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Transfer News Transfer window 2020/21

Your positivity can be so boring at times. If KR had taken the logical decision to strengthen the defence following the inevitable departure of Dickie we wouldn't be in the position we are. We should have done everything possible to bring in a defender in the last window but didn't. Now, we are where we are, we need to strengthen and go forward. It matters not one jot what you think about how long it will take for a player to gain match fitness. We are in the s**t now!!!
Grow a pair and admit that KR got it wrong. We need a voice of experience in the back 4, we need someone who knows the game, we need someone who makes sure we don't concede within 45 f*****g seconds of kick off. Don't make any more excuses. Match fit, my a**e!
The replacement was already in the building and that's the model that we work too .I've said it enough times this season that if fans want to chat for weeks about the money we'll get for Dickie then you have to accept what might just follow. Sometimes the gamble pays off immediately, other times it might take a few weeks and sometimes the conveyor belt stopped churning out the better one's.

Once again i return to the question of how many matches have we been able to name the same back 5 or actual 6 with the much needed and vastly underrated Gorrin
I fully agree with you. I was just thinking doesn't he realise how, over the time he has been here, he has embarrassed himself, making claims, comments that rarely have come true. He really doesn't help himself.
I really hope we do see a commanding CB through the door tomorrow, that takes the defence by the scruff of the neck to sort them out, is commanding and just the sort of player that will help Atkinson and Moore develop further.
The concern is that it is a young utility player who will need the usual "pre-season."
He must be so embarrassed to have taken his team to Wembley and got a four year contract.
The replacement was already in the building and that's the model that we work too .I've said it enough times this season that if fans want to chat for weeks about the money we'll get for Dickie then you have to accept what might just follow. Sometimes the gamble pays off immediately, other times it might take a few weeks and sometimes the conveyor belt stopped churning out the better one's.

Once again i return to the question of how many matches have we been able to name the same back 5 or actual 6 with the much needed and vastly underrated Gorrin
You are obviously talking about Atkinson, yes? That being so, I have to say that he is not an obvious replacement, a future talent, without doubt but, to expect him to jump in and replace the experience of Dickie would be a tad naive. The overriding issue is the voice of experience, authority something neither Atkinson nor Moore possess. Easty is not a vocal type of keeper (Wembley final as example) Couple that with the lack of real cover and you have what we are experiencing now - very costly mistakes. It's not through lack of desire or even malpractice it's just that what we have is not able to function coherently as an effective defence. Mous cannot direct from the touchline, it needs someone on the pitch on their ears.

And, you can be as positive as you like @Scotchegg if the players are not delivering then it ain't good enough. This is an industry based on results. I have no intention of supporting a club that thinks losing is ok. I am entitled to voice that opinion the same as everybody else. I am also entitled to expect that my club makes every effort to achieve success.
@horseman - I am very well aware of the necessity to sell talent when a buyer comes along but, I figure, as the consumer, I am ok to expect that my club do something to mediate that sale and still have in mind the objective of furthering the prospects of the club that I support? I have respect for all those who work for the club and devote their time to making things work but, if I feel they are getting it wrong, then I also expect them to respect my criticism and make things right. Right now I am fed up with supporting a losing club. That is my prerogative.
Grow a pair?? The world is a mess right now and you're sulking because we're losing a few games of football? I suggest it's you that needs to get a grip.

My positivity might be boring (the ignore function is an option) but Christ, A) the negativity on here is nauseating. We've had a stop start pre-season and a stop start season. It's November and we've played 2 home games. The players are dealing with injuries and other issues that aren't being openly discussed to protect them. Robinson is holding the squad together and publicly backing them. This goes far deeper than results, and even they will improve given time.

B) Being a supporter is about being there when times are tough rather than giving up when things don't go our way. I'm glad that the club has more resilience than some on here, and if that opinion bores you then skip on by!
A) How would you really expect fans to react for goodness sake, start having parties to celebrate being bottom of the table? Fans have gone from being minutes away from the promised land, in the big time again for the first time in a generation, facing some new clubs, Championship players etc, to being bottom of the league, following a disasterous recruitment period, a team being run by a manager devoid of ideas living in his own little world who, after losing so many games, comes to the conclusion we need a f**king winger.

B) A little condescending mate really, as many of the people on here will be some of, if not the toughest fans in the league, after having to deal with Maxwell trying to destroy the club with Thames Valley Royals. A lot will have also shaken buckets outside the manor ground to pay staff and players, that's not forgetting having being sent packing to non league, having to cope with the Patterson years, and THAT night at Tonbridge Angels.
If this is really done then it's good news. This is a player with proven talent at the right levels. Oxford born as well. (not necessarily a sign of ability but all the same!)

We await official confirmation but, YES!

And I'll wager that he is very close to match fitness.
Can he play CB??
A) Fans can react in any way they like, but when there are pages and pages of negativity (and you're right up there with Kip!) then don't knock the few who are remaining positive. We are 8 games into the season, with only 2 home games played. It's maybe a little early to write this season off, especially given our previous season.

B) For a group of fans who have seen everything that you describe, I would expect a little resilience to what is a bad run under very difficult circumstances.
The replacement was already in the building and that's the model that we work too .I've said it enough times this season that if fans want to chat for weeks about the money we'll get for Dickie then you have to accept what might just follow. Sometimes the gamble pays off immediately, other times it might take a few weeks and sometimes the conveyor belt stopped churning out the better one's.

Once again i return to the question of how many matches have we been able to name the same back 5 or actual 6 with the much needed and vastly underrated Gorrin
And why does it seem we are the only ones with the line up issues? And it’s a regular occurrence
If this is really done then it's good news. This is a player with proven talent at the right levels. Oxford born as well. (not necessarily a sign of ability but all the same!)

We await official confirmation but, YES!

And I'll wager that he is very close to match fitness.
Just what I picked up whether it’s true or not I can’t say
A) How would you really expect fans to react for goodness sake, start having parties to celebrate being bottom of the table? Fans have gone from being minutes away from the promised land, in the big time again for the first time in a generation, facing some new clubs, Championship players etc, to being bottom of the league, following a disasterous recruitment period, a team being run by a manager devoid of ideas living in his own little world who, after losing so many games, comes to the conclusion we need a f**king winger.

B) A little condescending mate really, as many of the people on here will be some of, if not the toughest fans in the league, after having to deal with Maxwell trying to destroy the club with Thames Valley Royals. A lot will have also shaken buckets outside the manor ground to pay staff and players, that's not forgetting having being sent packing to non league, having to cope with the Patterson years, and THAT night at Tonbridge Angels.
You need to grow a pair if you want to support a team. Otherwise stick to the TV teams.
You are obviously talking about Atkinson, yes? That being so, I have to say that he is not an obvious replacement, a future talent, without doubt but, to expect him to jump in and replace the experience of Dickie would be a tad naive. The overriding issue is the voice of experience, authority something neither Atkinson nor Moore possess. Easty is not a vocal type of keeper (Wembley final as example) Couple that with the lack of real cover and you have what we are experiencing now - very costly mistakes. It's not through lack of desire or even malpractice it's just that what we have is not able to function coherently as an effective defence. Mous cannot direct from the touchline, it needs someone on the pitch on their ears.

And, you can be as positive as you like @Scotchegg if the players are not delivering then it ain't good enough. This is an industry based on results. I have no intention of supporting a club that thinks losing is ok. I am entitled to voice that opinion the same as everybody else. I am also entitled to expect that my club makes every effort to achieve success.
@horseman - I am very well aware of the necessity to sell talent when a buyer comes along but, I figure, as the consumer, I am ok to expect that my club do something to mediate that sale and still have in mind the objective of furthering the prospects of the club that I support? I have respect for all those who work for the club and devote their time to making things work but, if I feel they are getting it wrong, then I also expect them to respect my criticism and make things right. Right now I am fed up with supporting a losing club. That is my prerogative.
you are entitled to your opinion and it's respected but i cannot emphasise enough the importance of being able to name a settled back 5 which is something we have not been able to do.. I think a lot of fans have now only begun to realize what a vital cog Gorrin is to the way we set up and play and missing him as well as injuries at the back has disrupted everything.
Even with the leader and talker that you would like to have seen would not have stopped the injuries, would still have seen mistakes made and would still have had an unsettled back 5 and given others opinions have Long and Ruffels as shi*t it would be impossible to replace them all and respect all fans opinions and criticism and make things right.

We have had calls for Long Ruffels Eastwood to be replaced, Sykes and Agyei to be binned off completely, Kelly to be sent back to Holland it's the nature of the beast as fans opinions are often wide apart with little or no middle ground.
KR needs to change the system. Taylor is doing his best but he needs somebody alongside him. Clare looks like he could do a job further forward, wasted and a liability at left back. We have the players we need to find a system to suit them. Karl is sounding a bit deluded, the quality is there but he is not making the best of it, a win on tuesday is becoming essential.
KR needs to change the system. Taylor is doing his best but he needs somebody alongside him. Clare looks like he could do a job further forward, wasted and a liability at left back. We have the players we need to find a system to suit them. Karl is sounding a bit deluded, the quality is there but he is not making the best of it, a win on tuesday is becoming essential.
Isn't Clare right back?
you are entitled to your opinion and it's respected but i cannot emphasise enough the importance of being able to name a settled back 5 which is something we have not been able to do.. I think a lot of fans have now only begun to realize what a vital cog Gorrin is to the way we set up and play and missing him as well as injuries at the back has disrupted everything.
Even with the leader and talker that you would like to have seen would not have stopped the injuries, would still have seen mistakes made and would still have had an unsettled back 5 and given others opinions have Long and Ruffels as shi*t it would be impossible to replace them all and respect all fans opinions and criticism and make things right.

We have had calls for Long Ruffels Eastwood to be replaced, Sykes and Agyei to be binned off completely, Kelly to be sent back to Holland it's the nature of the beast as fans opinions are often wide apart with little or no middle ground.
I may have come across in a more aggressive manner than intended, the looming lockdown has dampened spirits in this household considerably and the one ray of light that we cling to is that we can watch "our boys" win a game of football. I have to admit that having such a good "XG" factor doesn't compensate us for losing.
I have no issue with Longy and Ruffs, they are committed OUFC players and give their all. Whether they are the best or not they do what they do. Easty has been having some very questionable moments of late and perhaps should be given a break to get his head clear or whatever he needs to do. I would certainly not advocate getting rid of Sykes and Agyei - I am on record as having called for Agyei to be given a starting role and Sykes has enormous potential given the right guidance. Gorrin certainly is a vital cog in the team and despite his ability to collect cards more readily than any other player would always feature in my choice of team. As for Kelly, well, I am not convinced. I don't know what he brings to the side. He allegedly, has ability and potential but, certainly this season, is yet to display any.
So, to the injuries, yes they happen and more so than usual this season however, it has exposed the total lack of cover in the squad and served to highlight the lack of any leadership within the team when certain individuals are not present. If KR thought to place all his trust in a centre back pairing of Atkinson and Moore then I have to question his thought process. To rely on the ability of Longy to play anywhere on that back 4 is stretching things. He's a good lad and has turned in some exemplary performances but it's unfair to expect him to carry that much responsibility. We should have recruited pre-season. The need was there from the moment that KR admitted that Nico Jones was not ready, Elechi was also a work in progress and aside from them, the coffers were bare. Now, by his own admission, we need to bring someone in to help out. Undoubtedly whoever that is will not be match fit (much to the self satisfaction of @Scotchegg ) indeed, they may never get match fit before the injured players return but will have to play all the same. I would hope that Mous can still manage a game or two before hanging up his boots, he may not set the world alight anymore but he is a calming factor and an old hand at the game. Also, I would imagine that he commands respect among the players and is not shy in speaking out. He also knows how to tackle and cover back.

So, naming a settled back 5, I'd accept just having a back 5 at the moment let alone a settled one.
SO if it’s to be Jordan obita wasn’t it rumoured in the summer he wouldn’t want to join us (I’m sure I read it on here somewhere CBW) but is he really a player we need isn’t thst just KR signing him to say he can play LB but really wants him LW also is ruffs a bad LB at this level SURELY it would be better to get a CB we don’t need a LW or LB at the moment that could come in January
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