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Does the Oxford Mail WANT a new stadium?

I couldn't agree more, although lining the lot of them up against a wall and shooting them also works.
I couldn't agree more, although lining the lot of them up against a wall and shooting them also works.
they'll be claiming gun toting hooligans are threatening to shoot them all ( on nextdoor Kidlington , AND their own social media platforms on which anyone who disagrees with their narrow views gets blocked and banned)
At it again with the latest headline:

More than 30 arrests over violent disorder ahead of Oxford United game

This was the game AT Reading and does not state how many OUFC fans (if any) were part of those arrested/wanted
At it again with the latest headline:

More than 30 arrests over violent disorder ahead of Oxford United game

This was the game AT Reading and does not state how many OUFC fans (if any) were part of those arrested/wanted
fuckingdisgraceful, misleading reporting- a new low
At it again with the latest headline:

More than 30 arrests over violent disorder ahead of Oxford United game

This was the game AT Reading and does not state how many OUFC fans (if any) were part of those arrested/wanted
I don't think it has anything to do with them not wanting a new stadium. Look at everything they write about - 99.9% of it is 'bad' stuff.

They're just typical media. 'Good' things don't get people reading.
OM has really nailed their colours to the mast over the last few years

They are pretty much anti- any development project in Oxfordshire. A quick search of "development" on their site shows consistent use of negative "quotes" in their headlines

No wonder they want to speak to this chap.


I reckon it may be this guy and he's really dangerous! Hope they get him soon.

I thought it was Middleton. Turned out to fight Oxford fans.
If it was not on here I wouldn't of known about it don't read the fail if people keep reading it they will keep printing it.
OM has really nailed their colours to the mast over the last few years

They are pretty much anti- any development project in Oxfordshire. A quick search of "development" on their site shows consistent use of negative "quotes" in their headlines

TBH they are not really anti anything - what they are is a clickbait site. They take a postition that generates most clicks to their ad-ridden site for the least amount of effort. The easiest way to that, be provocative just like the Daily Mail.
But it affects people's perceptions and therefore their opinions. It's dangerous.
TBH they are not really anti anything - what they are is a clickbait site. They take a postition that generates most clicks to their ad-ridden site for the least amount of effort. The easiest way to that, be provocative just like the Daily Mail.
Exactly, they're owned by Newsquest which is based in London and owned by a US parent company. Their registered address is in Wales. They have no position (either positive or negative) on the stadium.

It's mostly operated with the help of AI articles and content from London. As said a million times before, anything their few remaining "journalists" do is purely motivated by clicks.

The "Oxford Mail" of even the early/mid 2000s is dead and buried. It's a ghost publication. Best not to think about it and certainly best not to get annoyed or even excited by anything it is doing.
But it affects people's perceptions and therefore their opinions. It's dangerous.
Isn't that the purpose of the media? Get people riled up enough for them to keep coming back for their fix of things to be angry about.

Why do people think so much of the 'news' is crime? There's lots of angry and emotional people in the world and it gives them people to direct that anger towards, which in turn keeps those people coming back, giving 'news' organisations the engagement they want.
Exactly, they're owned by Newsquest which is based in London and owned by a US parent company. Their registered address is in Wales. They have no position (either positive or negative) on the stadium.

It's mostly operated with the help of AI articles and content from London. As said a million times before, anything their few remaining "journalists" do is purely motivated by clicks.

The "Oxford Mail" of even the early/mid 2000s is dead and buried. It's a ghost publication. Best not to think about it and certainly best not to get annoyed or even excited by anything it is doing.
Newsquest and Reach account for 50% of the local news market in UK. They both operate on low pay (journalists paid £20k-25k) plus bonus - and the bonuses are based on clicks, 500,000 page views required. So their entire focus will be publishing lots of articles that draw lots of clicks. So, if they can copy/paste a press release, or search Trip Advisor and create articles from the reviews there, then they will. Doing actual research and investigation takes too long and doesn't meet targets.
It (the death of local news journalism) is actually the subject of a government investigation for report at the moment, it is considered to be that much of an issue.
That government investigation is nothing more than just another means of having a go at the BBC.

I cancelled our local paper (Cambridge News, latterly a Reach paper) about seven years ago because the quality of journalism had become so poor that it wasn’t worth the money (more than £20+ a month incl. delivery - a much bigger amount nowadays).

It used to be a good paper under the previous owners, with some distinguished editors, in previous years.
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