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General Jan transfer window

Has the deal been done?
If it has I'm honestly not shocked we need cash just like most teams in league one. It's no good moaning unless you want to put in the money.
Both players on their day are game winners. But also are the type who can leave you playing with 10 men. 3 million with add ons is about it.
The thing is though and everyone seems to forget this is that if he misses 12 months plus of the next 2 years like the previous 2 or worse( which hopefully he won’t) he won’t be worth much which IF the fee is 2.25 million might reflect this. Also if Thorne could stay fit??we would have a great replacement.
If my Auntie had balls etc
To provide a reference point, KR suggested the money was a lot more than the reports of £3 million for both yesterday.
Jake Wright??? NO NO NO NO NO NO gotta be avin a larf??? hopefully just a rumour
We seriously have to consider what has happened with this deal.

Just over 2mill for your 21yo with 3 years on his contract...plus the highest ceiling of all players at the club.

Whoever signed off this deal has had a mare...it just strengthens our need for an Ashton type. I think we all accept players will leave, that’s fine...but get a fair price for them
Why do you not trust the club?
Why do you believe tittle tattle?
I think it’s whilst the club are under Tiger’s financial purse strings, hence these transfer funds helping to keep the club going.

When and if the new stadium project gets the go ahead will be when the REAL money men get involved. Just my guess!

When and if ?????
That Marvin Johnson was sold for more money than either Gavin Whyte or Shandon Baptiste, despite being not only not as good as either of them but a solid 5 years older to boot, is a bit rubbish. You get absolutely nothing at Championship level for £2m odd, let alone higher. Whyte and Baptiste should’ve been sold for £4.5m each, not when their fees are combined. Selling is fine, that’s how it is, but we seem to settle for half what we should far too often.

It is what it is, needs must and all that, but it would be nice to at least feel like what we sell players for is a good deal.
He also retweeted an article from someone saying that at 2.25m Baptiste to Brentford is an absolute steal. The bargain of the transfer window I believe they called it. Seems he’s pretty comfortable with the fee being quoted, which would mean that 3m for both him and Fosu would be accurate given the latter’s widely accepted 750k release clause?

If that fee is indeed true, and his agent seems to be implying it is by endorsing such a tweet publicly, then our pants are so far down they’re through the floor.
Why on earth would we sell at that price? It was reported that Celtic had bid £3m so it's not going to be less than that.
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