New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

Keeps saying "an error has occurred" when I click the link. How apt.

So we have a plethora of NIMBY groups all saying the same and all linked. Now we have a growing number of nature groups/claims all represented it appears by one person.

Considering it is basically Judith Webb behind all of FoSB's 'independent' nature claims then this one or the FoSB nature claims should be disregarded?
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How many do they want. I've got a large pond full of great-crested newts in my back garden. 5 pound per beast plus packing and transport. Oh plus import duty (bloody brexit)
My cat caught one last week, got loads in next doors pond!
its said that the short lived Labour/LiB Dem/ Green 'alliance' on Oxon CC fell apart solely because of his dogmatic failure to compromise
The 'Progressive Alliance' gas gone. Next week the Lib Dems are standing candidates against the Greens in all seats.
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