As a self-confessed liberal the issue of specifically Asian grooming gangs is an uncomfortable one for me to think about.
Too easy to blame the gutter press for highlighting cases that involve Asians while ignoring those involving white men, but it seems self-evident that all the major cases involving large numbers of abused (mostly) girls are perpetrated by men whose ethnic origin is the sub-continent.
Nothing racist about reporting facts, however uncomfortable they might be.
As has often been discussed in the less sensationalist press, there would seem to be a cultural element behind these events, with certain girls seen as legitimate prey because of their appearance, lifestyle or living conditions. This is, of course, appalling, but indicative of a real problem that needs to be addressed, not brushed under the carpet.
Another problem that needs to be confronted is the tendency amongst the less educated / poorly informed Tommy Robinsons of this world to believe the fallacy that all Asian men are potentially groomers, rather than the fact that most grooming gangs are Asian. Two totally different situations that seem to get confused in the scrambled minds of some.