General The Owners - Where Are We At?


Well-known member
7 Dec 2017
A lot has happened in the last 6-8 months.
- Robinson sacked
- Manning appointed
- Stayed up
- Good start to season
- Stadium project steps forward
- Manning leaves
- Buckingham appointed

But when was the last time we heard from the owners?
Bakrie in particular doesn't seem to have spoken or posted about the club for a while. His last post on Instagram, where he has previously been quite 'loud' about the club, was a repost of the official club release on the stadium details being released. His last post of his own was 27th August after the Charlton game.

Thohir we know is now the Head of the Indonesian FA and as such has disappeared from the list of the directors on the website (see below). I assume this represents him stepping back from as much regular involvement but ultimately remains joint-owner.

Never really hear anything much of/from Geicke other than photos when he has attended a game. Tiger of course has taken a big step back, but is still on the board of directors.
Finance Director Tim Davies has apparently left and again is no longer listed on the website.

Grant Ferguson as chairman seems to have more of a presence in recent months, with a few interviews given with the Oxford Mail and BBC Oxford. Whilst we know Tim Williams is ultimately the day to day 'boots on the ground' individual.

This isn't a criticism or some conspiracy theory, it's more an open question of how often do we think we should hear from the actual owners (rather than the chairman/CEO)?
Given the advances in the stadium project (and the management scenarios) , I'd have thought we might have heard from the owners, but perhaps they're waiting for the stadium planning application to be submitted?

They may have taken a step back so that it does go through Grant Ferguson/Tim Williams although I'm not sure that would explain the instagram point.
I'm always expecting that Bakrie will become more visible as/when planning goes in (to the wider community as much as fans) but the longer it goes on, the less likely I think that is.

Which is a shame as he's a great speaker and lots of positivity to bring to this. Do appreciate that this is why we have a CEO and Chair, but just feel like Bakrie would be a good spokesperson for the club for the big stuff, such as the case for the new stadium.
Not a bad thing if the owners stay quiet and leave the communications to the chairman. Too many owners in football nowadays who end up sounding like prats (Darragh MacAnthony at Peterborough being an obvious example. Todd Bohely another one). Just because you own a football club, doesn't mean you know football.

I thought the Grant Ferguson has come across really well this week, when being interviewed by Jerome Sale about Des Buckingham, Manning and the interview process.
I think the reality of it is that Mr Bakrie is an incredibly busy business man with his fingers in a heck of a lot of other pies that are arguably more important than football (sacrilege I know). So naturally we were unlikely to be hearing from him every other week.

Leave the day to day Comms to the guys on the ground as they are far more clued up on the hows of running of a football club.
Tim can give an hour of his time to that podcast but not OUFC related media (radox, podcasts even his own iFollow channel) or a fans forum?
A couple of social media posts at least wouldn't go amiss. Let us know they're thinking about us. But the key people are Williams and Ferguson.
What little you see of Bakrie on X is as intimated-position in Indonesian elite. Didn't RadOx say that Tiger was over recently following Manning departure. But definitely think we are due a fans forum even though am personally not local for that. Perhaps we will get something post planning app.
Tim can give an hour of his time to that podcast but not OUFC related media (radox, podcasts even his own iFollow channel) or a fans forum?
Yes, it’s all very well to leave the comms to the CEO, unless that CEO treats communication with fans like an inconvenience, unless it’s to point out what a good job is being done.
What little you see of Bakrie on X is as intimated-position in Indonesian elite. Didn't RadOx say that Tiger was over recently following Manning departure. But definitely think we are due a fans forum even though am personally not local for that. Perhaps we will get something post planning app.
heres hoping, a FF is more than looooong overdue
What more would you want the club to say ?
We are regularly updated regarding progress with the proposed new stadium.
They’ve swiftly hired a new manager on a long term contract.
We are enjoying our best start in over 40 years.
To honour their commitment when they agree to a fans forum - it’s not that hard and would show a degree of respect for paying customers sorry fans.
To honour their commitment when they agree to a fans forum - it’s not that hard and would show a degree of respect for paying customers sorry fans.
If they hadn’t promised it of their own free will, almost nobody would care. Such a stupid own goal.

You can bet they’ll do it at the end of the season if we get promoted, mind.
What more would you want the club to say ?
We are regularly updated regarding progress with the proposed new stadium.
They’ve swiftly hired a new manager on a long term contract.
We are enjoying our best start in over 40 years.
I don't necessarily expect them to say anything.

I was more picking up that the actual owner(s) level of comms have noticeably dropped in the last few months despite the good things going on. Bakrie, in particular, has previously been very active on his own socials in terms of OUFC.

As others have said, it may be that they're leaving it all in the hands of GF and TW.
For those still desperate for a FF.
Why not come up with a list of suggested discussion points, that you would like to see on the meeting agenda.
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