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Manager/Coach Robinson. Stay or go?

Should Robinson stay or go?

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Well, we’lol all find out today how competent a chairman we’ve got at the helm of OUR football club. If we hear nothing from him it’ll prove that what we all feared after that first pathetic press conference he conducted is true. Tiger, show yourself to be a strong decisive leader.

I never thought I’d say this but put Faz in charge with CA assisting for the Southend game if there isn’t anyone else lined up. He’s all we’ve got but ANYTHING as long as Robinson and Derry are well away from the dugout on Saturday.
I have been very uncomfortable with KRs publicly blaming players before now, but his pushing Hanson under the bus tonight is the final straw, then to go on a say he needs to stand in front of his players and be a shield when everything to date has been the opposite, that's me done with him he needs to go now. To make Shandon captain for Man City maybe OK, a no win game for us so a gesture, but to give it to him again against Luton, wrong wrong, and then to leave him on after half time criminal, God knows what effect it will have on the young man.
I have been very uncomfortable with KRs publicly blaming players before now, but his pushing Hanson under the bus tonight is the final straw, then to go on a say he needs to stand in front of his players and be a shield when everything to date has been the opposite, that's me done with him he needs to go now. To make Shandon captain for Man City maybe OK, a no win game for us so a gesture, but to give it to him again against Luton, wrong wrong, and then to leave him on after half time criminal, God knows what effect it will have on the young man.

He is suspended for a game aswell now. But in the words of tinkerman two, " We have a very strong bench".
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I was fuming last night with the way they lost. Whilst I could see it coming and fully expected to lose once the equaliser had gone in it didn’t make it any easier to take.

Then to hear more of the same crap afterwards, why I expected him to genuinely accept responsibility all we got was him telling us that he HAS to take the blame rather than saying he is to blame.

But all the while he was saying that he was blaming players for individual errors etc

I’m struggling this morning despite sleeping on it and I feel like that’s it for me until he is gone.

Fortunately they are away this week and the following 2 weeks I have plans away from football so I may not have to miss anything voluntarily but the Shrewsbury game is on my birthday and I’m not sure I want to ruin what should be a good day by watching and listening to that
I’m afraid he has to go.
He’s a strange character, so enthusiastic and joking. But I’m beginning to think it’s all a bit car salesman.

Right from the start of the season with the friendly at City. Sitting there with his feet up lounging about like he was on the beach! So disrespectful to City and unprofessional.

Even before that the beasting in Ireland trying to defy the biological function of stress, nutrition and recovery of the human body sent alarm bells ringing.

His conduct on the touch line also leaves a lot to be desired. He has more cards than some of the players!

In the end you could tolerate the negative if he’d put together a decent side.

By his own admission he was happy with the budget he had. So why were we unable to sign the players we so desperately needed? Well I think it’s him.

He doesn’t come across as a nice manager to work for. Publicly slating players is a massive red flag. Blaming everyone else but him. Word gets around in football. Why didn’t he raid Charlton? Because none of them would play for him again.

After the Coventry game in the cup. Where Whyte and Shandon played so well. When asked if they had made him think about the team for the weekend? His response of I already know my team for the weekend! Must have filled them with confidence.

He chased and chased smith when there were better more proven players available. That’s his mistake.

The final nail in the coffin for me was last night when he next to denied Hanson was his signing. The manager has final say in who comes in were words from KR mouth only a few months ago.

Robinson’s favourite quote “I know where the problems lie” yes so do we. Bye bye!
The worst thing about the absolute sea of issues we have at the moment (I could list them, I won't, we all know them, it's a f*****g long list) is I can't see how it will change, new manager or not. The best we can hope for is surviving to Jan and pulling off a perfect transfer window... Given our previous here, even that doesn't fill me with hope...

Who knows. Maybe it will all fall into place at Southend...great quote on RadOx last night... Apart from the Managers, the Players and the Ground, we're a great club ?
All the talk after the game from players and especially Robinson was about the sending off and silly mistakes? WTF! Luton must have been disappointed not to be at least 2 up at half time. They totally bossed us especially in midfield.
We some how make it to half time still in the game and even score early in the second half only to play even worse than we did in the first half. Must have been Robinson working his magic!
W 6 (26%) L 13 (57%) D 4 (17%)
Stats now worse than Talbot and approaching Rix (higher loss ration than him already) and Kemp territory.

So given that almost any manager on stats alone would be better than KR.
At some point, KR has to be self aware and understand we can't keep doing the same thing again and again, and hope we'll win. 5 points so far is nowhere near good enough, and each loss is met with a shrug of the shoulders and bluster. My biggest concern is the lack of urgency; it feels like we are in a steady free fall and it feels pretty passionless out there.

Can you imagine celebrating the clubs 125th Anniversary with a performance like we've seen in the past few weeks? For brand Oxford it would be embarrassing. If KR stays, some serious change has to occur, and very quickly.
At some point, KR has to be self aware and understand we can't keep doing the same thing again and again, and hope we'll win. 5 points so far is nowhere near good enough, and each loss is met with a shrug of the shoulders and bluster. My biggest concern is the lack of urgency; it feels like we are in a steady free fall and it feels pretty passionless out there.

Can you imagine celebrating the clubs 125th Anniversary with a performance like we've seen in the past few weeks? For brand Oxford it would be embarrassing. If KR stays, some serious change has to occur, and very quickly.

The guy is bewildered. We've seen the 4-2-3-1 stubbornness and now we are getting wholesale changes in the hope something clicks. Players get jettisoned for weeks (Mcmahon, Long) then suddenly come in. At this point, we have to go to absolute basics.
At some point, KR has to be self aware and understand we can't keep doing the same thing again and again, and hope we'll win. 5 points so far is nowhere near good enough, and each loss is met with a shrug of the shoulders and bluster. My biggest concern is the lack of urgency; it feels like we are in a steady free fall and it feels pretty passionless out there.

Can you imagine celebrating the clubs 125th Anniversary with a performance like we've seen in the past few weeks? For brand Oxford it would be embarrassing. If KR stays, some serious change has to occur, and very quickly.

Said the same on the drive home regarding the anniversary game. A performance and result like we've been having in that match will be extremely depressing.
There comes a tipping point in any managers reign, and I believe we’ve reached that point.

The players look so bereft of confidence, the difference between the two teams last night in belief and confidence was for all to see.

There’s no doubt in my mind that we have some very good players at the club eg Nelson, Holmes, White, Browne, Henry, Eastwood, Carruthers. But for whatever reason they are short of confidence and not playing to their potential.

Of course the biggest issue with the playing squad is the strikers and the recruitment there of. Obika is so out of form and lacking in confidence. Smith is young and inexperienced. It would appear Mackie’s leg season have ‘gone’.

The manager has to take responsibility for the recruitment of the squad and in our case lack of suitable strikers.

The manager has to take responsibility for installing belief and confidence in the players.

The manager has to take responsibility for tactics and formations.

The manager has to take responsibility for team selection.

The manager has to take responsibility for the pre-season.

The manager has to take responsibility for our league position.

The manager has to take responsibility for choosing his assistant.

Of course players have to take responsibility for their individual performances but the buck stops with the manager.

Time for Robinson and Derry to resign or for Tiger to sack them. Appoint Faz & Allen on a temporary basis and find a manager who can install some confidence and belief in the players.
I have been very uncomfortable with KRs publicly blaming players before now, but his pushing Hanson under the bus tonight is the final straw, then to go on a say he needs to stand in front of his players and be a shield when everything to date has been the opposite, that's me done with him he needs to go now. To make Shandon captain for Man City maybe OK, a no win game for us so a gesture, but to give it to him again against Luton, wrong wrong, and then to leave him on after half time criminal, God knows what effect it will have on the young man.
I completely agree. Up till now I have been more in the keep KR camp. But he needs to go for everyone's morale.
really think KR has to go now.
Baptiste should have been taken off at half time - he was a cert for a red. Changes the 11 every week so no chance to build up rapport and understanding so we have 11 men not playing as a team. Holmes' goal summing that up, the only way we score is through an individual effort.

I suspect the players are struggling with KR. He spoke last night about protecting the players but over recent weeks he has publicly criticised Hanson, McMahon, Mous, Mitchell, Garbutt, Norman, and probably others. Criticism by name should be kept behind closed doors. In last night's interview he pretty much admitted he hadn't wanted Hanson, don't think that will help Hanson improve. Nelson sounded really fed up - as did Brannagan on Saturday. Do you want to play for a manager who will hang you out to dry?

He is consistently failing to get anything out of the players.

Time to go.
The guy is bewildered. We've seen the 4-2-3-1 stubbornness and now we are getting wholesale changes in the hope something clicks. Players get jettisoned for weeks (Mcmahon, Long) then suddenly come in. At this point, we have to go to absolute basics.
Agree. We have to go longer, we have to stop giving the opposition easy chances. We have to make sure our set pieces are better - if that means playing Mousinho in midfield, do it. Some of our players are shocking when marking the opposition in the box. If I can see it from the stands....
Said the same on the drive home regarding the anniversary game. A performance and result like we've been having in that match will be extremely depressing.
All that celebration before the game, and soon after the crowd will turn. Doesn't need to be toxic
The invective at Pep was huge at times last season, and my God his interviews were bad as well, but he wasn't so unprofessional as to hang players out to dry in public. Any discontent played out behind closed doors and only leaked out (Payne) through other sources. Even with a poor squad we had times where we at least marginally looked like we knew what we were doing, God we even set the team up so that Xemi, Agon Mehmeti and Gino had half decent games and scored! But this season, cup games apart? Sunderland? Any more?

I'd get rid of the lot of em, personally. KR, Derry and Faz as well. Allen is in charge of the U23s and doing his job there, so I'd leave him. Complete rethink on the management side for me.

It won't happen though...
Woke up sure that for such an ambitious club with grand plans and "wow" factor there would be something.

Maybe not a sacking but a statement, anything.

There isnt. Nobody really cares. Rudderless. And up s**t creek.
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