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Transfer News Summer Transfer Window 23/24 Build up

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I am heavily managing my expectations at this point, despite knowing what is needed to progress. I can envisage mid-table everything next year...squad, budget, results and table position.
Think you’re right. Mid to high mid-table is a realistic hope. And a good cup run.
But at least this year we’ll enjoy the away trips again without having the plonker coming onto the pitch before the match to milk the applause. (Why did he get any?!)
And I won’t have to switch off Radio Oxford’s report half way through.
Any evidence of this?
Let's see what happens. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to shout huzzah!
But, where are the owners? Why hide away from us when in the country? Where is the rallying call from the CEO, the Chairman? Where is the "exciting times ahead" speech?
Call me cynical but after the season just experienced, I would have expected a more public leadership.
Any evidence of this?
Yes where have you read this ? They admitted it was a terrible couple of transfer windows ,there will certainly be more players moving out and much better ones coming in .They want to be near the top of the table
I’m sure when Mr Manning was interviewed one of his questions will have been, ifI keep them up how much budget will I have and if we get relegated how much will it be .
If they said we have 20 professionals some of whom are on stupid contracts and crocs and the remainder are youth players but we deem them professionals and that’s what you have to work with do we think think Mr Manning would have taken the job. Or maybe others were offered the job on those terms and turned it down.
Guess we will have to wait and see but I’ve heard nothing from Williams or Ferguson other than they say it will be a competitive budget
You are still missing the point.
Our budget is not an endless pot of money.
Please read this carefully and try and understand.

You have a squad of players, you have a budget of x amount
You pay Baldock off with 150/200 k we are now down that amount on the budget so we can’t spend it on extra players.

Is that clear enough
To be honest, I don't think it matters either way, we either pay him off, and then we're down by that amount in the budget, and a player down, or we let him stay and keep paying him for not playing, and we're still down by that amount in the budget, and a player down.

At least if we get rid of him, he won't be taking up any space in the treatment room any more!
Let's see what happens. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to shout huzzah!
But, where are the owners? Why hide away from us when in the country? Where is the rallying call from the CEO, the Chairman? Where is the "exciting times ahead" speech?
Call me cynical but after the season just experienced, I would have expected a more public leadership.

Yeah I agree, but having supported the manager last summer with a sizeable budget for the league I don’t see why it won’t be the same again, and I think we all know that there is a lot of deadwood that needs shifting?
Yeah I agree, but having supported the manager last summer with a sizeable budget for the league I don’t see why it won’t be the same again, and I think we all know that there is a lot of deadwood that needs shifting?
It's the shifting part that is a worry. There are, thanks to you know who, some ridiculous contracts in place and, some silly money wages.
All this talk of budget, paying off player's contracts etc. it all comes to nothing when the CEO and Chairman are telling their employers that the squad already has 20 pro's on the books and we don't need to do much (if any) recruiting.
It's almost as if we have gone from a head coach (KR) running the whole show to Manning having no say whatsoever. The recruitment team (the much lauded by the chuckle brothers, team) has to work with chains holding them back.
If the owners are still serious about top 30 (which looks to be becoming a big joke) then they need to unshackle the recruitment, listen to the advice from those who know what they are talking about and, accept that through their ignoring all the signs, things are going to cost money to put right.

If what they want is far less than that, then we are really in the brown stuff.

Now is the time for a real Fans Forum with owners present.
Manning I would think will have plenty of say ( he has said as much)
Ryan suggested that we are looking at 4 wing backs directly starters.
Not sure we should be too worried at the moment. Let's wait and see. Manning comments have been pretty good to date
It's the shifting part that is a worry. There are, thanks to you know who, some ridiculous contracts in place and, some silly money wages.

Yes, but I don’t think we can blame the board for saying that they aren’t going to hand over the chequebook until some of those assets are cleared? At least I hope they wouldn’t do that. It may not be Manning’s fault but this is what he signed up for, and we need to cut our cloth accordingly
Makes me wonder why people worry about getting mortgages when they could just pay for the house up front and not spend their wages on monthly repayments

What’s the benefit to us?
From a pure budgeting, "how much money do we have to ask Bakrie for this year" perspective, it's true that it makes no difference if we pay Baldock off, or have him sitting around on the bench doing some coaching.

But from a Salary Cost Management Protocol perspective, I actually think it's better that he stays.
If we pay him off, that will be deemed as football expenses, and would count against the 60% of revenues that we're allowed to spend.
If however he stays, but is deemed as medically unable to play next season, I think we can exclude his salary from our SCMP budget, can't we?
On the other hand Baldock may settle for less if offered a lump sum to go.

Every sympathy with the chap but I don’t think it’s a great look for the club to have an ex-player registered as a player.

Make a break with the Robbo era and pay him off.
Yes of course, that’s why he didn’t play him from the start after joining as manager. Henry’s only appearance was on 11th March when LM just joined, as he was subbed and didn’t play again.
Last game was against Derby under Short, he then pulled his hamstring and had to come off, which put him out for the rest of the season.
I am heavily managing my expectations at this point, despite knowing what is needed to progress. I can envisage mid-table everything next year...squad, budget, results and table position.
Given that we it will be next summer before we can shift the likes of Baldock, Henry, Wildschutt, Murphy, Bodin off the payroll (on the assumption that we can't beforehand), we may find that Manning can't fully do what he wants until then and perhaps this season is another 'transition' one
I am heavily managing my expectations at this point, despite knowing what is needed to progress. I can envisage mid-table everything next year...squad, budget, results and table position.

How will we have a mid-table budget with Brannagan and Murphy on the books? Are we going to fill the rest of the squad with volunteers?
Agree. We should wave Baldock goodbye and thanks for, er, not a lot in all honesty.
I agree it would be good to get him off the playing staff books.

The question is 'how do you do that'?

He has a contract for another year, so the options are
a) get another team to take him permanently - but nobody will, because he is knackered
b) loan him to another team - but nobody will have him: see a) above
c) pay him off - expensive, because he isn't going to just 'retire' when he has a year's money due and we couldn't insure him
d) give him another role within the club but don't register him as a player for this season - also expensive, but at least we might get *some* value out of him depending on where we can use him.

I can't think of any other way?
Given that we it will be next summer before we can shift the likes of Baldock, Henry, Wildschutt, Murphy, Bodin off the payroll (on the assumption that we can't beforehand), we may find that Manning can't fully do what he wants until then and perhaps this season is another 'transition' one

Bodin is a good member of the squad and he played plenty throughout the season. Murphy, if Manning can get him playing as he did at the end of this season, then we'll have a good player on our hands.

Likewise, if Henry can get fit then we'll have a good member of the squad but I think he'll go as said previously.
Bodin is a good member of the squad and he played plenty throughout the season. Murphy, if Manning can get him playing as he did at the end of this season, then we'll have a good player on our hands.

Likewise, if Henry can get fit then we'll have a good member of the squad but I think he'll go as said previously.
I think work has to be done freeing up money/ space with more contracted players like:
Stevens / Eastwood or both
Findlay I would sell
Henry maybe - he’s not been at his best for 2/3 seasons

Where have we heard this before?

Hopefully not groundhog day!

I feels totally different to the previous windows. I’m confident Manning can bring players in early, then look at loans to bolster the squad just before or during pre season.
I am heavily managing my expectations at this point, despite knowing what is needed to progress. I can envisage mid-table everything next year...squad, budget, results and table position.
Any organisation’s success is pretty much limited by the people running the show. The Chairman and CEO have shown no evidence for us to expect anything other than mediocrity, despite the people’s efforts working below them, unfortunately
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