Transfer News 2022/23 Season Incoming Transfers and a few other things

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Allow me to shoe-horn in some light relief. Just back from a brilliant exhibition called The Art of Football - Designing the Beautiful Game at the Design Museum.

One of the exhibits is this marvellous hand-drawn set of notes for our home game against Sunderland in 2020 by Nick Barnes the Black Cats commentator on Radio Newcastle. I figured people on here would probably admire it. I'll claim this as 'on-topic' by referring you to our subs that day - Hall, Thorne, Hanson and Mackie all together on one bench - must have been nerve wracking for the physios just watching them take their seats that day.

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I believe Nick Harris produces something similar for each game, though all the names are written out phonetically:

"OH! Donk 'er"
"Oisin Smyth the young lad from Northern Ireland”
I would prefer it if you added a semicolon instead, just to really rattle a few cages.
Being a coder, I'd probably add one to the end of every line;
Just to ensure the book reads correctly;
The amount of times code has failed purely because of a missing;
Is staggering;

Just seen Stoke sack thier manger after 6 games the sacking season has already started

Sensible, because the danger is, you could get too far down the line, and leave change to late.

It’s never too early, how long did Waddock last…
The problem is that KR doesn’t seem to have to be responsible to anyone or justify his actions. This is how it seems from the ‘outside’. He is a wild card indulging himself with ridiculous - and seemingly perverse - transfers while OUFC suffer as a result. His decisions go unchallenged at club level but supported by a cohort (fast dwindling it would seem) of rose-coloured views on this forum. This will drag on, and in a week’s time it will be even more obvious what a total clusterf**k he has made of this transfer window. Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
I’m fed up with this kind of post. You begin by saying “this is how it seems from the outside” then proceed to regurgitate the worst set of speculative and unsubstantiated rumours as fact. You complain about “rose-tinted” views without acknowledging you have adopted the bleakest most negative mindset yourself. And modern scholars say the story about Nero fiddling while Rome burnt was probably invented by propagandists with an agenda, as has much of the ill-informed outside viewed-bile on this forum.
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I’m fed up with this kind of post. You begin by saying “this is how it seems from the outside” then proceed to regurgitate the worst set of speculative and unsubstantiated rumours as fact. You complain about “rose-tinted” views without acknowledging you have adopted the bleakest most negative mindset yourself. And modern scholars say the story about Nero fiddling while Rome burnt was probably invented by propagandists with an agenda, as has much of the ill-informed outside viewed-bile on this forum.

That's called an ad-hominem attack. Talk about bile!

Here's a question: I find @CheltenhamYellow frequently posts interesting about football matters and a range of stuff whereas I don't find you doing any of those things. Why is that?
I believe Nick Harris produces something similar for each game, though all the names are written out phonetically:

"OH! Donk 'er"
"Oisin Smyth the young lad from Northern Ireland”
Prair mat.
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