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Robinson is not the man

Yet again Robinson is In the press blaming someone but himself. More hit air and sound bites from him. He needs coaching in PR as his will all backfire very soon. Trust me.
Yet again Robinson is In the press blaming someone but himself. More hit air and sound bites from him. He needs coaching in PR as his will all backfire very soon. Trust me.

And yet again you are here spouting s**t I f which you are full of, you claim you know this know that, you know nothing now be a good little boy and go and do your homework.
Yet again Robinson is In the press blaming someone but himself. More hit air and sound bites from him. He needs coaching in PR as his will all backfire very soon. Trust me.

Still waiting for you to provide links etc to all this "information (that) is there in the open".

Once you make a statement like that, then fail to put up when asked to do so, you lose all credibility with the majority for forum users. This means that subsequent posts tend to be treated with contempt but maybe that was your original intention.

I'll go with @Notaswindonfan assessment it's well known that he has the professional qualifications to support it.
Yet again Robinson is In [SIC] the press blaming someone but himself. More hit [SIC] air and sound bites from him. He needs coaching in PR as his [SIC] will all backfire very soon. Trust me.

You (if we are to believe who you would like us to think you are) should know full well how the media manipulate things and to take these sort of statements with a pinch of salt (although I see nothing in the OM article that says anyone is to blame, just an acknowledgment that we are under-performing).

However, judging by the spelling and grammatical errors in your post, I think you may need to get your qualifications before you embark on the sort of career you would like to think you are in..........
Ignoring the troll it is still interesting to consider where we went wrong and who was to blame. The problem we have is Pep is not around to defend himself and I don't really believe half of what DE is saying about his part in the failure.

The fact is we started the season really well. A legacy of Mapp's input and our best players being fit. Soon Johnson was sold and more of the sort of signings that did not fit the Mapp model appeared and we began to look very intermittent. Injuries mounted some unlucky some predictable and performance began to dip. More worryingly we were not performing in the key games like the cups and against the so called easier teams. This was a trend that progressively got worse throughout the season.

Then Payne was recalled which was a major loss and we spent much of the transfer window trying to avoid selling players that now wanted to leave. This was reflected in the performances of some of these younger players that deteriorated throughout the season. When Pep left we were not performing more often than we were, and some of the performances were absolutely dire. The squad was exposed and being wildly unbalanced and lacking any quality in key positions. Injuries have robbed us of two of our best players and our forward line was being exposed as either not fit or not good enough for the job.

The fact is we were on a downward slope long before Pep left (it could be argued as soon as he arrived) and getting off it has proven extremely difficult. Large chunks of our squad are not league 1 quality and I will be surprised if they are playing here next season whoever they play for. In the last few games some of our best players Kane, Brannigan, and Dickie are those bought in post Pep and I think that is telling. It's a shame we did not have a proper manager or owner during the transfer window as I doubt we would be in this mess.

The fact is Pep and DE are to blame for this season to what extent each is culpable is open to debate. What is not is the bare facts as laid out above. The further away from the MApp model and era we moved under Pep and DE the worse we became. Now KR is trying to make a silk purse from a sows ear and so far we have seen some improvement. My fear is he was given the job too late to make a big difference. Whatever the outcome of this season I will not blame KR. For me he must get a chance to build his own squad before we can judge him.
It is a forum so spelling and grammar are not at the top of the to do and to get right Li st. The messsge gets across so that's all that matters.

Robinson knows exactly what he's doing, that's why he's putting these sound bites out. He's got a free run at the moment with the fans and club officials so he's using that as his opportunity to buy himself sometime whilst results are very poor. I know from an insider at the club that Tiger is very unimpressed with the start he's made after being sold a totally different story. Robinson knows the pressure is on so its classic defective tactics by him. Something anyone close to Charlton will tell you all about.
Back when pep was sacked Oxford fans were told they would go down and it was a massive mistake. Many laughed, many disbelieved, many abused. I guess this time next week this forum will be full of apologistic posters.
It is a forum so spelling and grammar are not at the top of the to do and to get right Li st. The messsge gets across so that's all that matters.

Robinson knows exactly what he's doing, that's why he's putting these sound bites out. He's got a free run at the moment with the fans and club officials so he's using that as his opportunity to buy himself sometime whilst results are very poor. I know from an insider at the club that Tiger is very unimpressed with the start he's made after being sold a totally different story. Robinson knows the pressure is on so its classic defective tactics by him. Something anyone close to Charlton will tell you all about.

What on earth is a classic defective tactic? Your spelling and grammar is defective! Are you also defective?
That’s it. Finished with this place.

How this non-OUFC supporting troll is allowed to continue here is totally beyond me. We have enough of our own supporters that like to undermine the club, at every opportunity, without allowing someone desperately hoping for us to fail to continue.

Stunned that he’s allowed to continue

OY, over and out.
It is a forum so spelling and grammar are not at the top of the to do and to get right Li st. The messsge gets across so that's all that matters.

Robinson knows exactly what he's doing, that's why he's putting these sound bites out. He's got a free run at the moment with the fans and club officials so he's using that as his opportunity to buy himself sometime whilst results are very poor. I know from an insider at the club that Tiger is very unimpressed with the start he's made after being sold a totally different story. Robinson knows the pressure is on so its classic defective tactics by him. Something anyone close to Charlton will tell you all about.
I have heard similar about Robinson's press statements at Charlton. However I do not believe in this case he does not have a point. If you read this forum you will see no one has any easy answers to make us much better than we currently are. I doubt any manager given or squad and lack of a striker could do much better.

As for Tiger he has come across as rather naive with statements like wow sinings and play offs still possible. Him expecting too much may be a problem of his expectations over reality.

The fact is we won't know what would have happened if Pep has of stayed. My guess though is that we wouldbe no better than we are now. But as we will never be able to tell you can't really claim some Pyrrhic victory if we are relegated. BTW where do you think we would be if Pep was sacked at the start of Decemeber and a new manager appointed immediately?
It is a forum so spelling and grammar are not at the top of the to do and to get right Li st. The messsge gets across so that's all that matters.

Robinson knows exactly what he's doing, that's why he's putting these sound bites out. He's got a free run at the moment with the fans and club officials so he's using that as his opportunity to buy himself sometime whilst results are very poor. I know from an insider at the club that Tiger is very unimpressed with the start he's made after being sold a totally different story. Robinson knows the pressure is on so its classic defective tactics by him. Something anyone close to Charlton will tell you all about.

Is the same Charlton you were bragging, on here, were unbeaten/unbeatable since Karl Robinson left, the same Charlton who LOST on Tuesday evening? Can you confirm its the same Charlton that you're talking about @Borntobeyellow ? ....Second time of asking this is if you're only coming onto YF to pontificate and make statements it seems a pointless exercise if instead you ' interact', its a forum where thoughts and viewpoints are exchanged, after all, that's a different scenario. ..... Avoiding direct questions to your assertions, ( like certain ' information' that you claim is easily accessible, yet not providing links or a cut and paste version to back up your claim(s), as yet, for instance), doesn't do you any favors. For the second time of asking then, to reiterate, Are the Charlton you are referring to, the Charlton who you bragged were unbeaten/unbeatable since Karl Robinson departed, the very same Charlton who went on LOST on Tuesday night (and shot your claim of Charlton being unbeatable/unbeaten since KR had left down in flames)?

a simple Yes or No would suffice
Yes they lost to Wimbledon . You are correct. Now let's talk about the results immediately after Robinson left.
Millman. Pep had targets lined up that were identified and in place to come in. They would have improved the squad in key areas and pushed the club on to battle for a playoff place in line with the adjusted budget supplied by Eales. All were ready to go until Eales pulled the plug which resulted in tensions and from that moment only one was going to survive.
Yes they lost to Wimbledon . You are correct. Now let's talk about the results immediately after Robinson left.
Millman. Pep had targets lined up that were identified and in place to come in. They would have improved the squad in key areas and pushed the club on to battle for a playoff place in line with the adjusted budget supplied by Eales.
Who were they? You obviously know, since they 'would have improved the squad in key areas'. So, names please.
No names, then it's bullshit. Again.
Yes they lost to Wimbledon . You are correct. Now let's talk about the results immediately after Robinson left.
Millman. Pep had targets lined up that were identified and in place to come in. They would have improved the squad in key areas and pushed the club on to battle for a playoff place in line with the adjusted budget supplied by Eales. All were ready to go until Eales pulled the plug which resulted in tensions and from that moment only one was going to survive.

the longest yes or no reply on YF? :ROFLMAO:
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