Matches Homophobic chanting


Active member
20 Aug 2021
Although I wasn't at the game, various reports on mainstream and social media have said that some Oxford fans engaged in homophobic chanting today.

This is a good opportunity to remind my fellow Us fans that if you're the kind of person who thinks it's OK, please kindly P**s off back to the 1950s. You're not welcome

Although I wasn't at the game, various reports on mainstream and social media have said that some Oxford fans engaged in homophobic chanting today.

This is a good opportunity to remind my fellow Us fans that if you're the kind of person who thinks it's OK, please kindly P**s off back to the 1950s. You're not welcome

Thing is, everyone knows gay people, or has a relative who is gay. How sheltered and backward do these people have to be?
It is a shame that these bigoted chants still continue whether they’re racist, sexist or Homophobic, thought they were a thing of the past but still rear there ugly head from time to time. It needs the clubs and the authorities to identify sort and weed them out and ban them if need be for life.
I wonder why you felt the need to post this.

I imagine he was responding to the opening post, which said there was homophobic chanting. I, too, didn’t hear anything offensive. I thought the Oxford fans, in the main, were in good voice. My lad thought it was the best away atmosphere he’d been too for a few seasons.

Whether there were pockets of abuse our of my earshot I don’t know but I was situated just to the left of the goal looking out and heard absolutely nothing to cause concern or offence. You always get the odd tanked up individual losing the plot, that and the ripping out of seats - if true - is inexcusable but this nonsense surrounding the keeper in pink was, at worst, mild.

A word too for the minutes applause, to a man the chanting stopped and applause took over in the away end. Yes, of course it should have done anyway on a purely humane level but thought it worthy of mention given the unwarranted stick the majority of Oxford fans seem to have got.

Personally, I only saw one idiotic fan today and that was the t*** from Wycombe who ran on the pitch, clashed with players and incited a potential pitch invasion. I don’t care who you are, everyone has a limit to the goading they can take - especially when you’re team are 2-0 down - and I wouldn’t even blame the Oxford fans who spilled forward towards him.
Meanwhile on Twitter a hastily deleted tweet and an "apology" from one of ours....... what do we suggest? Banning order or one of those "acceptable behaviour contracts" from the club? Once you type it it doesn`t go away Aimee..................................
Been to the recent local away games at MK and Wycombe and the 'Sex Offender' chant has been regularly rolled out by a sizeable section of the crowd. Not sure what it's seeking to achieve other than to get us in this kind of trouble.

Not homophobic as such (unless you mis-interpret the use of the word 'Bender') but in any case...problematic.
Been to the recent local away games at MK and Wycombe and the 'Sex Offender' chant has been regularly rolled out by a sizeable section of the crowd. Not sure what it's seeking to achieve other than to get us in this kind of trouble.

Not homophobic as such (unless you mis-interpret the use of the word 'Bender') but in any case...problematic.
I don’t think anyone is suggesting that’s a homophobic chant, or the one which was complained about? I’m not saying it’s edifying but it’s (in my opinion) nowhere near the level of homophobic chanting and not sure it should be compared?
Been to the recent local away games at MK and Wycombe and the 'Sex Offender' chant has been regularly rolled out by a sizeable section of the crowd. Not sure what it's seeking to achieve other than to get us in this kind of trouble.

Not homophobic as such (unless you mis-interpret the use of the word 'Bender') but in any case...problematic.
The sex offender is a libellous chant and ridiculous in my opinion.
I've found the replies interesting. Last time I posted about this, on the older version of the forum half the replies were supportive and half were disgraceful.

At one point I mentioned that I'm bisexual, and after that someone personally messaged me to say that nobody has ever "come out" on this forum. I wonder if I'm still the only one who has?

Not that it should be necessary, of course, but when people are being homophobic, it is necessary to show that there are LGBT people everywhere, whether they are open about it or not.

Things seemed to have improved since that incident, which I am thankful for OxVox and the club for raising and tackling in various ways (not least excellent articles in the programme, which I still have a copy of). But there still seems a long way to go - in 2022 there *still* haven't been any out professional footballers in the English game, and there seem to remain minority of fans who think they can still get away with homophobic chanting. Let's make sure they don't- yes, inform the club or stewards, but please be brave and confront the issue head-on on the terraces. That's not easy, I know, but it's the only way proper progress is made.

Whether there were pockets of abuse our of my earshot I don’t know but I was situated just to the left of the goal looking out and heard absolutely nothing to cause concern or offence. You always get the odd tanked up individual losing the plot, that and the ripping out of seats - if true - is inexcusable but this nonsense surrounding the keeper in pink was, at worst, mild.

Seems like you were close to where I was, so you must have heard the group singing about the keeper in pink... as I think you are saying you did?

Then the question is, is that chant homophobic. Most people think it is, as I imagine, do the club.
OUSP Statement

Following allegations of homophobic chanting by fans during the match at Wycombe, the OUSP wishes to make clear that homophobia and all forms of discrimination are never acceptable. We stand by our LGBTQ+ community and encourage fans to report any hate speech or abuse to stewards or via the report it text service.
We will continue to seek ways to support and involve minority groups to create a positive and inclusive matchday atmosphere.
I wasn't at the game. (Just saying that as some think that excludes having an opinion!)

However, its embarrassing how there are those who are simply unable to control themselves the moment they get involved with football. Not only is the homophobic chanting offensive for all the reasons so many have said, but it's also absolutely f*****g pathetic. Jack Stevens wore a pink kit last season for christ sake! And in 2022, why is anyone even using "gay" as an insult? It's not banter. It's not only embarrassing but deeply damaging. We've heard from forum members talking about their own sexuality and how offensive these kind of comments are. Who someone falls in love with has absolutely f**k all to do with football and the sooner these idiots get that, the better we will all be.

I love the idea of having a pink away shirt next season just to trigger some of our idiots! Or even a one off shirt that we could wear to highlight the clubs support for the LGBTQ+ community with shirts auctioned off afterwards for associated charities.


What is with the "well I didn't hear it" attitude?! Plenty of people have confirmed it happened, and people who are LGBTQ+ have confirmed it's offensive, not that they should have to as it's blatantly obvious it is.

Stop making excuses for homophobes. Condemn them, report them, and get them the f**k away from our club.

Also @tomoufc - you're not the only one anymore, there's a few of us now!
I attended todays game and didn’t hear anything that I would call offensive
I was about ten rows back behind the goal, and it was pretty much non stop offensive chanting all afternoon. A bunch of about 30-40 morons, mostly in their late teens/early twenties. It was like being back in the 70’s. I haven‘t seen that sort of nonsense for years. Hope they don’t turn up to an Oxford game again.
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