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National News Sir Keir Starmer

I take it you only read the headline again... It isn't an 18% pay rise in one hit, it is a series over 4 years. Not sure how that compares to Tory councils, perhaps you can let us know for balance?

I read it thanks - set by an "independent" panel shortly before the brown stuff hit the fan............

Sir Kier starting his U-turn phase early.

This is what happens when you feel you will no longer be in opposition… you have to start being realistic about your taxation and spending policy.

False promises and failed promises.

We’ll get nothing new with a Labour government, just the same old gash but from a different party.
This is what happens when you feel you will no longer be in opposition… you have to start being realistic about your taxation and spending policy.

False promises and failed promises.

We’ll get nothing new with a Labour government, just the same old gash but from a different party.
With a bit more focus on helping those that need it most as opposed to those that fund your party, one would hope....oh and just a smidge less criminality would be a breath of fresh air too🙂

The green deal will happen, it has to regardless of who is in government and Labour were stupid to put a figure on it in the first place, which would always be an Albatross.

On a separate note, I am enjoying playing "I wonder which foot Rishi has in his mouth today" At least our gaffe prone excuse for a PM is consistent!
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With a bit more focus on helping those that need it most as opposed to those that fund your party, one would hope....

The green deal will happen, it has to regardless of whom is in government and Labour were stupid to put a figure on it in the first place, which would always be an Albatross.

On a separate note, I am enjoying playing "I wonder which foot Rishi has in his mouth today" At least our gaffe prone excuse for a PM is consistent!

Gotta be worth a £1000 wager 🙂
This is what happens when you feel you will no longer be in opposition… you have to start being realistic about your taxation and spending policy.

False promises and failed promises.

We’ll get nothing new with a Labour government, just the same old gash but from a different party.
This is what happens when you stupidly succumb to the pressure of continually being asked 'what will you do?/what's your plan?' when you don't know how the economy will be doing one or two you years hence and then someone really stupid, let's say Liz Truss, comes along and trashes the economy in the meantime.

Oh, and by the way, it will happen if Labour get into power. I'd bet a grand on it. 😉💰
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This is what happens when you stupidly succumb to the pressure of continually being asked 'what will you do?/what's your plan?' when you don't know how the economy will be doing one or two you years hence and then someone really stupid, let's say Liz Truss, comes along and trashes the economy in the meantime.

Oh, and by the way, it will happen if Labour get into power. I'd bet a grand on it. 😉💰

Are we supposed to vote Labour without them telling us what the plan is for when they are in power then? As a lapsed Labour voter (didn't vote in the last election) is that supposed to get me back out to vote for them?
This is what happens when you feel you will no longer be in opposition… you have to start being realistic about your taxation and spending policy.

False promises and failed promises.

We’ll get nothing new with a Labour government, just the same old gash but from a different party.
This is pretty much it. Exactly the same, but with a (somehow) even weaker asylum and immigration system, higher taxes and exactly the same poor quality services for all.
Are we supposed to vote Labour without them telling us what the plan is for when they are in power then? As a lapsed Labour voter (didn't vote in the last election) is that supposed to get me back out to vote for them?
Ever heard of an election manifesto? Election and manifesto being the operative words!
Ever heard of an election manifesto? Election and manifesto being the operative words!

So in the years in between elections we are not allowed to know anything about what the opposition would actually do? Even when we are not actually that far away from an election? Healthy democracy that.
Ever heard of an election manifesto? Election and manifesto being the operative words!

So other than in an election year you are asking us to accept that the guff coming out of opposition leaders is fantasy and hot air based on future unknowns?

Is it also acceptable that a new labour government will likely spend years blaming a Conservative government when they can't deliver their manifesto? It wasn't acceptable under Conservative and it shouldn't be acceptable under Labour.

The Truss era was indeed a bollock drop and you say she "trashed the economy". Do you not think the economy was already trashed after 13 years of Conservatives? Hasn't that been your mantra? Were Labour not already aware of this?

Truss cost the economy £30 billion, but on the back drop of Covid costing up to £410 billion and following years of underinvestment, 42 days of Truss is hardly reason enough to defend Labour for watering down.

This is what happens when you stupidly succumb to the pressure of continually being asked 'what will you do?/what's your plan?' when you don't know how the economy will be doing one or two you years hence and then someone really stupid, let's say Liz Truss, comes along and trashes the economy in the meantime.

Oh, and by the way, it will happen if Labour get into power. I'd bet a grand on it. 😉💰

You mean being a politician?
So other than in an election year you are asking us to accept that the guff coming out of opposition leaders is fantasy and hot air based on future unknowns?

Is it also acceptable that a new labour government will likely spend years blaming a Conservative government when they can't deliver their manifesto? It wasn't acceptable under Conservative and it shouldn't be acceptable under Labour.

The Truss era was indeed a bollock drop and you say she "trashed the economy". Do you not think the economy was already trashed after 13 years of Conservatives? Hasn't that been your mantra? Were Labour not already aware of this?

Truss cost the economy £30 billion, but on the back drop of Covid costing up to £410 billion and following years of underinvestment, 42 days of Truss is hardly reason enough to defend Labour for watering down.

You mean being a politician?
No, not at all. Of course you have to maintain a dialogue with the country but what you don't do is make 'cast iron' costed promises before you know the state of the finances you're going to inherit*. FFS, I'm criticising Labour here and I'm still getting it in the neck from the usual suspects!😳😳

*Maybe, pre Truss, they though there was no possibility way the economy could get any worse.
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