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Sure, it's not a plaything for them.

I am fairly sure that Geike would only be involved if it involves building or development as that's his field, Tiger has form there as well in plasticland.Eric whossname's family are in mining, property and he built some US club a stadium. Bakrie is a telecoms guy so doesn't fit. OUFC needs a ground and probably has unusual potential (thanks to brand recognition from the university and high tourist incidence in the area) for a property deal. Plus it's been hinted at.

That's not proof it's a property play, I'm sure it is though.
I'm sure it is too, but just think that the club will benefit too through a long term lease/rental arrangement. DC United pay something like $1 rent for 100% of all matchplay and associated income. I'd rip their arms off for a similar deal right now!
Not quite as bad as when you said that all players had had the covid vaccine but still made up horseshit!!!

We asked for a better deal on the rent because of the COVID impact. Kassam said no, we stopped paying. Regarding the vaccine, maybe I shouldn’t say all the players but certainly some & staff had it. ‘Just say you’re a health worker’.
We asked for a better deal on the rent because of the COVID impact. Kassam said no, we stopped paying. Regarding the vaccine, maybe I shouldn’t say all the players but certainly some & staff had it. ‘Just say you’re a health worker’.
We asked for a better deal on the rent because of the COVID impact. Kassam said no, we stopped paying. Regarding the vaccine, maybe I shouldn’t say all the players but certainly some & staff had it. ‘Just say you’re a health worker’.
That's a fairly serious accusation to make regarding players, staff and the vaccine. I hope you have proof, incontrovertible proof.

As an aside, it really isn't that simple. Just walking into a vaccination centre and announcing that you are a health worker - really?
That's a fairly serious accusation to make regarding players, staff and the vaccine. I hope you have proof, incontrovertible proof.

As an aside, it really isn't that simple. Just walking into a vaccination centre and announcing that you are a health worker - really?
I've just been to the stadium for my jab! Quite quick and easy but I did have to give my NHS number to four different people. No way could I have got through if I wasn't on the system and accepted for a jab.
There is some serious money over here and as OX3 will tell you, some half decent clubs.

I know HRH Tunku Ismail, owner of JDT has been touted as buying Valencia. But he built JDT from nothing to what it is now, I would love him to be part of Oxford and he is serious about his football.
We asked for a better deal on the rent because of the COVID impact. Kassam said no, we stopped paying. Regarding the vaccine, maybe I shouldn’t say all the players but certainly some & staff had it. ‘Just say you’re a health worker’.
Bulls**t. As has been stated you need to provide NHS number and ID. ID would provide your DOB and confirm that you're in a target age group. Doctors / hospital letter and the initial text message from doctors surgery can prove that you have a medical condition that's pushed you up the queue. If you're a "key worker" you have a "key worker letter" from your employer, but as teachers and police officers have key worker letters and aren't entitled to vaccine then we know you also need a letter from your NHS trust, or relevant section of NHS (e.g. test and trace etc.) to be able to claim the vaccine at the place its given to you.

As we can drive a coach and horses through the part of your statement that 19,015,497 people in England have experience up to 7 March - https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/covid-19-vaccinations/ - then you'll forgive us for not taking the rest of your post at face value.

If the club had stopped paying its landlord, in the 13th month of a pandemic where its only "usual" income (not including player sales, or EPL payment / grants etc.) had been season ticket, ground advertising, iFollow and merchandise sales. In a position where we were paying hundreds of thousands of pounds per year in rent were not able to properly use then I could understand that and would assume that many retail and leisure businesses would have had similar discussions with their landlords since April 2020, but some context and proof would be nice.
I'm fairly sure you can't just wander up and say "I'm a health worker, can I have a vaccine". However there is far too much anecdotal evidence of neighbouring businesses etc. being invited at the end of a day to use up remaining vaccines for all of them to be false. In fact, my dad was up a couple of weeks back and he asked if there was any left for his wife (outside in the car). After explaining they were both in the same childcare bubble she got called in and given the jab as well, even though she was in the next level down (or even two down, at that time).
I'm fairly sure you can't just wander up and say "I'm a health worker, can I have a vaccine". However there is far too much anecdotal evidence of neighbouring businesses etc. being invited at the end of a day to use up remaining vaccines for all of them to be false. In fact, my dad was up a couple of weeks back and he asked if there was any left for his wife (outside in the car). After explaining they were both in the same childcare bubble she got called in and given the jab as well, even though she was in the next level down (or even two down, at that time).
Very much this. A number of people have had the pfizer jab in areas where there was ‘stock’ that needed using up before it became worthless. It’s absolutely conceivable in theory that in a stadium being used as a vaccination hub, someone might have allowed a few people in other parts of said stadium to get their first dose if the alternative was just throwing it all away. Could someone from the vaccination centre have said, “Ask the football team if they want any jabs, we’ve got a few dozen going in the bin tonight”? Absolutely. In the same way that a mate of mine in his thirties got his first jab already, purely because he lived on the same street as the surgery in Reading that was doing them. He got a call telling him that if he could get there in the next 30 minutes he could have it, as they had a bunch going in the bin otherwise.

But I’m definitely not sure I buy the idea of Matty Taylor putting a little homemade paper badge that says “health worker” over the club crest on his tracksuit, whacking on a fake moustache and trying his luck. It’s a little Simpsons-esque for my taste.

I'm fairly sure you can't just wander up and say "I'm a health worker, can I have a vaccine". However there is far too much anecdotal evidence of neighbouring businesses etc. being invited at the end of a day to use up remaining vaccines for all of them to be false. In fact, my dad was up a couple of weeks back and he asked if there was any left for his wife (outside in the car). After explaining they were both in the same childcare bubble she got called in and given the jab as well, even though she was in the next level down (or even two down, at that time).
Yes. Quite sensibly if there are some vaccines that are out of date after the day in question it makes sense to use them up.
Chesterfield's ground is being used as a vaccination centre and when some were left at the end of the day, some of the more vulnerable Chesterfield players/staff has some that were left over.
It made the news and some social media people apparently were up in arms as to why footballers should have vaccines before people who needed it.
I'm fairly sure you can't just wander up and say "I'm a health worker, can I have a vaccine". However there is far too much anecdotal evidence of neighbouring businesses etc. being invited at the end of a day to use up remaining vaccines for all of them to be false. In fact, my dad was up a couple of weeks back and he asked if there was any left for his wife (outside in the car). After explaining they were both in the same childcare bubble she got called in and given the jab as well, even though she was in the next level down (or even two down, at that time).
That's absolutely correct and a very sensible use of a precious resource that would 'go off' and therefore be wasted if not used. There would be very adverse headlines if it became known that vaccines were being thrown away with no attempt to use them.
I'm fairly sure you can't just wander up and say "I'm a health worker, can I have a vaccine". However there is far too much anecdotal evidence of neighbouring businesses etc. being invited at the end of a day to use up remaining vaccines for all of them to be false. In fact, my dad was up a couple of weeks back and he asked if there was any left for his wife (outside in the car). After explaining they were both in the same childcare bubble she got called in and given the jab as well, even though she was in the next level down (or even two down, at that time).
Same in USA. They don’t want to waste vaccines so people hang around at the end of the day and if folks haven’t turned up for appointments they’ll invite people in.

The UK benefits from one central database on the nhs allowing fairer prioritization whereas here the rollout is managed by various local government Organisations and private healthcare providers thereby benefitting those woo have used certain providers over others
Be handy if other businesses could hide who owns them and hopes to benefit from them.
It's all a bit smelly really, but I am trying to pretend it isn't. :(
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You'd imagine that if anything was really dodgy then the club wouldn't have referenced these investors on a number of occasions?
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