OUSP Discussion


Well-known member
7 Dec 2017
I have to say that I do see it as a shambles and, further exasperated by the ongoing lack of any proper promotion by the club. Then, there is the intervention of the OUSP, it should be the other way around, as agreed by the club with the OUSP from the outset. I quote here from the Memorandum of understanding which, as then Chair of OUSP, I signed with Naill McWilliams (on behalf of OUFC) as follows:
Matters deemed sufficiently important for mandatory consultation with the Supporters’Panel include: Key heritage matters to include any changes being considered to club name, colours,crest, or kit designs Items that significantly impact fans in relation to match day arrangements. Changes in pricing, format, terms and conditions, and availability of tickets (bothindividual and season tickets)

The last section should have been sufficient for the club to have consulted the OUSP before making any change to normal arrangements. It couldn't really be any clearer. I'm beginning to wonder if some sections of the club are out of touch.

Some might say the Club only pays lip service to such things as the OUSP, or only created it to tick a Crouch report box.

Still, there we are. :)
Some might say the Club only pays lip service to such things as the OUSP, or only created it to tick a Crouch report box.

Still, there we are. :)
Ever the one to jump in and make disparaging comments but do b****r all yourself eh?

Given that I and quite a few others gave up a lot of our own time, voluntarily, to set up and form the panel to help all supporters wherever possible, including the likes of you, you might consider being a little more gracious and accept that the panel does a lot of good with no personal gain for any of the members.

You don't like it, I think everybody knows that by now. If it is such an affront to your sensibilities, why not just ignore it? Why this endless, pathetic whingeing?
Ever the one to jump in and make disparaging comments but do b****r all yourself eh?

Given that I and quite a few others gave up a lot of our own time, voluntarily, to set up and form the panel to help all supporters wherever possible, including the likes of you, you might consider being a little more gracious and accept that the panel does a lot of good with no personal gain for any of the members.

You don't like it, I think everybody knows that by now. If it is such an affront to your sensibilities, why not just ignore it? Why this endless, pathetic whingeing?

As I have previously suggested those able & willing to volunteer could have done so under the OxVox umbrella, but that doesn't tick the box from the clubs point of view.

Hence the creation of the panel. You know it, I know it but you will come back with a justification as to why it is existent.

Anyone who does volunteer for anything has my admiration and yes I do plenty myself in a different realm thank you.

As you posted yourself the Club itself completely ignored any MoU with the OUSP so surely that brings into question its core purpose?
As I have previously suggested those able & willing to volunteer could have done so under the OxVox umbrella, but that doesn't tick the box from the clubs point of view.

Hence the creation of the panel. You know it, I know it but you will come back with a justification as to why it is existent.

Anyone who does volunteer for anything has my admiration and yes I do plenty myself in a different realm thank you.

As you posted yourself the Club itself completely ignored any MoU with the OUSP so surely that brings into question its core purpose?

As you are well aware (but continually ignore) OxVox and OUSP have different remits. OxVox are supportive of the Supporters Panel and regularly attend shared meetings. They have worked together giving out flyers around Kidlington on wet windy nights, or coming to games several hours early to encourage people to write to councils etc.

But they also work independently to each other in their own right. OxVox, in general, looking at the way the club is run and OUSP looking out for the every day needs of supporters. I'm sure you think things like #HerGameToo and disability forums are a bit too woke for everyday football fans, but it makes a huge difference to others.

And before you come out with your usual rubbish about all the privileges that come with these positions, I'll educate you a little. I've been on the Supporters Panel for 4 months. In that time I have given maybe 20-30 hours of my time directly, as well as indirectly communicating with numerous fans. I gave a Saturday morning to meeting with the Stadium Project Team to ask questions on behalf of those who were unable themselves. And this wasn't just being passive but challenging issues and sharing genuine concerns that people have.

And I'm the new guy that is also balancing family and work issues, and also health issues of my own. Many others have given far more than I have. And I'll let you know exactly what I have received as a consequence! 1 x coffee at the training ground (not very good either) 1 x coffee at Holiday Inn (available to anyone attending exhibition) and 4 or 5 cakes/brownies baked by Grace from OUSP. That's it! No free tickets, no special access, nothing.

So stick to your ignorant views, but know that you're pretty much alone in these views and that there are many more supporters who are extremely grateful for those that give up their time for the benefit of others.
As you are well aware (but continually ignore) OxVox and OUSP have different remits. OxVox are supportive of the Supporters Panel and regularly attend shared meetings. They have worked together giving out flyers around Kidlington on wet windy nights, or coming to games several hours early to encourage people to write to councils etc.

But they also work independently to each other in their own right. OxVox, in general, looking at the way the club is run and OUSP looking out for the every day needs of supporters. I'm sure you think things like #HerGameToo and disability forums are a bit too woke for everyday football fans, but it makes a huge difference to others.

And before you come out with your usual rubbish about all the privileges that come with these positions, I'll educate you a little. I've been on the Supporters Panel for 4 months. In that time I have given maybe 20-30 hours of my time directly, as well as indirectly communicating with numerous fans. I gave a Saturday morning to meeting with the Stadium Project Team to ask questions on behalf of those who were unable themselves. And this wasn't just being passive but challenging issues and sharing genuine concerns that people have.

And I'm the new guy that is also balancing family and work issues, and also health issues of my own. Many others have given far more than I have. And I'll let you know exactly what I have received as a consequence! 1 x coffee at the training ground (not very good either) 1 x coffee at Holiday Inn (available to anyone attending exhibition) and 4 or 5 cakes/brownies baked by Grace from OUSP. That's it! No free tickets, no special access, nothing.

So stick to your ignorant views, but know that you're pretty much alone in these views and that there are many more supporters who are extremely grateful for those that give up their time for the benefit of others.

I am very aware they have different remits thank you.

One being a democratic, professional and independent "guardian" of our club.

The other being created to tick a box in government report and then tossed to the winds when the Club decided to. (See MoU that was blissfully ignored).

My view is different rather than "ignorant" and I am certainly not alone in those views.

And you might do well to remember that, as you/OUSP purport to represent ALL supporters, that also includes me........ maybe you need educating?
Both OUSP and OxVox are independent. Both are professional. Both are democratic. Both voluntary and both are valued by those they have represented and others.

Your views are ignorant on many issues, and it's interesting that you often seek to silence various groups of minorities, yet when you are one of those minorities you expect everyone to have a voice.

Well, I'm listening. How would you like me to represent you? Don't worry if you don't feel able to share openly on the forum, you're able to message me in confidence. Better still, let me know where you'll be sitting tomorrow and I'll happily pop over for a chat.

Always happy to help my fellow fan.
Both OUSP and OxVox are independent. Both are professional. Both are democratic. Both voluntary and both are valued by those they have represented and others.

Your views are ignorant on many issues, and it's interesting that you often seek to silence various groups of minorities, yet when you are one of those minorities you expect everyone to have a voice.

Well, I'm listening. How would you like me to represent you? Don't worry if you don't feel able to share openly on the forum, you're able to message me in confidence. Better still, let me know where you'll be sitting tomorrow and I'll happily pop over for a chat.

Always happy to help my fellow fan.

There you go again with the "lock the door" and "your views are ignorant" ethos, very representative.... you aren`t at work you know.

My views are different to yours, once you get over that you`ll stop calling fellow supporters ignorant.

I seek to "silence" nobody and I am a great believer in freedom of speech, unlike those deemed more liberal who seem to think those with differing opinions should be excluded.

As for being a minority then, if you think a white, British, middle aged male is a minority at the Kassam today, you might need to book in to Specsavers before the match.

My ST seat (East Stand T60 if you must know) will be vacant today, ripping the bathroom out before Dangerous Dave comes to fit the new one.
Ive have genuine respect for anyone who volunteers their time and effort to represent the interests of others, it can be , and often is, a thankless 'job'. Not helped by having to try and achieve changes by dealing with people who themselves are not in a position to make, never mind implement, them. Certainly when it comes to OxVox and probably more so OUSP, raising issues is one thing, achieving any changes is an entirely different kettle of fish. Not helped by the structure of the system currently, In my opinion.

That said it doesn't mean that individuals cant nor shouldn't voice criticisms, if they are genuine raising said issues/ critisms can (eventually) contribute toward positive changes ( albeit often over time)

Incidentally, I was a shop steward, then Union Convenor for 12 years - as well as elected to District and regional committees -( AEEU/ AEU/ AEWU) , Ive also been a FoC ( NUJ)for 18 months, , and when I was involved in Scooter Sport I sat on FoBSC National Management Committe as a LCGB and ORSRA representative for 15 years, including chairing the appeals sub committee.
All this from one hissy fit, dear oh dear.

The club's supporter organisation's given them what they wanted: make the 'supporter relations' function more effective without growing headcount, tick the Crouch report box and reduce the importance of OxVox (which is independent) by making a puppet the first thought of recourse for the ordinary supporter.

And then they ignore you when it suits them. You reap what you sow. You were warned.
My initial thoughts are it's not possible to stream a Saturday 3pm game without using a VPN. Permission would be needed from the football league to allow that in a stadium and I doubt they would lift their 3pm UK blackout for one club

Secondly, I'd imagine the TVs in the stadium are the responsibility of the stadium company so anything screened on them would need to be done by them and we know how unaccomodating they are. Do they even work? It's been a while since I've seen anything on them.

This is probably an unpopular opinion as people appear to be relishing piling in on the club and Tim Williams over this whereas I think anger should be directed at the stadium company. Unfortunately the reputational damage to OUFC has already been done by uninformed comments on Facebook.
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My initial thoughts are it's not possible to stream a Saturday 3pm game without using a VPN. Permission would be needed from the football league to allow that in a stadium and I doubt they would lift their 3pm UK blackout for one club

Secondly, I'd imagine the TVs in the stadium are the responsibility of the stadium company so anything screened on them would need to be done by them and we know how unaccomodating they are. Do they even work? It's been a while since I've seen anything on them.

This is probably an unpopular opinion as people appear to be relishing piling in on the club and Tim Williams over this whereas I think anger should be directed at the stadium company.

Unfortunately you're right with much of this. There are licence restrictions that prevent the game being televised, plus I believe the TV's don't work in the East Stand and this is the responsibility of the stadium company.

Unbelievably there are restrictions on what the club can do regarding maintenance due to the contracts in place, so it's not as simply as the club replacing the TV's. It was discussed previously about getting fans and local trades people in to do a DIY SOS type makeover of the toilets etc, but this wasn't allowed!

As for the location of disabled supporters, we know that it's simply not good enough at the Kassam. There are raised platforms in the North Stand for home and away wheelchair users, and the front row in the rest of the ground. We all know from experience that these get virtually no cover from the elements and there are several games a season where disabled supporters get a second rate experience. Nobody accepts this.

This is why we desperately need to move away and get a stadium where we can put the needs of all fans first. But equally we shouldn't accept that nothing can be done and both OUSP and OxVox have been in conversation with the club to reach out to Alistair and to find someway to make things better as well as looking to find some longer term solutions.

This isn't something that anyone is looking to brush under the carpet, nor is it something that should be used to score points, but some can't help themselves.
Unfortunately you're right with much of this. There are licence restrictions that prevent the game being televised, plus I believe the TV's don't work in the East Stand and this is the responsibility of the stadium company.

Unbelievably there are restrictions on what the club can do regarding maintenance due to the contracts in place, so it's not as simply as the club replacing the TV's. It was discussed previously about getting fans and local trades people in to do a DIY SOS type makeover of the toilets etc, but this wasn't allowed!

As for the location of disabled supporters, we know that it's simply not good enough at the Kassam. There are raised platforms in the North Stand for home and away wheelchair users, and the front row in the rest of the ground. We all know from experience that these get virtually no cover from the elements and there are several games a season where disabled supporters get a second rate experience. Nobody accepts this.

This is why we desperately need to move away and get a stadium where we can put the needs of all fans first. But equally we shouldn't accept that nothing can be done and both OUSP and OxVox have been in conversation with the club to reach out to Alistair and to find someway to make things better as well as looking to find some longer term solutions.

This isn't something that anyone is looking to brush under the carpet, nor is it something that should be used to score points, but some can't help themselves.

Some of the many reasons we need to move, especially the provision for disabled fans. Let's hope the Oxford Mail and other press realise how hamstrung OUFC are by the stadium company they inevitably go in two footed on OUFC using people's Facebook comments as quotes.
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I really believe that a lot of people are still naive about the upkeep and general facilities of the stadium. Are people aware of how little Kassam was prepared to undertake when it came to actually building the stadium some 20 years ago? The lift in the South Stand was of such poor standards that it was deemed unusable by wheelchairs, it was too small. All those who needed to use a wheelchair had to be moved to the North stand and the only facility there was, more or less, an open space. It lacks pretty much all the necessities for any sort of comfort. This is not the fault of the club nor is it something that can or, even will, be put right. This latest incident just proves what a farce it is for the club to even consider staying at the Kassam.

An OUSP rep will pass by later to suggest you tone down the complaints.
Perhaps, Mr Cannell, you might like to address your self to the Chairperson of OUSP? He may just pass you by in his wheelchair. Not aware of that fact? Thought not.
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