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New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Planning

It's a shame that the new stadium isn't built and open yet. The excellent public transport links would mean I could go to the home semi. The public transport at the current stadium is too poor and the only way I could do the semi is if I booked an overnight hotel.
It's a shame that the new stadium isn't built and open yet. The excellent public transport links would mean I could go to the home semi. The public transport at the current stadium is too poor and the only way I could do the semi is if I booked an overnight hotel.
Yep, I'd be getting the train to the new stadium if it was open next Saturday, but as it's at the current stadium I'm driving.
Yeah, same here.

What a well-timed promotion this could be...
I think getting to he play offs gives the chances of our new stadium a boost. A sellout stadium with many thousands unable to get tickets shows another reason why we need a new stadium.

I hope FoSB have noted today's result. What they are doing is trying to destroy something that means so much to so many.
Yep, I'd be getting the train to the new stadium if it was open next Saturday, but as it's at the current stadium I'm driving.
Unfortunately I failed my driving test for the fourth time a few days ago so driving off the table for me 😂

Will try and snag a lift off a family member or it'll be TV for me.
if and big if we can get to the final we can really show how parkway will cope with 0000s of ox fans going to wembley by train and if we can all just cross the round at least once all together that would really shut them up
If that were to happen I bet Bezant rocks up with his camera like he did on the last game of last season to take photos of the cars
Haven’t put this on here until now because I wasn’t sure if we would make the playoffs

Oxfordshire will be buzzing this week with all the attention on OUFC.
This will show how much we need the new stadium because thousands won’t be able to get tickets.

If and it’s a big if we get through there will be 30000 plus people clamouring for tickets and OUFC will get even more spotlight on them nationally

Let’s find them banners saying Save our Club and make sure at every opportunity we make sure the media know our serious predicament
Been out for a beer in Kidlington this afternoon and the pubs are buzzing everyone is talking about Oxford united went from there to visit my Dad at the old folks home and they are even talking about it and the new stadium.
Been out for a beer in Kidlington this afternoon and the pubs are buzzing everyone is talking about Oxford united went from there to visit my Dad at the old folks home and they are even talking about it and the new stadium.
Get the planning application comments link under their noses on your phone!
I just did a search for the phrase IM quoted in that post, and there is only one hit, on an unrelated issue in a covid thread.
I just did a search for the phrase IM quoted in that post, and there is only one hit, on an unrelated issue in a covid thread.
No apparent use of the word nutters being used anything like the way he quotes either.

Now I really can’t be bothered to trawl through 681 pages, but I have read them when they first came out. Now I can’t recall anything that stood out and I thought ,well that’s a bit near the mark.

Lots of people have said I know you’re looking at this Ian, me included but that’s because he has admitted he follows the forum.

I would really be interested to see if there has been any actual threats made against him,worthy of contacting the Police.

My bet is there isn’t ,and this is just another attempt to lie about us and make up stuff that FoSB will actually believe , AGAIN.

I’m fed up with your bullshit Ian, I expect a call from TVP any minute.
Now I really can’t be bothered to trawl through 681 pages, but I have read them when they first came out. Now I can’t recall anything that stood out and I thought ,well that’s a bit near the mark.

Lots of people have said I know you’re looking at this Ian, me included but that’s because he has admitted he follows the forum.

I would really be interested to see if there has been any actual threats made against him,worthy of contacting the Police.

My bet is there isn’t ,and this is just another attempt to lie about us and make up stuff that FoSB will actually believe , AGAIN.

I’m fed up with your bullshit Ian, I expect a call from TVP any minute.
The fact he has pontificated over an answer and deflected a lot of blame onto OUFC supporters and threw in a few wild accusations says a lot.
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