Obviously this is refering to the Satori/SD/Charlie deal. But what we have to remember is that Charlie admitted that they were looking to get a ood deal and valued the club far lower that DE did. Also that SD had stated that the cost of buying the Kassam and then making it fit for purchase was beyond any reasonable investment, and that the only sustainable option was to move away. However, this also involved doing a deal with FK to benefit from the Kassam being turned into housing, something that was far from certain, and developing Water Eaton, which transpires was also highly unlikely.
So although SD has been very supportive of our club for many years, and it would be amazing to have a real fan running our club, there were no certainties that we would have been anywhere further forward than we are now. In fact, it is possible that we would not have had the same level of investment in the academy and under 23's that we've seen, or had the level of player recruitment (even if this hasn't been spent well by KR).
So whilst you are right to say there was other interest, without this matching DE's valuation, this was maybe unrealistic. Tiger, for all his faults, and there are plenty, has stumped up the cash to buy the club, to invest in the club, and EVENTUALLY, cover the expenses of the club.