League One survival?

Prediction for today
Rochdale to lose to Bradford
Walsall to lose to Scunthorpe
Northampton to lose to Plymouth
MK to draw against Southend
Oldham to draw against Wimbledon
Prediction for today
Rochdale to lose to Bradford
Walsall to lose to Scunthorpe
Northampton to lose to Plymouth
MK to draw against Southend
Oldham to draw against Wimbledon
I'd take that!
Our recent three home games have shown how difficult it is for the sides down the bottom to get those all important wins. Whoever succeeds in doing it the most deserves to stay up. Simples..
Predictions for today! MK Dons and Northampton both lose meaning that they we are safe from bottom 3. Rochdale and Wallsall both lose and Wimbledon beat Oldham to go safe. We grab a draw to give a 5 point lead over Rochdale and ensure that we going into next weekend knowing a win keeps us up. Then a little party and Blackburn ready for the glory that awaits next season!!!

You're welcome!

Got the results wrong but the table about right! Bury, MK Dons and Northampton can't catch us and Rochdale need to beat us and get a least 4 points from their other 2 games. Walsall and Oldham need at least 6 points from tricky fixtures and I can't see Gillingham getting anything more than a point. Wimbledon should beat Bury on the last game to be sure of safety but any of the others could go. A win next week will lead to a great summer!
Anyone know when was the last time a team went down on 53 points? If we do go down now it would be brutally harsh
Wimbledon were relegated on 53 points in 1981-82 season.
Reading were relegated on 53 points in 1982-83 season.
Southend were relegated on 54points in 1988-89 season.
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Oxford United won the third division in 1967-68 on 57 points. (only 2 points for a win then)
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