Tomorrow's press conference

Simple question - why have you not joined OxVox?

You describe your passion for the club (and imply that others are less passionate or care less) but do not feel it important to be part of an independent supports group?

Have you attended any fans forums?

Have you, in any way outside of this forum, raised questions regarding OUFC?

Are you Charlie's butler?

Do you remember a time when you had fun, smiled or even laughed?!

I’ve not
Simple question - why have you not joined OxVox?

You describe your passion for the club (and imply that others are less passionate or care less) but do not feel it important to be part of an independent supports group?

Have you attended any fans forums?

Have you, in any way outside of this forum, raised questions regarding OUFC?

Are you Charlie's butler?

Do you remember a time when you had fun, smiled or even laughed?!

Is it a pre-requisite to be a member of a supporters’ group to ‘have my say’? Maybe it is these days. Does my view not count as much then? Maybe. The workings of said groups are no doubt unique around the country but my guess (having never pressed the flesh with an OxVox committee member, which should dispel any notion of personality-led, or other, agenda) has always been that it’s pretty fair-minded and open to other views, wherever they are to be found.

The post by ‘OxVox’ in the last few pages suggest I am wrong about that. Previous to that I would have certainly reckoned it was no cosy little club (from experience as a forum attendee some years back. The only one, I’ll admit). It’s doing a good job of blitzing that idea in the last few minutes, which is a shame. I’d commend OxVox previously for almost all of the work it has done. The ‘right to buy’ on the stadium an extraordinary a shining example, which gives credence to my earlier theory about it being a bright and ‘all ears’ group.

It has made a rick with Tiger here, though. I’m sure it is naivety. But it has to be questioned on that. And I find the reaction to those calls weird, although perhaps explained by this notion that on here everything is black or white, good or bad, you like Daz you hate him etc)

Anyway, back to your ques. I have raised concerns about the running of the club outside of this forum but that was under different ownership. I will be doing so again because of my worries over Tiger et al background, rep etc. It’s my belief the local media have to start asking questions. Will it make a difference? A little. It will put the guy on notice that we’re a community not to be trifled with. But, really, these a re tough questions that any owner should expect and welcome. Jeez, I’d love it if he allayed my fears with a detailed plan and addressing some of the more dodgy elements of his gang. In fact, I’m desperate for it.

Finally, no (he’s not that rich) and every time I read a post of yours.
There are thousands of Oxford fans whom are not members of OxVox. They all have their view and are entitled to their say. I don't think anyone would argue otherwise.

I do believe that one has to be a member of a group to feel that that group should be obliged to represent one's views, or at least to have had the right to influence the stated position of the group. Can a worker at a factory expect a union to act on their behalf, if he/she is not a paid member?

Personally, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't join. I joined many years ago and have seen the leadership change in personality, approach and agenda. I've not always agreed with its actions, but I do feel that I have to be a member to have the right of influence and accountability.

Just my view.
Ok. As a member then let’s discuss in context.

Am I made aware that OxVox will
Meet with Tiger?
I was not.

I was not made aware that OxVox was going to apply for Community Asset status on the Kassam Stadium, either.

I have been asked for my opinion on other items, but only when attending an open meeting. If I wanted to know everything, then I would stand for election, which I do not wish to do.
My point is that if, as a member, I was made aware of a) their stance on questioning Tiger about his record and associates and b) a decision to keep that secret for weeks, including the involvement of dodgy Jack then I would have been able to have my say. Right?
My point is that if, as a member, I was made aware of a) their stance on questioning Tiger about his record and associates and b) a decision to keep that secret for weeks, including the involvement of dodgy Jack then I would have been able to have my say. Right?

No as a member U could vote in the committee to act on ur behalf in such situations, then express concern or gratitude of their stance afterwards
My point is that if, as a member, I was made aware of a) their stance on questioning Tiger about his record and associates and b) a decision to keep that secret for weeks, including the involvement of dodgy Jack then I would have been able to have my say. Right?

I think as a member, you have a right to question anything that the trust says it will do or has done, and should expect to be engaged with. As a non-member, you've no rights pertaining specifically to the trust.

The trust doesn't operate as a hub for referenda. It operates through a democratically elected set of representatives, who strive to represent the members to the best of their ability. They are the best we have but they can be replaced by others if the membership aren't happy.

Join. Make your voice heard. It's the only way you will effect the future of the trust, and, potentially, the club.

All the best.
Listen, supporters’ groups are good. OxVox has done good. But on this deal they’ve mucked up.

And of course as a member I wouldn’t have been consulted on the points a and b that I raised above. I know that. My voice wouldn’t have been heard. After the event it’s not heard, either, as a mob are queuing up to discredit and shout down posters who are asking perfectly reasonable questions.

So far on this thread OxVox has accused critics as ‘mud slingers’, there has been a witch-hunt against the non-believers and one has even suggested that Faulkner does not have to answer to a question from an ‘ordinary’ supporter.

I’m not hugely encouraged to sign up
Some find it the most difficult question of all, Ed.

Hello Ed

Just working my way through all the posts on this thread. Including yours.

You make a number of interesting points, which I'm sure we OxVox) will try and address in time - if we are able. We don't have all the answers, but i can confirm that all the questions that you and a couple of others are raising HAVE been put to our new owner. We will, we believe, get the answers, but we don't have them yet.

An important point. The view that our relationships with DE and now Tiger are 'cosy' is inaccurate.

Correct me if I'm wrong Ed, but i understand that you're an investigative journalist - specialising in sport? Indeed, I think you did some work with the club during Ian Lenagans tenure regarding exposing some potential issues in football?

Your journalistic skills, allied to another prominent poster on this forum, wouId be invaluable in analysing and scrutinising both the historic and current ownership of OUFC. I say historic, meaning pre DE as well as just the last 3 years. I'm sure any actual facts you can uncover would be fascinating for all fans to see/hear. They would be most welcome to us at OxVox.

It would be helpful, but obviously not essential, if you were a member! It's only a tenner and you can join online at

Anyway, other matters ......

I suppose the next few paragraphs should really be on a new thread, because they're not specifically directed at you Ed, but I can't be arsed to start a new one!

So, I'm tired of the personal slurs in some posters posts. I have always tried hard not to engage in tit for tat squabbles on this forum. I just don't think it's either helpful or professional.

What my historic stance however does seem to have done, is given certain people the impression, that, as I don't respond, that they can say whatever they like, no matter how untrue it actually is. This, I guess, is in the belief that there will not be a reply, or 'response'.

The rewriting of history, the untruths and in some instances, the downright lies, do need to be addressed, particular for the sake of the credibility of today's OxVoX, it's hard working committee and it's amazing members.

Looks like we've got a week or so without a game, so perhaps, in conjunction with 'Tiger stuff', this forums users will allow me to use some of the spare time to put the record straight on a few things?

I'll use the OxVox section for future posts. They'll be a few.



Listen, supporters’ groups are good. OxVox has done good. But on this deal they’ve mucked up.

Really? (For clarity I am a member, but don't know anyone on the committee personally).

I am not quite sure what their options were. They were asked if they wanted to at least be in the loop as far as the takeover was concerned, but (for fear of scuppering those negotiations) were asked to keep things confidential. As a member, I would want them to be as involved as possible so I support that stance, and if they gave their word not to leak then I for one am very pleased they didn't. To do so would have meant that they would never have been trusted by any owner ever again. If 'Jacks' involvement was not known outside of this meeting, they how could they reveal it? Did they ask the 'hard questions' of Tiger? Ones concerning his personal wealth and where he got it etc?! No, and I am not surprised. Based on the meeting notes, did they ask about his plans , his involvement at Reading, The City Council, strengthening the squad, who would be directors etc? Yes they did - and remember the meeting was back in early November, so it's not as if the deal had been agreed, so Tiger probably was still in negotiation with Eales and still formulating his plans. Judging by Monday's performance, he still is! :(

OxVox don't have a veto over this - DE has sold to the person he wants for the amount he wants. I don't think accusations of 'cosying up' are fair really. I am not sure that standing outside the room shouting 'down with this sort of thing' would have been productive either - and as we all know, hindsight gives you 20/20 vision.

So while the OV committee are not and should never be above criticism, if this is a s**t deal for the club and it's supporters (and I have my fears) it is none of their doing. I'd also echo other posters in that OV represents its members, so if you are unhappy that you as a non-member aren't having your views taken into account then you should consider becoming a member (the more members it has, the more influence it has).
You make a number of interesting points, which I'm sure we OxVox) will try and address in time - if we are able. We don't have all the answers, but i can confirm that all the questions that you and a couple of others are raising HAVE been put to our new owner. We will, we believe, get the answers, but we don't have them yet.
So, considering all the background, considering the obvious involvement of Jack Srisumrid, and considering the admission here that you don't have all the answers, the obvious questions are:

1) What answers HAVE you got?
2) What leads you to believe that you will be given the answers when you haven't over the past five months (or more)?
3) Having not had these answers, why issue a press release, synchronised with the club, welcoming the new owner on board, but not acknowledging the obvious concerns and the failure to get the answers?
The thing is if Rothwell, Hall and Nelson are going to put pen to paper on new contracts here they need to be sold something. A vision, a plan. I’m not sure, on the evidence so far, I’d trust Tiger to sell me a broom unfortunately
They will be off regardless. They want to play in the Championship and treble their salaries ...
Hello Ed

Just working my way through all the posts on this thread. Including yours.

You make a number of interesting points, which I'm sure we OxVox) will try and address in time - if we are able. We don't have all the answers, but i can confirm that all the questions that you and a couple of others are raising HAVE been put to our new owner. We will, we believe, get the answers, but we don't have them yet.

An important point. The view that our relationships with DE and now Tiger are 'cosy' is inaccurate.

Correct me if I'm wrong Ed, but i understand that you're an investigative journalist - specialising in sport? Indeed, I think you did some work with the club during Ian Lenagans tenure regarding exposing some potential issues in football?

Your journalistic skills, allied to another prominent poster on this forum, wouId be invaluable in analysing and scrutinising both the historic and current ownership of OUFC. I say historic, meaning pre DE as well as just the last 3 years. I'm sure any actual facts you can uncover would be fascinating for all fans to see/hear. They would be most welcome to us at OxVox.

It would be helpful, but obviously not essential, if you were a member! It's only a tenner and you can join online at

Anyway, other matters ......

I suppose the next few paragraphs should really be on a new thread, because they're not specifically directed at you Ed, but I can't be arsed to start a new one!

So, I'm tired of the personal slurs in some posters posts. I have always tried hard not to engage in tit for tat squabbles on this forum. I just don't think it's either helpful or professional.

What my historic stance however does seem to have done, is given certain people the impression, that, as I don't respond, that they can say whatever they like, no matter how untrue it actually is. This, I guess, is in the belief that there will not be a reply, or 'response'.

The rewriting of history, the untruths and in some instances, the downright lies, do need to be addressed, particular for the sake of the credibility of today's OxVoX, it's hard working committee and it's amazing members.

Looks like we've got a week or so without a game, so perhaps, in conjunction with 'Tiger stuff', this forums users will allow me to use some of the spare time to put the record straight on a few things?

I'll use the OxVox section for future posts. They'll be a few.




Hi Jem
The issue, as ever, is perception. There is a perception that things are too cosy. Ok, you’re saying they are not but there is a contradiction at play here which needs to be addressed.
The OxVox press release does not bear scrutiny now that you have said the difficult questions WERE asked and answers have not been forthcoming.
Now if those details had been included, concerns were raised and a harder tome was struck OxVox would have received significantly less flak.
As it is, OxVox appear to have facilitated a takeover by a guy who, how to put this, doesn’t seem very capable. Maybe you agree.
I would suggest a much stronger statement outlining concerns and reissuing the questions you await answers to.
As for investigations - there is only mileage in current goings on in the media landscape - let’s talk. You have my number, no? But - argh - it would have been much more useful to know of Jack’s involvement before the club was actually sold.
I think that the huge frustration (well for me anyway) is that there are some passionate and bright people within and outside of Oxvox (as witnessed by numerous debates).

But there seems to be a wedge between two 'sides'. I would imagine that most supporters (?) have some concerns about the recent goings on. Yet despite all that is going on, this forum seems to be full of people hell bent on fighting amongst themselves.

If only everybody could work together for the good of the football club (whatever that may be at the moment ....)
I am afraid tha
I think that the huge frustration (well for me anyway) is that there are some passionate and bright people within and outside of Oxvox (as witnessed by numerous debates).

But there seems to be a wedge between two 'sides'. I would imagine that most supporters (?) have some concerns about the recent goings on. Yet despite all that is going on, this forum seems to be full of people hell bent on fighting amongst themselves.

If only everybody could work together for the good of the football club (whatever that may be at the moment ....)

I am afraid that I think the problems stem from DE. He is a guy who has a 'you are either totally for me, or totally against me' view on life. No shades of grey are allowed, and toys are thrown out of the pram on a regular basis (In private mostly, but not always) to bully folk into line.
So some committed supporters ended up in the 'totally for' camp and others in the totally against.
Lenagan had a different, frankly more grown up attitude. He did not expect anything more or less from supporters than ups and downs and questions which he would decide for himself whether or not he would answer. He had seen it all before at Wigan, and accepted that the supporters trust were not a part of the club but an independent body. I saw him and his sons argue hammer and tongs with Sennett, Wilde and co and then have a laugh with them a few days later. When they put out a statement criticising the time it was taking to find a new manager, he just shrugged and said 'that is their prerogative '.
The relationships between the two 'gangs' has historically been good. We have all known each other for decades. The Bradburys knew me as posh boy on the London Road 25 years ago. I actively encouraged Jeremy to stand for leadership of OxVox back in 2014. Trevor was a leader in the bad old days when it took real work and hard graft. We have all - Jem, Colin, Trevor, Myles, Mark, Simon. Greig etc - given literally hundreds of hours of our lives to voluntary service of one kind or another.
But gradually we have become divided, by DE In my view. And it has all become pretty un-edifying. And, dare I say It, pathetic.
The cause of that division is now largely gone - for better or for worse - and we now have a new owner. I think that it is time for the toys to be re-gathered and for people to start working together again. It gives me no pleasure to see Jeremy's anger and exasperation. I felt the same when, having spent countless hours trying to find new, better solutions for the club we all love I heard from club directors that fellow supporters were ganging up to denigrate me behind my back and trying to destroy my efforts. So I get how Jem feels, I really do.
Do I think that that press release last week was a supporters trust's finest hour? No. And in their hearts nor do they, is my best guess. But I have made many errors myself, as have others.
It is time to stop conflating personal disagreements (healthy; inevitable) with alleging malicious intent.
So I am fully willing to accept that OxVox's actions (or lack thereof) were made from the right place, even if I personally would have wished they had acted differently.
As I have said elsewhere, Tiger does not deserve abuse for buying our club. But he does deserve to be questioned openly, courageously and fully. And the more information we garner, as a Trust, the better. I believe that everyone should welcome Myles' research. And we should start thinking collectively about what matters to us right now. And how to exert what little influence we all have. I honestly, really do not think that we all believe very different things. Egos on both sides need reining in (Yes, mine included) and a courteous debate enabled where, hopefully, an exchange of views and information can bring everyone closer together.
The alternative - a continuation of the last few months - is a recipe for much misery and not much enlightenment. At a time when we are going to need plenty of the latter.
I am afraid tha

I am afraid that I think the problems stem from DE. He is a guy who has a 'you are either totally for me, or totally against me' view on life. No shades of grey are allowed, and toys are thrown out of the pram on a regular basis (In private mostly, but not always) to bully folk into line.
So some committed supporters ended up in the 'totally for' camp and others in the totally against.
Lenagan had a different, frankly more grown up attitude. He did not expect anything more or less from supporters than ups and downs and questions which he would decide for himself whether or not he would answer. He had seen it all before at Wigan, and accepted that the supporters trust were not a part of the club but an independent body. I saw him and his sons argue hammer and tongs with Sennett, Wilde and co and then have a laugh with them a few days later. When they put out a statement criticising the time it was taking to find a new manager, he just shrugged and said 'that is their prerogative '.
The relationships between the two 'gangs' has historically been good. We have all known each other for decades. The Bradburys knew me as posh boy on the London Road 25 years ago. I actively encouraged Jeremy to stand for leadership of OxVox back in 2014. Trevor was a leader in the bad old days when it took real work and hard graft. We have all - Jem, Colin, Trevor, Myles, Mark, Simon. Greig etc - given literally hundreds of hours of our lives to voluntary service of one kind or another.
But gradually we have become divided, by DE In my view. And it has all become pretty un-edifying. And, dare I say It, pathetic.
The cause of that division is now largely gone - for better or for worse - and we now have a new owner. I think that it is time for the toys to be re-gathered and for people to start working together again. It gives me no pleasure to see Jeremy's anger and exasperation. I felt the same when, having spent countless hours trying to find new, better solutions for the club we all love I heard from club directors that fellow supporters were ganging up to denigrate me behind my back and trying to destroy my efforts. So I get how Jem feels, I really do.
Do I think that that press release last week was a supporters trust's finest hour? No. And in their hearts nor do they, is my best guess. But I have made many errors myself, as have others.
It is time to stop conflating personal disagreements (healthy; inevitable) with alleging malicious intent.
So I am fully willing to accept that OxVox's actions (or lack thereof) were made from the right place, even if I personally would have wished they had acted differently.
As I have said elsewhere, Tiger does not deserve abuse for buying our club. But he does deserve to be questioned openly, courageously and fully. And the more information we garner, as a Trust, the better. I believe that everyone should welcome Myles' research. And we should start thinking collectively about what matters to us right now. And how to exert what little influence we all have. I honestly, really do not think that we all believe very different things. Egos on both sides need reining in (Yes, mine included) and a courteous debate enabled where, hopefully, an exchange of views and information can bring everyone closer together.
The alternative - a continuation of the last few months - is a recipe for much misery and not much enlightenment. At a time when we are going to need plenty of the latter.

Before anything written here becomes assumed as fact, as seems to be the way of this forum, I must refute one thing that you say Charlie.

Now this is me speaking on my own behalf, not on behalf of OxVox, but I have never been 100% pro Darryl, nor 100% against Darryl. I am not 100% pro Tiger, nor am I 100% against Tiger. I will not argue that black is white just to suit an agenda. Anyone who knows me will agree with this. I object to being portrayed in this way, as it is a lazy stereotype.

I'm sure my colleagues on the OxVox committee will answer for themselves, if they wish to, but I'm pretty sure you'd find they hold a similar view to me.
I'm not sure any one is 100% pro or against anyone if i'm honest. Everyone could see Eales had his faults and many of those happened to be in his last year in control of the club but on the other hand he has given this club a much stronger foundation than when he took it on from IL.
it's actually very unfortunate that both Il and De tenures have ended in similar ways with a farcial managerial situation when both in their own ways did very good things for the club for which they should be more remembered but likely wont be.
Let's hope Tiger is the reverse !
I am afraid tha

I am afraid that I think the problems stem from DE. He is a guy who has a 'you are either totally for me, or totally against me' view on life. No shades of grey are allowed, and toys are thrown out of the pram on a regular basis (In private mostly, but not always) to bully folk into line.
So some committed supporters ended up in the 'totally for' camp and others in the totally against.
Lenagan had a different, frankly more grown up attitude. He did not expect anything more or less from supporters than ups and downs and questions which he would decide for himself whether or not he would answer. He had seen it all before at Wigan, and accepted that the supporters trust were not a part of the club but an independent body. I saw him and his sons argue hammer and tongs with Sennett, Wilde and co and then have a laugh with them a few days later. When they put out a statement criticising the time it was taking to find a new manager, he just shrugged and said 'that is their prerogative '.
The relationships between the two 'gangs' has historically been good. We have all known each other for decades. The Bradburys knew me as posh boy on the London Road 25 years ago. I actively encouraged Jeremy to stand for leadership of OxVox back in 2014. Trevor was a leader in the bad old days when it took real work and hard graft. We have all - Jem, Colin, Trevor, Myles, Mark, Simon. Greig etc - given literally hundreds of hours of our lives to voluntary service of one kind or another.
But gradually we have become divided, by DE In my view. And it has all become pretty un-edifying. And, dare I say It, pathetic.
The cause of that division is now largely gone - for better or for worse - and we now have a new owner. I think that it is time for the toys to be re-gathered and for people to start working together again. It gives me no pleasure to see Jeremy's anger and exasperation. I felt the same when, having spent countless hours trying to find new, better solutions for the club we all love I heard from club directors that fellow supporters were ganging up to denigrate me behind my back and trying to destroy my efforts. So I get how Jem feels, I really do.
Do I think that that press release last week was a supporters trust's finest hour? No. And in their hearts nor do they, is my best guess. But I have made many errors myself, as have others.
It is time to stop conflating personal disagreements (healthy; inevitable) with alleging malicious intent.
So I am fully willing to accept that OxVox's actions (or lack thereof) were made from the right place, even if I personally would have wished they had acted differently.
As I have said elsewhere, Tiger does not deserve abuse for buying our club. But he does deserve to be questioned openly, courageously and fully. And the more information we garner, as a Trust, the better. I believe that everyone should welcome Myles' research. And we should start thinking collectively about what matters to us right now. And how to exert what little influence we all have. I honestly, really do not think that we all believe very different things. Egos on both sides need reining in (Yes, mine included) and a courteous debate enabled where, hopefully, an exchange of views and information can bring everyone closer together.
The alternative - a continuation of the last few months - is a recipe for much misery and not much enlightenment. At a time when we are going to need plenty of the latter.
Well to me that is a good post.
Totally agree with the need to bring everbody together.
I really hope that everybody can forget some of the things that have been said and try to do the best for the club (which has to include a more united fan base)
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