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New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

I love the steps down from the street. I can imagine walking down those on a big cup night under the lights.

Yes, agree.

Only the top half of the stadium will be visible from Oxford Road and only until the trees mature (it is possibleto move in fully grown trees these days). It'll blend into its surroundings superbly. A far cry from this nonsensical misinformation that was circulated by FOSB:

The key part was 'routine road closures', which was addressed in the documentation wasn't it? Only potential closures for sell-out crowds. That isn't a 'routine closure'.
Given himself a nice little out there with the word ‘routine’, let’s face it, this will have been discussed behind closed doors, there’s no way the wording in the planning and from councillors is a coincidence, OCC know it would be bonkers to reject this sort of investment, so if CDC pass planning, I’m pretty confident the lease will go through at county level.
Can’t see it. The plans clearly state that diversions will be in place so traffic flow down the Oxford Road will be disrupted, exactly the thing that OCC have stated multiple times won’t be acceptable.

CDC may pass planning permission on the submitted plans, but it’s worthless without a lease for the land from OCC.

The planning application for the bridge is vital for the success of the overall scheme.
Exactly this @LeftSideLarry

All talk of getting around this issue without a bridge(or tunnel)is pie in the sky.

The quicker we realise that the only way to get the lease approved is having a bridge(or tunnel) is the only way this is going ahead.
All talk of it’s not up to us, is irrelevant ,too many councillors have said that the bridge needs to happen.

I feel that if a planning application for a bridge goes in a lot of the people in Kidlington will be on board again as they were when the plans were first shown. They only starting complaining again when they learnt that there was no bridge and road closures would happen
A friend has emailed me and others the “New Stadium Development Project Executive Summary” to have a look at. It took me well under a minute to spot the first misprint, and I found several others before I gave up reading.

Very amateurish. Who at the club is given the job of checking this stuff?
Anything positive about the 3500 pages?
@admin can you pin the post with the link to the actual plans on this thread please? or make it sticky
Plans Here


View OxVox writing notes HERE.
View OUSP writing notes HERE.

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I wonder if this might be a helpful detail (assuming Firoka play ball), should the stadium receive planning but need a few extra months for construction completion:

"There is a restrictive covenant that was put in place by Oxford City Council when the land was first released under the terms of a Development Agreement to construct the Kassam Stadium. This requires the site to be used primarily for football until 14th October 2026. This does not provide any right for Oxford United to use the Stadium, only that football is required to be a primary use at the site until 14th October 2026."
I'm way behind on my stadium reading.

Can someone confirm what the deal is with road closures? Last I heard it was a potential deal breaker and no road closures could happen. Reading this it seems some closures have now been included in the planning application?
I wonder if this might be a helpful detail (assuming Firoka play ball), should the stadium receive planning but need a few extra months for construction completion:

"There is a restrictive covenant that was put in place by Oxford City Council when the land was first released under the terms of a Development Agreement to construct the Kassam Stadium. This requires the site to be used primarily for football until 14th October 2026. This does not provide any right for Oxford United to use the Stadium, only that football is required to be a primary use at the site until 14th October 2026."
This has been mentioned a few times now and it may, indeed, be a help. Also worth noting, there is an issue with drainage on the Kassam site. The recent flooded area by F&B's and other spots will need investigating and may prove a hindrance to development in the immediate future. I would also hope that the archaeological folks would want to revisit the Priory site before it mysteriously falls down and vanishes!
Eurgh I'm not convinced with "secure 150 bikes"

Can't please everyone. It does seem unfashionable to be positive about OUFC currently.

It's the bike owners responsibility to secure their bikes isn't it? Much like every car park has a sign saying 'park at your own risk'.

I believe there are those lockable cabinet type bike storage things at Parkway should people prefer.

I'd be more worried about my bike at the Kassam than The Triangle, we're moving to a mich nicer area and I'm certain the entire stadium site will be covered by CCTV, pretty much everywhere is now.
As I've got no dots to count at the moment, I counted the number of toilets at the new stadium, as someone mentioned that there seemed to be a lot.

Wow, is all I can say! There are approximately 650 individual cubicles or urinals. To put that into perspective it is normal to provide one per 100/150 spectators, so we are providing enough for between 65,000 and 97,500 people! Furthermore, it seems as if just over half of these are female toilets. I know we're supposed to be all about equality, but this seems extreme when taking into account the smaller number of females that attend matches.

On another level, I looked at the square meterage that these toilets take up verses the square meterage of the food concessions, and its well over double the area and in some parts of the stadium three times the area. I really think we've got this part of the design wrong.
Can't please everyone. It does seem unfashionable to be positive about OUFC currently.

It's the bike owners responsibility to secure their bikes isn't it? Much like every car park has a sign saying 'park at your own risk'.

I believe there are those lockable cabinet type bike storage things at Parkway should people prefer.

I'd be more worried about my bike at the Kassam than The Triangle, we're moving to a mich nicer area and I'm certain the entire stadium site will be covered by CCTV, pretty much everywhere is now.

Oh I don’t know, North Oxford is full of deviants these days, plus it will only be a stones throw from the hellholes of Jericho, Yarnton and Tackley.

Ideal for a football stadium really.
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