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New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

With the overwhelming number of supportive comments, I was wondering what is the record number of comments for a planning application in CDC or indeed Oxfordshire?
Would imagine it may be similar in numbers to Ardley incinerator? What other big projects have happened that have either been contentious or well supported?
Maybe I'm being naïve, but I just cannot see the planning committee rejecting such a once in a lifetime opportunity for the families and youth of CDC (and wider Oxfordshire) for fear of upsetting a handful of NIMBY's.
You're not being naive, planning approval has some very strict guidelines which is exactly why I'm so confident that it will go through, and that's not me being complacent at all

  • Community benefit is clear, financial support for sports facilities and local amenities such as health centre, not to mention the community projects already undertaken by OUFC.
  • Economic benefit in new jobs both during and after construction as well as an influx of supporters spending money in the local enconomy.
  • Natural environment neutral (as a minimum) if not enhaced

Suggestion of pissing in peoples gardens and football fans swarming Sainsburys are just laughable and have zero impact on planning. If that is the best they have, leave them to it I say.
You're not being naive, planning approval has some very strict guidelines which is exactly why I'm so confident that it will go through, and that's not me being complacent at all

  • Community benefit is clear, financial support for sports facilities and local amenities such as health centre, not to mention the community projects already performed undertaken by OUFC.
  • Economic benefit in new jobs both during and after construction as well as an influx of supporters spending money in the local enconomy.
  • Natural environment neutral (as a minimum) if not enhaced

Suggestion of pissing in peoples gardens and football fans swarming Sainsburys are just laughable and have zero impact on planning. If that is the best they have, leave them to it I say.
To be fair I do swarm Sainsbury's heyford hill on a Tuesday night game when im going from work 🤣🤣
Ive been know to swarm Sainsbury's in search of an affordable meal deal. Don't P**s in anyone's gardens unless I am attending a football match the same day though.
Of course only if your attending a football match any other time on a Saturday night after a night on the lash I make sure I find a toilet
Jokes aside, surely a multi million pound business like Sainsburys will want up to 16,000 or so extra customers on Saturdays? It's not a corner shop. It's a supermarket.

Extra customers = extra profits. Keeps the people employed at that branch of Sainsbury's in a more stable position at a profitable store and means the good people of Kidlington won't lose their local supermarket.
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Jokes aside, surely a multi million pound business like Sainsburys will want up to 16,000 or so extra customers on Saturdays? It's not a corner shop. It's a supermarket.

Extra customers = extra profits. Keeps the people employed at that branch of Sainsbury's in a more stable position at a profitable store and means the good people of Kidlington won't lose their local supermarket.
What football supporters are going to drive to Sainsbury's only has 3 hour parking limit anyway then drive back to either Oxford park way or peartree your park first then if you want to go to Sainsbury's walk up there
Yet another LibDem election leaflet dropped today. Interesting to read the bit re the road closure. A bit misleading to say the least.

Local Lib Dems: Working hard and keeping in touch Football Stadium: Club must deliver on ALL their promises

A proposal from Oxford United Football Club (OUFC) that they. want to close Oxford Road every match day has been met with strong opposition locally.

  • The County Council has set very clear conditions that the club must meet before any stadium plan can go ahead," says Lib Dem Clir Calum Miller. "These were based on promises made by the club."
  • That includes the promise of an adequate pedestrian bridge
    between the proposed site and Oxford Parkway

"The County Council has set very clear conditions that the club must meet before any plan can go ahead," says Calum.

station. There should therefore be no need for routine road closures."

Calum Miller, Layla Moran MP and local Lib Dem councillors are clear that OUFC must meet ALL the conditions set out by the County Council.

Layla Moran MP met local councillors to hear the conc of many local residents abo the stadium proposal.
Yet another LibDem election leaflet dropped today. Interesting to read the bit re the road closure. A bit misleading to say the least.

Local Lib Dems: Working hard and keeping in touch Football Stadium: Club must deliver on ALL their promises

A proposal from Oxford United Football Club (OUFC) that they. want to close Oxford Road every match day has been met with strong opposition locally.

  • The County Council has set very clear conditions that the club must meet before any stadium plan can go ahead," says Lib Dem Clir Calum Miller. "These were based on promises made by the club."
  • That includes the promise of an adequate pedestrian bridge
    between the proposed site and Oxford Parkway

"The County Council has set very clear conditions that the club must meet before any plan can go ahead," says Calum.

station. There should therefore be no need for routine road closures."

Calum Miller, Layla Moran MP and local Lib Dem councillors are clear that OUFC must meet ALL the conditions set out by the County Council.

Layla Moran MP met local councillors to hear the conc of many local residents abo the stadium proposal.
Aren't the club doing all that anyway? Don't quite understand the point the Lib Dems are trying to make here.

No need for yet more finger wagging Miller. As for Moran, not heard a peep from her regarding the stadium?
Yet another LibDem election leaflet dropped today. Interesting to read the bit re the road closure. A bit misleading to say the least.

Local Lib Dems: Working hard and keeping in touch Football Stadium: Club must deliver on ALL their promises

A proposal from Oxford United Football Club (OUFC) that they. want to close Oxford Road every match day has been met with strong opposition locally.

  • The County Council has set very clear conditions that the club must meet before any stadium plan can go ahead," says Lib Dem Clir Calum Miller. "These were based on promises made by the club."
  • That includes the promise of an adequate pedestrian bridge
    between the proposed site and Oxford Parkway

"The County Council has set very clear conditions that the club must meet before any plan can go ahead," says Calum.

station. There should therefore be no need for routine road closures."

Calum Miller, Layla Moran MP and local Lib Dem councillors are clear that OUFC must meet ALL the conditions set out by the County Council.

Layla Moran MP met local councillors to hear the conc of many local residents abo the stadium proposal.
Has councillor Miller- with aspirations to be Lib Dem MP for the new Parliamentary seat bothered to look at the ratio of support to opposition the stadium has, from potential voters where he hopes to represent, on the CDC planning portal?
Has councillor Miller- with aspirations to be Lib Dem MP for the new Parliamentary seat bothered to look at the ratio of support to opposition the stadium has, from potential voters where he hopes to represent, on the CDC planning portal?
He certainly isn't going to get elected on the NIMBY vote, that's for sure.
Is the NIMBY vote even that big? Because judging by the planning portal, it's a fraction of people who are supporting the stadium.

The Parish Poll, despite its many faults, might well be the bellwether for this. Two in 10 oppose the stadium and will actively do something about it, one in 10 support it and will actively do something to about it, seven in 10 - even if they support or oppose it – won’t bother. I’ve heard some anti-stadium sentiment on Nextdoor that appears to be accepted resignation that the stadium will occur because everything else gets the green tick. There may well be more opposition out there but they’re not willing to do much or anything in order to prevent it. Complainers and keyboard warriors who do nothing are no danger.

That said, local elections can be a means of showing actual local opinion to this. In a rare moment in my life where the Tories would be preferable, they’re in a hasty retreat. Labour would be good but LDs and Greens are the kind who seem less kind on the idea. With CDC seats up for grabs, it could be an irritating delay on getting the planning through.

Yet another LibDem election leaflet dropped today. Interesting to read the bit re the road closure. A bit misleading to say the least.

Local Lib Dems: Working hard and keeping in touch Football Stadium: Club must deliver on ALL their promises

A proposal from Oxford United Football Club (OUFC) that they. want to close Oxford Road every match day has been met with strong opposition locally.

  • The County Council has set very clear conditions that the club must meet before any stadium plan can go ahead," says Lib Dem Clir Calum Miller. "These were based on promises made by the club."
  • That includes the promise of an adequate pedestrian bridge
    between the proposed site and Oxford Parkway

"The County Council has set very clear conditions that the club must meet before any plan can go ahead," says Calum.

station. There should therefore be no need for routine road closures."

Calum Miller, Layla Moran MP and local Lib Dem councillors are clear that OUFC must meet ALL the conditions set out by the County Council.

Layla Moran MP met local councillors to hear the conc of many local residents abo the stadium proposal.

The local Lib Dems are basically Gareth Keenan from 'The Office' - they think they wield some kind of power and can tell people what to do but really they're Assistant (to the) Regional Manager. OUFC have put in a separate application for a bridge to avoid road closures. It's all out there in the open.

I'll probably get my milk given to me last now by Calum Miller - so it's warm ...
The leaflet is I feel misleading as it gives the impression that the Oxford Road will be closed on match days. This is misleading as there will be a possibility of time limited redirecting of some traffic along frieze way.
Which is why Layla Moran has kept quiet, she knows objecting to such investment would be political suicide, but also doesn't want to lose the NIMBY vote
She is probably reluctant also to have any involvement in the demise of a great football club.
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