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Stewart Donald to buy Sunderland

Being in PR Charlie should know better - or maybe that was the point?

Let's not over-analyse, it's really not that interesting.
What if SD is a success, he makes a fortune and then buys Oxford? Would be good if CM wasn't involved.
New Sunderland owners say, though #oufc fans, Black Cats are their priority. Charlie Methven: "Stewart (Donald) and I are boyhood Oxford fans. Ideal result for season is Sunderland to finish 1st, Oxford to finish 2nd, (but) we're gunning to put one over our friends down South’’

Blimey. Who new Charlie had friends?!
New Sunderland owners say, though #oufc fans, Black Cats are their priority. Charlie Methven: "Stewart (Donald) and I are boyhood Oxford fans. Ideal result for season is Sunderland to finish 1st, Oxford to finish 2nd, (but) we're gunning to put one over our friends down South’’

Blimey. Who new Charlie had friends?!

I’m saying the phrase “smug git” covers that tweet quite nicely.
Sunderland fans are lapping it up. Im fine with it all tbh, Im glad SD and CM have got their shot at the big time. It is odd how they can afford Sunderland but not Oxford. I appreciate the OUFC "deal" may not have been a great one, but buying a football club, and especially your football club, is rarely a value investment anyway.
Sunderland fans are lapping it up. Im fine with it all tbh, Im glad SD and CM have got their shot at the big time. It is odd how they can afford Sunderland but not Oxford. I appreciate the OUFC "deal" may not have been a great one, but buying a football club, and especially your football club, is rarely a value investment anyway.

Exactly what I’ve been thinking
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As I've said before they were only interested in Oxford when they thought they could make some decent money out of it. As soon as that looked unlikely they were off and couldn't invest due to 'heart ruling head' blah blah blah. It doesn't really bother me what happens with Sunderland or their ownership. I'm more bothered that they make out they are some kind of fans of Oxford United. I'd rather CM wasn't associated with our club. Particularly now he and his mustard chinos are in the national press.
What if SD is a success, he makes a fortune and then buys Oxford? Would be good if CM wasn't involved.
What if SD is successful now, has a fortune now, had the chance to buy OUFC but quibbled over over a few extra quid, but as you have stated there probably wasn't enough money to be made owning his home club and looked further a field to look for more financial gains.
Sunderland fans are lapping it up. Im fine with it all tbh, Im glad SD and CM have got their shot at the big time. It is odd how they can afford Sunderland but not Oxford. I appreciate the OUFC "deal" may not have been a great one, but buying a football club, and especially your football club, is rarely a value investment anyway.
Not sure it is that odd?
There is a lot of potential to make a lot of money at Sunderland. Not so at oufc.
So the simple answer is money (and most football club owners seem to have an ego as well)
I sincerely wish Stewart all the very best .............. and if I were him, I'd look for a PR company to help him because the idiotic comment yesterday attributed to his business partner, that "we're gunning to put one over our friends down South", is one example of how to upset people you live and work with and claim to support. Frankly, I suspect, Sunderland supporters couldn't give a monkey's toss about Oxford United.

No doubt the eagerly awaited international investor will rock up once Stewart has done all the hard work.
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