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Tickets Season Tickets 2023/24

Just did an updated count and came up with an almost identical figure to Colin of 4,914 seats gone - actual 'sales' might be lower for the reasons Colin has already explained - that some seats are held back in Block 12 and probably Block 9 also.

Interesting that we were loudly proclaiming reaching more than 4,700 sales by July 5 last year, which was higher than the 2021/22 total - https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/sport/20255453.oxford-united-season-ticket-sales-pass-2021-22-total/

So hopefully we are well past 4,500 'sales' and will get an update from the club soon on the actual number sold - the marketing/promotion has gone a bit quieter of late after being extremely strong since they were launched.

Overall, though, a very positive figure with plenty of time still for further sales (there would have been 500+ more from this point on last season if we ended up around the 5,200+ mark.
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Just did an updated count and came up with an almost identical figure to Colin of 4,904 seats gone - actual 'sales' might be lower for the reasons Colin has already explained - that some seats are held back in Block 12 and probably Block 9 also.

Interesting that we were loudly proclaiming reaching more than 4,700 sales by July 5 last year, which was higher than the 2021/22 total - https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/sport/20255453.oxford-united-season-ticket-sales-pass-2021-22-total/

So hopefully we are well past 4,500 'sales' and will get an update from the club soon on the actual number sold - the marketing/promotion has gone a bit quieter of late after being extremely strong since they were launched.

Overall, though, a very positive figure with plenty of time still for further sales (there would have been 500+ more from this point on last season if we ended up around the 5,200+ mark.
Great stats Curragh
So pretty decent sales and despite:
- the cost of living crisis
- the awful last season
- supporters going to Oxford City

Hopefully ST sales will be better than last season.
We didn't get the breakdown in sales from the club last season but I do know that season tickets were being sold right up to the first home game (and a handful afterwards too).

We will see more sales in the coming weeks, and likely enough to exceed last season's and hopefully push towards the 6000 mark.

Yeah, fair enough.

Come a few days before the start of the season or maybe once some friendlies and further signings have come in, those that are still stalling will hopefully have the appetite back, and if necessary, find a way to fund a purchase.
Doesn't surprise me. The cost of everything is going up including things that are (arguably!) more important than watching football - mortgages and food for example. If money is tight, football is one thing people can do without. Plus the performance last year hardly left anyone gagging for more either. The club can do nothing about the cost of living, and have some bridge building to do with the support (and I don't mean over a major road).
I get your point, money is very tight at the moment for everyone, and personally I'm struggling financially.

However, I've actually cut back on certain things and sacrificed things from my live, in order to still be able to afford my season ticket, because no matter how much the cost of living increases, I couldn't imagine not going to the footy on a Saturday, I'd drink water and eat beans on toast every day for a year if I had to in order to be able to keep going!

An OUFC season ticket is for life, not just for Christmas!
I get your point, money is very tight at the moment for everyone, and personally I'm struggling financially.

However, I've actually cut back on certain things and sacrificed things from my live, in order to still be able to afford my season ticket, because no matter how much the cost of living increases, I couldn't imagine not going to the footy on a Saturday, I'd drink water and eat beans on toast every day for a year if I had to in order to be able to keep going!

An OUFC season ticket is for life, not just for Christmas!

Ditto. Not to the extent of eating beans and drinking water but we have scrapped the weekly Chinese/Indian takeaway and will get one every month from now on. The clubs direct debit option was the winner for me to renew .
Ditto. Not to the extent of eating beans and drinking water but we have scrapped the weekly Chinese/Indian takeaway and will get one every month from now on. The clubs direct debit option was the winner for me to renew .
Yeah I couldn't do it without the credit option, and I've had to strip away some other less important luxuries in order to budget for it.

Not quite as desperate as water and beans and toast yet though, but I would if I had to!
I get your point, money is very tight at the moment for everyone, and personally I'm struggling financially.

However, I've actually cut back on certain things and sacrificed things from my live, in order to still be able to afford my season ticket, because no matter how much the cost of living increases, I couldn't imagine not going to the footy on a Saturday, I'd drink water and eat beans on toast every day for a year if I had to in order to be able to keep going!

An OUFC season ticket is for life, not just for Christmas!
You can afford toast? You lucky lucky bastard
Maybe I’m being harsh but I just don’t feel after the change in manager, the new signings why people aren’t excited for the new season.
No one enjoyed last season but there is clear improvement in most aspects of the club and I for one am actually excited for the new season, certainly more excited than I was the last 2 summers.
It isn’t always going to be sunshine and roses unfortunately but seasons like last season make the good times all the better.

Surely as fans we go into any new season with hope of a good season and want to be part of it?

Like I said maybe I’m being harsh but that’s my view point on the ones who won’t renew due to last season.

As a lower league fan seasons like last do indeed make the good times better. But they certainly aren’t enjoyable and entertaining.

And there’s a scale of support. If money is tight, and you’re at the less committed end of that scale, with other hobbies or interests, seasons like last would certainly not guarantee you renewing regardless of prior years. That’s our dose of reality and why Ferguson needs holding to account. I had an iFollow season ticket for just under $200. Am I renewing ? Not yet. It was massively unwatchable at times

Damaging long term contracts and significant brand damage. Especially as the season before we ended with a huge number of 10k plus crowds.
A simple correlation between the figure of 5,730 at 2:59pm and 4,921 this evening.

If you've moved seats, you would show as two new season ticket holders, as you state, but your original two seats would then show as available, I'd have thought. It's not that scientific, and I'm only working with the data available to me, but I'm even handed in how I analyse it, so pretty sure I'm correct. Plus the club (Mick Brown and others) have told me on several occasions that they can't believe how accurate I am.
They do, I moved two seats for me and my mate in the East Stand so we are next to my other mate, old seats became available immediately.
Not had any of ours as yet, but as we are on holiday at the beginning of August the first game we are going to get to is Charlton on 26th August, so I'll give it a week or so....
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