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General New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Land Deal

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Am I going mad or has the article now changed?

An alternative land use proposal was submitted to Oxfordshire County Council for ‘The Triangle’, east of Frieze Way and south of Kidlington Roundabout, by Oxfordshire Projects, commonly known as TRAX, last Monday (September 11).

The Oxfordshire-based charity has been looking for new premises since 2020 and asked the council's cabinet for support to use the land in Kidlington.

However, its trustees said they were "informed that the Triangle was identified as a potential solution for OUFC and not as a general release of land."

The charity has since "moved on" from the proposal and is looking for other options.
Well well well, nice try Suzy.
If we got turned down for the stadium and the charity got the go ahead how long before McIvor starts campaigning to stop that happening, 30 seconds? Or does she not even need to breathe in between nimbying?
As per my previous post, the charity in question is now being reported as being TRAX but that its trustees said they were "informed that the Triangle was identified as a potential solution for OUFC and not as a general release of land." And that "The charity has since "moved on" from the proposal and is looking for other options.""

And if that's the case, what the hell is Albert Tait and the Oxford Mail playing at?!

Some serious questions to be asked of the paper here about the publishing of an article with a) key facts missing, and b) when said facts appear hours later, there is no reference to the article being updated (standard industry practice).

Are they on drugs up at Osney Mead? Very peculiar behaviour for a newspaper which purports to being balanced on this matter. I'm sure it's just rank incompetence on their part, given the state of Newsquest, but it doesn't half make you question their media ethics.
If we got turned down for the stadium and the charity got the go ahead how long before McIvor starts campaigning to stop that happening, 30 seconds? Or does she not even need to breathe in between nimbying?

Clearly her asking councillors to consider the charity means her claiming she is trying to protect the green belt, the green gap between Oxford and Kidlington and the environmental impact of development is a load of old toss. She just doesn't like Football fans and can't bare the thought of us being in close proximity to her.
Trax have vehemently objected to Suzanne Mentioning them in the press. Oh dear oh dear. They asked about the Triangle but not for 2-3 years.
The paper is claiming that "An alternative land use proposal was submitted to Oxfordshire County Council for ‘The Triangle’, east of Frieze Way and south of Kidlington Roundabout, by Oxfordshire Projects, commonly known as TRAX, last Monday (September 11)."

I hope for their sake that the reporter and the paper have got their facts (added after the article was published!) right on this one.

They really are a potential lawsuit waiting to happen right now with their loose approach to journalistic standards.
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I’ve nothing against CND protesters.

It’s just interesting when people may have been involved with local politics, and have been found to have not declared their personal interests, write to the local paper but don’t make reference to their apparent involvement in a party for which a senior local member is actively campaigning against the development in question.

Seems a curious omission when an individual instead makes a big play on how supportive their family and Blackbird Leys is about the Kassam. Particularly when spurious transport claims are made in relation to said site.

Very curious.
Yes very curious
Anyway, while all of this absolute nonsense is played out in a once decent local newspaper, I have separately had an encouraging response from my local MP.

"I do indeed agree that football is very important for local communities, and the new stadium would be very beneficial. I have met with the club to discuss it and while I do not as a rule get involved in planning decisions that are outside my constituency - as you say, our local Conservative councillors are working to rally support for this."

To run alongside Anneliese Dodd's support from a Labour perspective, this is all very encouraging. With the Lib Dems seemingly looking to disentangle themselves from the extreme anti-progressive elements of their Progressive Alliance, things are certainly looking positive on the political front.

Almost looking United as cross-party issue, you might say!
Wouldn't it be fantastic if Trax came out in support of a new stadium that had an educational wing for children with special needs, and the club partnered with them on this? One thing forgotten in all this is the work OUFC does with schools up and down the county.

McIvor trying to turn football fans against good, honest charities is despicable, but maybe even more good can come from this.
With Suzy’s history around trying to stop local projects for the happiness of everyone else,I’m sure the Council know her well.

If you take the phrase “Wasting Police Time” which is an offence Suzy could and should be prosecuted for “Wasting Council Time”

The Council must be totally fed up with the woman for jumping on every bandwagon and trying to stop some decent projects.
I'm more angry with the OM for allowing this tripe to be published than the clowns at FOSB for making it up.
I can remember those down the 420 banned the local rag from their ground and press briefings for a few years, perhaps after everything gets the go ahead OUFC does the same with the OM . As has been said by many they have shown a complete bias against the club, We certainly need them less than they need the club
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