General New Stadium Plans - The Triangle - Land Deal

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I just wish you, and @Colin B with his chums, would stop harassing the poor man. Pulling him up on his hypocrisy, on his misunderstandings, and trying to get clarification of the things he says just isn't on. You hoolie.
I thought about emailing Middleton but then I thought it might take him a couple of weeks to decipher it.
I’ve emailed Cllr Middleton on his OCC email address to challenge him in his views on his blog, especially his frequently professed ‘open mind’.

Not a (vegan) sausage from him. He’s too busy arguing with people on Nextdoor and Twitter where his views are out in the open.
It’s been 2 days since I asked Mr Middleton a straight yes or no question on twitter whether he was against the stadium…still hasn’t answered me. At this stage heat as well just come out and admit he is anti the stadium.

The Green Party are against the stadium. Both Linda Ward and Victoria Campbell are Green Party candidates and have posted anti stadium things on social media.
The Green Party are against the stadium. Both Linda Ward and Victoria Campbell are Green Party candidates and have posted anti stadium things on social media.
Let them post on social media, they won’t be anywhere near the planning decision with that bias. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. If a water park gets built just outside Bicester in a small village, then a football stadium with great travel links as long as it meets the aims of the council should have no problem being passed. Whether FOSB or the Green Party (looking at you Ian Middleton) are against it or not.
Regarding the Green Party status, I must say that my local candidate (Stanford in the Vale) is a regular visitor to The Kassam. I have it on good authority that the Green Party, per se, is not opposed to the new stadium. Those opposed are not representative of the Greens as a whole. Linda Ward, Victoria Campbell and Ian Middleton are not aligned with their party thinking. The sooner they are questioned on this, the better.
Tom Beckett was the one who I had a very good email from, posted a few pages back. My last response to him suggested he be wary of his party being hijacked by FoSB, so looks like he's making it clear they're not all of the same ilk!
Is he staying cautiously neutral too?
pro Triangle stadium leafleters , it may be worth handing some out at tonights Kidlington meeting

Anyone go to the engagement event tonight?

I see FoSB chose to stick the boot in this afternoon rather than advise their members to get information from the horses mouth and discuss their concerns with people who have the power to change things based on their feedback.

The neutral Green councillors for the area didn't promote the event either bizzarely.
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