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Away Match Day Thread 21/5/2021 Playoff L1 Blackpool FC V OUFC

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Luckily we’ve had more possession again. Looking forward to hearing about how we were the ‘better team’ again in the post-match as a result.
We just had a mad two minutes... probably [emoji2957]
Luckily we’ve had more possession again. Looking forward to hearing about how we were the ‘better team’ again in the post-match as a result.

I can hear him saying we were in the game and should of won as we scored first.
We just had a mad two minutes... probably

He’ll look at the analyst data later and find out much we ran and how many aerial duals we contested too...
Hit a Blackpool head on the way through
Rule 11.
  • A player in an offside position receiving the ball from an opponent who deliberately plays the ball, including by deliberate handball, is not considered to have gained an advantage, unless it was a deliberate save by any opponent.
Has to be deliberate, not a rebound.
We’re not trying anything different attacking-wise to hurt Blackpool. We’re not trying anything different defensive-wise to stop Blackpool. We’re just putting the same team out, playing the same way, and hoping that we somehow win this time.

We don’t have any big, strong, quick players in midfield or attack. We’re full of slow, small, weak players who are good technically but can be bullied and out-muscled.
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