International News Covid-19 .....

But a mistake is a mistake, Right?

So when you make a mistake and then correct it, do those around you bleat on about it and never let you forget? Or do they draw a line in the sand and move on?

Because sometimes, admitting a mistake or going back on a decision is incredibly difficult.
Hang on a minute, we are football fans, and if there is one thing we are exceptionally good at, it's never forgetting any mistake or slight against our team. It's in our DNA ?
“Well... common sense will sort it out.”
Which would be fine if there was one universally understood definition of 'common sense'. As it is, the notion of common sense is open to interpretation.

This means many people simply do what they want to and readily offer reasons / excuses for their behaviour. The over-riding sentiment from many interviewees I've seen today seems to be 'we know what we're doing is unwise but we're entitled to do it for x, y, z reasons, although other people doing the same thing are idiots.'

Tempting to talk about natural selection, but we all know by now that it's not just the idiot who actually contracts Covid-19 who's at risk.
Because they think they’re allowed to. They categorically weren’t before, so there was no wiggle room or interpretation and they all followed it.

Like I said, the message shouldn't have been changed and it was an unwise move because we could all see this happening.

But I wonder how many on this forum popped down to the coast in the last week and enjoyed a cold beer on the front?

And I wonder how many on here knew that despite the message, it was the wrong thing to do (allowed or not) and refrained because they used their common sense.

It’s a ridiculous situation, not helped by the government message change but also not helped by idiots.

I thought we were all supposed to be in this together and looking out for each other?

Clearly we all need to be treated like 5 year olds. Come on Boris, sort it out.
It’s a ridiculous situation, not helped by the government message change but also not helped by idiots.
Couldn’t agree more. But when you know what people will do if you let them make their own decisions, and you know the risks it brings, it becomes your problem the longer it is allowed to continue. Past a certain point, letting idiots do what they want without stopping them makes you the idiot for allowing it. That’s where we’re at. At best the government are stupid; at worst they’re intentionally allowing herd immunity to take place.
To make one mistake is unfortunate, to err more or less continually while 'at the helm' of managing a life-threatening crisis has to be denied.

That may be so, but in isolation this decision has been reversed and it was the right thing to do.

I just don’t understand why someone has the ability to poke and prod at every opportunity but is unable, just once, to say that it was the right decision to u-turn.

They just can’t bring themselves to do it.
I, for one, am glad our Govt is being held to account by getting Robbie Savage to ask a question...
But a mistake is a mistake, Right?

Not really. Every circumstance is unique.

Sometimes we make the best choice at a moment in time based on the information and best advice available. With the benefit of hindsight and new information, this could then turn out to be incorrect.

I'm not sure we can file this one under that.
That may be so, but in isolation this decision has been reversed and it was the right thing to do.

I just don’t understand why someone has the ability to poke and prod at every opportunity but is unable, just once, to say that it was the right decision to u-turn.

They just can’t bring themselves to do it.

Or why someone has the right to praise and support at every opportunity but is unable to admit one from a whole selection of wrong decisions.

I'm tempted to race ahead to the historic rewrite that will sacrifice Vallance and Whitty to 'following the science' scapegoatry and give him the benefit of the doubt here. I can see him on his knees begging her to change her mind - "Oh please, Priti please!"

Will that do?
I just don’t understand why someone has the ability to poke and prod at every opportunity but is unable, just once, to say that it was the right decision to u-turn.
Who's been unable to say the u-turn is the right decision?
It ain't about you. It's about the Covidiots who shop at the same supermarket as you.

You might suffer the consequences of their actions.

No chance, at all.
Only two of us at home, we have mitigated any such risk by modifying our behaviour.
We go out, come home .......mitigate.... wash our hands.
We have used our local Sainsbury`s once in 9 weeks during "NHS hour" which was bliss, came home, ......mitigate.... washed our hands.
Riskiest thing we done this week is receiving deliveries at home but, same again.... mitigate..... quick wipe down of the goods with a cloth & dilute bleach, wash your hands.

Would I consider popping in the local off-licence nearest the beach/park etc for a beer? Absolutely not. Why? Because of people like those shown in the video.....
No chance, at all.
Only two of us at home, we have mitigated any such risk by modifying our behaviour.
We go out, come home .......mitigate.... wash our hands.
We have used our local Sainsbury`s once in 9 weeks during "NHS hour" which was bliss, came home, ......mitigate.... washed our hands.
Riskiest thing we done this week is receiving deliveries at home but, same again.... mitigate..... quick wipe down of the goods with a cloth & dilute bleach, wash your hands.

Would I consider popping in the local off-licence nearest the beach/park etc for a beer? Absolutely not. Why? Because of people like those shown in the video.....
We are similarly but you are wrong to say the Covidiots are the ones who will suffer the consequences of their actions. NHS staff will, bus drivers will, care assistants will.
Will Boris's supporters on here u-turn with him or maintain their position and say Boris is wrong? Are we going to see a few cases of cognitive dissonance?

I would wait for the......................... "Work by officials is now underway on how to implement the change and full details will be announced in the coming days. " ..........before getting over excited. There are other factors to be considered alongside the charging process or you end up with a mess like the indefinite leave visa.
I would wait for the......................... "Work by officials is now underway on how to implement the change and full details will be announced in the coming days. " ..........before getting over excited. There are other factors to be considered alongside the charging process or you end up with a mess like the indefinite leave visa.
Agreed. The administration for some of these things can get messy.
Personal responsibility <------------ what is keeping me indoors. Simple as that.

1. I avoid any risk.
2. I don`t create risk for others.
3. I have common sense.

If people can`t work that out then they get the consequences.
Firstly often they don't get the consequences- other people do

Secondly they might have listened to friends who worked in the health service who minimised the problem. Dismissing it as just a snuffle, ( except for those with compromised immuse systems )Politicians who bragged on TV about shaking hands with Covid 19 Patients.
Firstly often they don't get the consequences- other people do

Secondly they might have listened to friends who worked in the health service who minimised the problem. Dismissing it as just a snuffle, ( except for those with compromised immuse systems )Politicians who bragged on TV about shaking hands with Covid 19 Patients.
Ffs this repeated “snuffle” dig has run its course .
Move on.
Not really. Every circumstance is unique.

Sometimes we make the best choice at a moment in time based on the information and best advice available. With the benefit of hindsight and new information, this could then turn out to be incorrect.

I'm not sure we can file this one under that.

Sorry. I didn’t think such a term was allowed on this thread... see previous 233 pages.
Who's been unable to say the u-turn is the right decision?

Some comment from Navegante about bumbling Boris and “another u-turn” somewhere a few pages back.

Hardly acknowledging that it was the right decision..... just another poke.
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