New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

If it is shown that the LibDems colluded with the Greens, or independently, to deliberately delay any part of the stadium process which resulted in damaging or worse killing the football club then there will be a significant number of Oxfordshire folk and their children who will never forget or forgive them.

Football supporters have a long memory, any betrayal will passed down to the next generation.
Not the only time an alliance like this has failed either.
This is my highlight from that article:

It seems Labour would rather allow a minority of 20 Conservatives to stay in control of the council than accept one Green on the executive.

I think we can all understand Labours logic in reaching this decision when Middleton was the Green Group Leader.
Derby or Notts County and the other city team, of course, represents a forest. Not as widespread as Burton as they represent the whole of Albion.
(Apart from the bits currently controlled by Brighton and Stirling).
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