweets from Mr Middleton. The problem for FoSB is that they have spent so long denying any link to IM that they are now in an impossible position of wanting to publicly distance themselves from his comments but can't without the truth coming out.

No.3 There are concerns about the amount of money this is costing with one prominent FoSB wanting to spend thousands of other people's money, which another is questioning this approach - especially as crowd funding is often covered by donations from older Kidlington residents. There are concerns that terrifying the elderly into funding a vanity project is a bad look. The bottom line is that the money has run out and they probably can't afford to keep going, which is why they are throwing so much s**t right now.

There are more specific details and things that I could add, but I don't have total confidence in the information being shared.
Well if he’s speaking for the County Councillors as a whole by saying YES they are more likely to get re elected.
Mrs Dodds of the Labour Party will have certainly increased her vote as will the Labour Councillors when they say YES
If this goes to planning the Conservatives who run Cherwell will increase their vote.

If he is talking about Kidlington wait and see, if house prices start to rise as expected they will thank the Councillor who voted YES
Ok, here is the information that has come from different sources, some of which I am unable to verify.

I am moderating what I post for two reasons. Firstly, and more importantly, I do not want to do anything which jeopardises the outcome of Tuesdays meeting. And secondly, there are things which need addressing via the appropriate authorities and that will be directed through them.


There are more specific details and things that I could add, but I don't have total confidence in the information being shared.
Great work.
Looking very much forward to seeing how this all plays out. Death throes hopefully.
Ok, here is the information that has come from different sources, some of which I am unable to verify.

I am moderating what I post for two reasons. Firstly, and more importantly, I do not want to do anything which jeopardises the outcome of Tuesdays meeting. And secondly, there are things which need addressing via the appropriate authorities and that will be directed through them.

No.1 There is absolutely a link between FoSB and Mr Middleton, and the Campbells have socialised with Mr Middleton on numerous occasions, including celebrating his recent election victory. These links are extended through Mr Campbell and Mr Middleton and a third party that I will not name on here due to their political position.

The links pre-date FoSB and they have been working together in this campaign from the outset. The belief is that Mr Middleton saw this as an opportunity to gain political standing in the hope that he could fight a GE as a Green MP with the support of local Lib Dems following boundary changes.

No.2 There are splits showing within FoSB and their campaign with certain individuals being really upset by the nature of the tweets from Mr Middleton. The problem for FoSB is that they have spent so long denying any link to IM that they are now in an impossible position of wanting to publicly distance themselves from his comments but can't without the truth coming out.

No.3 There are concerns about the amount of money this is costing with one prominent FoSB wanting to spend thousands of other people's money, which another is questioning this approach - especially as crowd funding is often covered by donations from older Kidlington residents. There are concerns that terrifying the elderly into funding a vanity project is a bad look. The bottom line is that the money has run out and they probably can't afford to keep going, which is why they are throwing so much s**t right now.

There are more specific details and things that I could add, but I don't have total confidence in the information being shared

Ok, here is the information that has come from different sources, some of which I am unable to verify.

I am moderating what I post for two reasons. Firstly, and more importantly, I do not want to do anything which jeopardises the outcome of Tuesdays meeting. And secondly, there are things which need addressing via the appropriate authorities and that will be directed through them.

No.1 There is absolutely a link between FoSB and Mr Middleton, and the Campbells have socialised with Mr Middleton on numerous occasions, including celebrating his recent election victory. These links are extended through Mr Campbell and Mr Middleton and a third party that I will not name on here due to their political position.

The links pre-date FoSB and they have been working together in this campaign from the outset. The belief is that Mr Middleton saw this as an opportunity to gain political standing in the hope that he could fight a GE as a Green MP with the support of local Lib Dems following boundary changes.

No.2 There are splits showing within FoSB and their campaign with certain individuals being really upset by the nature of the tweets from Mr Middleton. The problem for FoSB is that they have spent so long denying any link to IM that they are now in an impossible position of wanting to publicly distance themselves from his comments but can't without the truth coming out.

No.3 There are concerns about the amount of money this is costing with one prominent FoSB wanting to spend thousands of other people's money, which another is questioning this approach - especially as crowd funding is often covered by donations from older Kidlington residents. There are concerns that terrifying the elderly into funding a vanity project is a bad look. The bottom line is that the money has run out and they probably can't afford to keep going, which is why they are throwing so much s**t right now.

There are more specific details and things that I could add, but I don't have total confidence in the information being shared.
Interesting stuff obviously the first part they will deny as they have all the way through
Point 2 the others have gone very quiet on nextdoor it's been pretty much left to Ian on his own
Ok, here is the information that has come from different sources, some of which I am unable to verify.

I am moderating what I post for two reasons. Firstly, and more importantly, I do not want to do anything which jeopardises the outcome of Tuesdays meeting. And secondly, there are things which need addressing via the appropriate authorities and that will be directed through them.

No.1 There is absolutely a link between FoSB and Mr Middleton, and the Campbells have socialised with Mr Middleton on numerous occasions, including celebrating his recent election victory. These links are extended through Mr Campbell and Mr Middleton and a third party that I will not name on here due to their political position.

The links pre-date FoSB and they have been working together in this campaign from the outset. The belief is that Mr Middleton saw this as an opportunity to gain political standing in the hope that he could fight a GE as a Green MP with the support of local Lib Dems following boundary changes.

No.2 There are splits showing within FoSB and their campaign with certain individuals being really upset by the nature of the tweets from Mr Middleton. The problem for FoSB is that they have spent so long denying any link to IM that they are now in an impossible position of wanting to publicly distance themselves from his comments but can't without the truth coming out.

No.3 There are concerns about the amount of money this is costing with one prominent FoSB wanting to spend thousands of other people's money, which another is questioning this approach - especially as crowd funding is often covered by donations from older Kidlington residents. There are concerns that terrifying the elderly into funding a vanity project is a bad look. The bottom line is that the money has run out and they probably can't afford to keep going, which is why they are throwing so much s**t right now.

There are more specific details and things that I could add, but I don't have total confidence in the information being shared.
Now its out would it be of benefit to hide this for a select few as we know they are watching
Ok, here is the information that has come from different sources, some of which I am unable to verify.

I am moderating what I post for two reasons. Firstly, and more importantly, I do not want to do anything which jeopardises the outcome of Tuesdays meeting. And secondly, there are things which need addressing via the appropriate authorities and that will be directed through them.

No.1 There is absolutely a link between FoSB and Mr Middleton, and the Campbells have socialised with Mr Middleton on numerous occasions, including celebrating his recent election victory. These links are extended through Mr Campbell and Mr Middleton and a third party that I will not name on here due to their political position.

The links pre-date FoSB and they have been working together in this campaign from the outset. The belief is that Mr Middleton saw this as an opportunity to gain political standing in the hope that he could fight a GE as a Green MP with the support of local Lib Dems following boundary changes.

No.2 There are splits showing within FoSB and their campaign with certain individuals being really upset by the nature of the tweets from Mr Middleton. The problem for FoSB is that they have spent so long denying any link to IM that they are now in an impossible position of wanting to publicly distance themselves from his comments but can't without the truth coming out.

No.3 There are concerns about the amount of money this is costing with one prominent FoSB wanting to spend thousands of other people's money, which another is questioning this approach - especially as crowd funding is often covered by donations from older Kidlington residents. There are concerns that terrifying the elderly into funding a vanity project is a bad look. The bottom line is that the money has run out and they probably can't afford to keep going, which is why they are throwing so much s**t right now.

There are more specific details and things that I could add, but I don't have total confidence in the information being shared.

The tweets would kibosh any hopes IM has of becoming an MP (imagine his ego if he did become elected. Hi Ian 👋).

I wish I had the time but I need to find some of the Nextdoor comments where Ian and Victoria have said that there are no links between FOSB and Cllr Middleton. We all know there have been but he’s either denied it or stayed silent.

@Billyox - have you got any of those comments bookmarked?
Regarding their fundraising, it certainly seems to have slowed. When they put out their request for donations for an additional £1k to fund extra legal work related to their legal challenge on OCC, there was a flurry of small donations on their go fund me page but it then dried up to a trickle. To date they have raised £875 (from 31 supporters) of the £1k they asked for. They may have had donations through other routes, of course, but it’s hardly a deluge of money.

They make the point in the article that they will need much more in the future. Personally, if OUFC get a yes on Tuesday, they should look very carefully at whether or not it is responsible to continue to ask people to fund their group’s zealotry.
It's now clear that there's massive and overwhelming (silent) support for the stadium in Kidlington. They've acknowledged the potential issues, considered all of the evidence and can now see the enormous benefits for the wider community, the city and the county as this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity begins to take shape.
The silence from this support is deafening, they don't want to be canvassed, criticised and harassed by the nimbys and neigh sayers.

With some hope and a little trepidation, I think, 'we got this'!
Regarding their fundraising, it certainly seems to have slowed. When they put out their request for donations for an additional £1k to fund extra legal work related to their legal challenge on OCC, there was a flurry of small donations on their go fund me page but it then dried up to a trickle. To date they have raised £875 (from 31 supporters) of the £1k they asked for. They may have had donations through other routes, of course, but it’s hardly a deluge of money.

They make the point in the article that they will need much more in the future. Personally, if OUFC get a yes on Tuesday, they should look very carefully at whether or not it is responsible to continue to ask people to fund their group’s zealotry.

£1,000 will fund what 1.5 hours of lawyers time?
They need a huge amount more than that, and of course people can complain about things, but putting up a lot of your own money, when it is quite likely you will lose?
Ok, here is the information that has come from different sources, some of which I am unable to verify.

I am moderating what I post for two reasons. Firstly, and more importantly, I do not want to do anything which jeopardises the outcome of Tuesdays meeting. And secondly, there are things which need addressing via the appropriate authorities and that will be directed through them.

No.1 There is absolutely a link between FoSB and Mr Middleton, and the Campbells have socialised with Mr Middleton on numerous occasions, including celebrating his recent election victory. These links are extended through Mr Campbell and Mr Middleton and a third party that I will not name on here due to their political position.

The links pre-date FoSB and they have been working together in this campaign from the outset. The belief is that Mr Middleton saw this as an opportunity to gain political standing in the hope that he could fight a GE as a Green MP with the support of local Lib Dems following boundary changes.

No.2 There are splits showing within FoSB and their campaign with certain individuals being really upset by the nature of the tweets from Mr Middleton. The problem for FoSB is that they have spent so long denying any link to IM that they are now in an impossible position of wanting to publicly distance themselves from his comments but can't without the truth coming out.

No.3 There are concerns about the amount of money this is costing with one prominent FoSB wanting to spend thousands of other people's money, which another is questioning this approach - especially as crowd funding is often covered by donations from older Kidlington residents. There are concerns that terrifying the elderly into funding a vanity project is a bad look. The bottom line is that the money has run out and they probably can't afford to keep going, which is why they are throwing so much s**t right now.

There are more specific details and things that I could add, but I don't have total confidence in the information being shared.

Victoria Campbell, spokesperson of FoSB, stood as a Green Party candidate in the local elections earlier this year too as part of the Green Party's unsuccessful Trojan Horse tactic to get Kidlington residents elected to Cherwell District Council in other areas. One would assume the head of the local Green Party would've met and ratified candidates.

Kidlington/Cherwell Development Watch Chair, Linda Ward also stood as a Green candidate. Kidlington/Cherwell Development Watch are against the stadium too and are still listed as FoSB's single biggest donor on their GoFundMe page.
The tweets would kibosh any hopes IM has of becoming an MP (imagine his ego if he did become elected. Hi Ian 👋).

I wish I had the time but I need to find some of the Nextdoor comments where Ian and Victoria have said that there are no links between FOSB and Cllr Middleton. We all know there have been but he’s either denied it or stayed silent.

@Billyox - have you got any of those comments bookmarked?
Yes I have a few screenshots on phone possible more on work laptop
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