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International News Climate Change 🌍

I watched the Earthshot awards thing the other week. The initiatives by some, as you say all the way from individuals to countries, were encouraging. I didn't really see the point of awarding ÂŁ1m to a country or even a large city though, surely that would make much more difference to the smaller entities?

The awards show was a rather glitzy affair and I enjoyed the programmes leading up to it more. There were some great winners - the coral reef lads in the Bahamas and the young engineer from India who was turning agricultural waste into usable fertilizer were very worthy winners. Costa Rica and Milan winning ÂŁ1m each did feel a bit of a swizz, I agree, but if it helps and showcases initiatives that other metropolitan areas or nations can be doing, good on them.

It's a rare act of benevolence to hand out dosh for no thought of profit but for improving the lives of many.
PR B*****s.

He is worth $195 billion and spent what equates to $5.5 billion to be in space for a few minutes.

How much does he really care?
I'm not here to defend him - ultimately, however, he can do what he wants with his money and 2bn dollars isn't chump change. I know even I don't donate 1% of my net worth to environmental causes.

Do you?
I'm not here to defend him - ultimately, however, he can do what he wants with his money and 2bn dollars isn't chump change. I know even I don't donate 1% of my net worth to environmental causes.

Do you?

Didn’t see it as you defending him 👍

And no I don’t. 1% of my net worth would be like pissing in the wind. I do what I can but I am a very small fish in a huge pond.

I also agree, he can do what he wants with his money.

But, 2 billion dollars to someone worth 195 billion dollars and who is prepared to spend billions on space projects, in that context is chump change, imho.

So does he really care or not? Someone with his wealth and influence can really make a difference and leave behind a climate legacy … 2 billion won’t cut it.

Why not match it with the money spent on space exploration? That level of investment might actually make a difference.
Didn’t see it as you defending him 👍

And no I don’t. 1% of my net worth would be like pissing in the wind. I do what I can but I am a very small fish in a huge pond.

I also agree, he can do what he wants with his money.

But, 2 billion dollars to someone worth 195 billion dollars and who is prepared to spend billions on space projects, in that context is chump change, imho.

So does he really care or not? Someone with his wealth and influence can really make a difference and leave behind a climate legacy … 2 billion won’t cut it.

Why not match it with the money spent on space exploration? That level of investment might actually make a difference.
Yep agreed - I just think it's a promising start from someone who typically does not appear interested in helping humanity.

I have just read this article, which demonstrates that billionaires generally are perhaps more generous than I would imagine.

I suppose if you've decided space holds the answer, you're going to care less about what we have here.

Anyway, I wish people would stop using Amazon
So if you carry an "Insulate Britain" banner, stand on a police van etc they "ask you nicely" to get down.

Try changing trains, after the football, to get home with a valid ticket, etc, and get forced to go to Sheffield.

Glad the FSA are on the case.
So if you carry an "Insulate Britain" banner, stand on a police van etc they "ask you nicely" to get down.

Try changing trains, after the football, to get home with a valid ticket, etc, and get forced to go to Sheffield.

Glad the FSA are on the case.
I remember being in Nottingham for a game having driven and being forced to go to the station and almost onto a train. Then had to walk back to the ground again to be able to find my way back to the car.
So if you carry an "Insulate Britain" banner, stand on a police van etc they "ask you nicely" to get down.

Try changing trains, after the football, to get home with a valid ticket, etc, and get forced to go to Sheffield.

Glad the FSA are on the case.
And presumably you consider the Met approach to the Insulate Britain protestor to be more appropriate and proportionate to the situation, yes?
And presumably you consider the Met approach to the Insulate Britain protestor to be more appropriate and proportionate to the situation, yes?

Proportionate is keeping the road network clear so things like emergency services, and folk going about their business, can get on.

If that means leaving some superglued skin on the tarmac then tough luck, shouldn`t have glued yourself to the road. An element of "personal responsibility" comes into play.

Likewise, if someone has a train ticket for Nottingham don`t herd them off to Sheffield.

Both are appropriate and proportionate.

Easy. 🤷‍♀️
I watched the Earthshot awards thing the other week. The initiatives by some, as you say all the way from individuals to countries, were encouraging. I didn't really see the point of awarding ÂŁ1m to a country or even a large city though, surely that would make much more difference to the smaller entities?
I thought that initially, but then wondered whether the prestige of winning such an award at a city or country level might encourage other sizeable entities to take major steps forward with similar projects/policies off their own back, the size of which may have a greater overall impact than the individual level projects, however innovative they may be
I thought that initially, but then wondered whether the prestige of winning such an award at a city or country level might encourage other sizeable entities to take major steps forward with similar projects/policies off their own back, the size of which may have a greater overall impact than the individual level projects, however innovative they may be
Yes, maybe. It just seemed like ÂŁ1m would make a HUGE difference to a small project, but would be a drop in the ocean to a country! You would hope though (as you say) that for larger concerns the prestige of winning such an award would actually be the most important thing.
COP26 has a agreed a watered down deal thanks to China and India screwing it up at the 11th hour (wankers).

So what does Greta think?

Off you go ............... try gluing your face to the cell door.

At least they have the courage of their convictions and are willing to take the consequences.

As an aside, not minimising what they did but watching Police Interceptors tonight, a disqualified driver who was nearly 3 times over the drink driving limit and drove incredibly dangerously on the wrong side of the road (directly endangering others lives') for large chunks of it in bad weather, rammed a Police Car as well as driving at 120mph+ for long distances, only got 10 months custodial sentence and a 5 year ban on a driving licence. The sentences don't compare well as either the IB members' sentences are harsh or the disqualified driver's is very lenient when compared.
At least they have the courage of their convictions and are willing to take the consequences.

As an aside, not minimising what they did but watching Police Interceptors tonight, a disqualified driver who was nearly 3 times over the drink driving limit and drove incredibly dangerously on the wrong side of the road (directly endangering others lives') for large chunks of it in bad weather, rammed a Police Car as well as driving at 120mph+ for long distances, only got 10 months custodial sentence and a 5 year ban on a driving licence. The sentences don't compare well as either the IB members' sentences are harsh or the disqualified driver's is very lenient when compared.
I’ve still to watch it I will check you’ve got that correct, you’ve missed out suspended.
At least they have the courage of their convictions and are willing to take the consequences.

As an aside, not minimising what they did but watching Police Interceptors tonight, a disqualified driver who was nearly 3 times over the drink driving limit and drove incredibly dangerously on the wrong side of the road (directly endangering others lives') for large chunks of it in bad weather, rammed a Police Car as well as driving at 120mph+ for long distances, only got 10 months custodial sentence and a 5 year ban on a driving licence. The sentences don't compare well as either the IB members' sentences are harsh or the disqualified driver's is very lenient when compared.

Tis all about mitigation.

I`ll take a guess that the disqual driver had a legal aid brief laying it on thick, troubled character, broken home, etc etc. The sentencing is mostly encompassed by the 5 year ban and the custodial aspect.

The IB idiots stand in the High Court admitting to breaking the injunction that very court issued and that they would happily do it again. Sometimes it is better to stay silent and take the medicine.
Tis all about mitigation.

I`ll take a guess that the disqual driver had a legal aid brief laying it on thick, troubled character, broken home, etc etc. The sentencing is mostly encompassed by the 5 year ban and the custodial aspect.

The IB idiots stand in the High Court admitting to breaking the injunction that very court issued and that they would happily do it again. Sometimes it is better to stay silent and take the medicine.

They still don't compare well.
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