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New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

They portray Kassam as a British businessman as well to show up our foreign owners for being, well foreign, but they can spend as many days in the country as he can as he is tax exile.
Also, he's a Conservative party donor. Funny how a certain "Green Councillor" is happy to drop his political morals to get chummy with a Tory to stop the stadium
That article from the OM truly is ludicrous. As others have pointed out, it contains no details whatsoever.

FoSB: "Firoka, would you allow Oxford to continue playing at the Kassam Stadium if they paid £5m a year for the privilege?"

Firoka: "Um - yes...obviously"

FoSB: "There you have it folks, OUFC can stay at the Kassam! OCC are corrupt. Don't trust foreigners"

Firoz Kassam cares about two things: money and Firoz Kassam. He'll do/say anything that a) makes him money or b) makes him look good.

I couldn't give less of a s**t about FoSB, but the OM have, as far as I'm concerned, destroyed any relationship it had with the club and fans.
I’d actually like the club to ban them from the ground and training ground at this point.
The only story’s they write are copied from official club interviews or rumours off this forum.
They no longer do any of their own stories and if they do it’s anti stadium stories.
Also, he's a Conservative party donor. Funny how a certain "Green Councillor" is happy to drop his political morals to get chummy with a Tory to stop the stadium

Can't see I have ever seen slum landlord Firoz Kassam as particularly Environmentally friendly either, but then neither is the "Green" councillor with his diamond business, two properties etc.
Can't see I have ever seen slum landlord Firoz Kassam as particularly Environmentally friendly either, but then neither is the "Green" councillor with his diamond business, two properties etc.
Don't forget driving to council meetings!
Can't see I have ever seen slum landlord Firoz Kassam as particularly Environmentally friendly either, but then neither is the "Green" councillor with his diamond business, two properties etc.
nor are the other so called green councillors ( Parish and District) in the Kidlington area
I had a browse of the OM to see what else they had said about The Triangle that may have escaped our attention.

It's a great clickbait template - listicle, local and with 'controversial' in the title is bound to get people talking. And look who pops up in the comments 👀.

The report on the position on the stadium is rather confused. Approval of the project isn't just down to Cherwell, there's also requirements from the county Council that still need to be met.

It would also have been useful to give full context on the position on the recent engagement report. There was a slim majority of respondents in favour but that took in responses from across the entire world. If you look at figures closer to home and particularly in the area where this is being proposed, there a very significant majority who are opposed to it. This has been born out through multiple surveys, consultations and a parish poll.

As a local media source I'd have expected the local context to have been made clearer.

At last, Councillor. Something we can agree on!
Say Kassam said he wouldn't allow us to extend the lease, then has a change of heart and says we can stay, what is to stop him doing another u turn and not allowing us to stay? How is that viable for the club? Its not as if Kassam hasn't had interest to buy the ground over the years, had people from outside the club looking at doing that ten years ago but it fell through because he changed his mind.
Excellent point, could it be viewed that his unreliable nature is means for OUFC to be granted 'exceptional circumstances' regarding building on green belt, since staying in bed with Kassam is ultimately too risky?
Politicians always seem to be twisting conniving conmen who think of their constituents after themselves
This article is apparently based on that email that FOSB secured via a FOI request back midway through last year.

My 10pence

Kassam isnt going to chuck Oxford United out in the short term. If we need an extension and we pay the rent we can stay, if not its a year at Stadium MK for us.

Kassam and Firoka are planning and intending to put houses on the Kassam site (in the next 2-10 years)

The FOSB do not know Kassam at all and are playing a very dangerous game including him in their PRs

The Oxford Mail just want clicks. If you REALLY want to hurt them, start emailing, Tweeting or calling their local advertisers. tell them due to the Mail's stance and their association via advertising, that you wont be using their services. That's the kind of thing that the Mail really wont like.

Message Mr Tait too, not in an insulting or threatening way but genuinely critical of the appalling journalism way

Most of all, don't panic. This is not a thing. Its a PR attempt by the FOSB.
Today's episode of FoSB stretching the truth as far as possible


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Fosb for the past 2 years have been asking why can't Oufc stay at the kassam but it's taken them till this weekend to ask the question I wonder why? maybe because they got caught out and those who say they are members called them out on there grant application and now they are desperately trying to save face
Why have I got this feeling that we are acting like sheep, accused of being silly by asking questions?blindly holding a hand that's taking us down a blind alleyway, I do want to know the full facts as much as possible regarding club ambition not only with the team but stadium too,,infact OUFC in total.
Its almost a year ago that young Harry Hall made his very good speech at the meeting, we were told 'time isn't on our side" we need to get on with it.
Well that clock is still ticking and we still know very little, we were promised open and honest communication, its not difficult to slay these rumours unless they are true.
Im stocking up on tennis balls just incase.
Why have I got this feeling that we are acting like sheep, accused of being silly by asking questions?blindly holding a hand that's taking us down a blind alleyway, I do want to know the full facts as much as possible regarding club ambition not only with the team but stadium too,,infact OUFC in total.
Its almost a year ago that young Harry Hall made his very good speech at the meeting, we were told 'time isn't on our side" we need to get on with it.
Well that clock is still ticking and we still know very little, we were promised open and honest communication, its not difficult to slay these rumours unless they are true.
Im stocking up on tennis balls just incase.
Did you miss the latest update last week from the club?
The planning is delayed slightly due to issues around road closures but hope to have planning submitted within the next few weeks. This is down to making sure every box is ticked in regards to what the council are asking of them.

The club could be a lot more vocal on a lot of matters around the club but with the stadium I do believe they are managing the situation well.
Point taken Steve, it's part of being a long long time OUFC fan. I struggle to believe anything till it happens.

Im not sure the club are being totally transparent regarding the stadium to be honest, apart from a flyover clip online, what do we know? I was told at the hotel meeting t the holiday Inn there was going to be a model of the proposed ground for us to mull everywhere is it?.
So my point being if the clock is indeed clicking ,get on with it and keep us updated as much as possible.
the rumour mill is going mad out here , why has Niall Mcwilliams not spoken? he is after all the ,man dealing with stadium issue? so are the rumours that he isn't happy with his superiors and looking to get out true?
Why do the new owners remain silent?

Hence why I feel like we are holding hands down a blind alley to no where?
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