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How will you vote on Thursday?

Who will you vote for in the EU elections?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 12 13.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 4 4.5%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 28.1%
  • Brexit Party

    Votes: 42 47.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
My mum - an older lady - is a staunch Tory, but voted Brexit (as did her equally Tory sister). When I asked her if she would do the same at a general election she laughed, saying that as far as she was concerned this was a chance to register a protest in an election that 'did not matter' (her words) - but that she would never vote for 'that Farage man' in a 'proper' election.
As for the result, I don't think it proved anything we didn't think was going to happen before the vote.
I don’t think you can take away anything from the fact that a new party on a sole issue scored a big victory.
I’m glad UKIP got annihilated but their vote was anti EU anyway.
Fair to say that most of the LibDem votes were for staying in the EU along with the irrelevant ChangeUK votes.
After that it is a blur. The question I’d like answers too is what exactly were the Labour and Conservatives voting for as the election wasn’t meant to happen.
At the moment it appears to be as clear as mud
Oh I agree that it hasn't proved anything. The turnout won't be anything near a referendum anyway.

Quite, im not sure if that works in eithers sides favour? Whos less likely to not vote in this low turn out remain or leave? Would leavers not vote as they dont care about mep’s or vote as a protest. The only way to know is another vote, but it needs a clear ending , legally binding before the vote. Or a vote on 3 leave options
This morning I've heard both Tory and Labour spokespeople saying the result was a 'wake up call' for their parties! Can anyone really see either waking up to the reality they're in? Dinosaur politics. In terms of 'new politics' going forward, could be a straight fight between Farage's party and a 'stop Farage' coalition between the Greens and LibDems.

Keir Starmer, Emily Thornberry and Diane Abbott are all suggesting Labour has to push for another Referendum as their main Brexit Policy including Remain. So this election could have a change in Labour by moving them towards remain.

Whereas I think this will push the Tories towards no deal as Boris Johnson is demonstrating already today.
My mum - an older lady - is a staunch Tory, but voted Brexit (as did her equally Tory sister). When I asked her if she would do the same at a general election she laughed, saying that as far as she was concerned this was a chance to register a protest in an election that 'did not matter' (her words) - but that she would never vote for 'that Farage man' in a 'proper' election.
As for the result, I don't think it proved anything we didn't think was going to happen before the vote.

I think many would be the same in not voting for him in a GE . But a 2nd referendum is a different matter .
I don’t think you can take away anything from the fact that a new party on a sole issue scored a big victory.
I’m glad UKIP got annihilated but their vote was anti EU anyway.
Fair to say that most of the LibDem votes were for staying in the EU along with the irrelevant ChangeUK votes.
After that it is a blur. The question I’d like answers too is what exactly were the Labour and Conservatives voting for as the election wasn’t meant to happen.
At the moment it appears to be as clear as mud

Most of the Brexit Party were ex-UKIP anyway so to call them a new party is stretching it a bit. The Brexit Party has built on UKIP, hence UKIP's decimation.

Count up the UKIP MEPs lost against Brexit MEPs won.
I agree. The Brexit party is of course not a political party - they are a one issue pressure group. The Euro vote for them was in effect a referendum type vote.

Edit - replying to Dave T
Most of the Brexit Party were ex-UKIP anyway so to call them a new party is stretching it a bit. The Brexit Party has built on UKIP, hence their decimation.
... and no deal Bexit ex torys
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What was the turnout? Was it as high as the referendum...

If it wasn’t as high as 74%, then perhaps some people didn’t vote, because the government let them down by failing to deliver what the people voted for. Add all spoilt papers as well. I suspect if all them people voted again then the Brexit Party would of won by a bigger margin.

People only voted Greens, Libs, because the two main parties are incompetent.

I guess some people won’t be satisfied until they get the result they want. If we have another referendum, and remain win by the same result, then surely we’d have to go again. It would be the best out of three. I suspect like good people though we’d just have to accept it, because it suits certain people’s agenda.

What last night did tell me is that UKIP and Change UK are up the creek without a paddle. I expect the Change Uk politicians to defect to Liberal Democrat’s.
What was the turnout? Was it as high as the referendum...

Turnout for the UK was apparently 37%

That sound low, but apparently it's the second highest turnout rate for any European election.

So now we're back to wondering which set of voters would be less likely to show up to the polls. Still reckon it would be the Leavers that boycott rather than the Remainers.
I haven't yet heard anyone claiming the vote was a victory for pro-Remain parties, but it was clearly not as big a vote for hard Brexit parties that some predicted. Country's split. Nothing much has changed but a descent into hardline anti-EU dogma has been avoided.

Unfortunately Alistair Campbell had a go at telling us it was a "remain victory" last night, which was frankly embarrassing. He really is quite unpleasant.

I agree that the country is split and the Brexit Party vote could have been higher. But considering that the Brexit Party is a WTO "hardest" Brexit party, I think it was a real kick for the argument that we should leave with no deal. We've been told for months now that "nobody voted for a no deal Brexit" and "nobody wants a no deal Brexit" by politicians. They can't say that anymore.
Unfortunately Alistair Campbell had a go at telling us it was a "remain victory" last night, which was frankly embarrassing. He really is quite unpleasant.

I agree that the country is split and the Brexit Party vote could have been higher. But considering that the Brexit Party is a WTO "hardest" Brexit party, I think it was a real kick for the argument that we should leave with no deal. We've been told for months now that "nobody voted for a no deal Brexit" and "nobody wants a no deal Brexit" by politicians. They can't say that anymore.
Or alternatively, in the first time that voters have been given the explicit opportunity to vote for a WTO Brexit, then just 32% of 37% actually did so, which means that just 11.8% of the population want a WTO Brexit.......
Or alternatively, in the first time that voters have been given the explicit opportunity to vote for a WTO Brexit, then just 32% of 37% actually did so, which means that just 11.8% of the population want a WTO Brexit.......

I could do the same maths for the group who explicitly voted for a second referendum but I cba and I think you get the point. Anyway, I don't see the point in assigning a position to the 63% who did not vote.
I could do the same maths for the group who explicitly voted for a second referendum but I cba and I think you get the point. Anyway, I don't see the point in assigning a position to the 63% who did not vote.
It means that 32% want a no deal brexit; 5% don't, and 63% don't give a s**t.
TBH whatever your position on this (or anything else) if you can't be bothered to get to your local polling station and put an X on a bit of paper you are in no position to moan about a result (especially in a vote with an element of PR!!). If you really can't stomach any of the candidates/parties then still make the effort but write 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' on your ballot paper. It's a spoiled vote, but at least you have bothered.
That is an utterly lame excuse about the hard remain parties. And you are Ann Widdecombe and I claim my £5.

She said "The only reason to vote for the Brexit party is if you want Brexit"...which about 1 in 9 did.

Does that mean it's all over?
People only voted Greens, Libs, because the two main parties are incompetent.

I guess some people won’t be satisfied until they get the result they want. If we have another referendum, and remain win by the same result, then surely we’d have to go again. It would be the best out of three. I suspect like good people though we’d just have to accept it, because it suits certain people’s agenda.

I think a big difference between now and the previous referendum, is that we now know that just coming out of the EU is not as simple as plenty thought a couple of years ago. It looks like to get out the only option would be a no deal.

I originally voted to remain, but wasnt a remoaner. After the result I thought, okay, we have voted to come out, so let's get a decent deal and leave - that has proved impossible to get through parliament, and from the EU.

Knowing that, I have come back round to definitely staying rather than a no deal Brexit.

I voted Green this week, for the first time (I have voted for both main parties at various times in the previous 35 years), not necessarily because the two main parties are incompetent, but because both of them are totally split and have so many varying standpoints on what they want regarding the EU.
Also, neither of them do anywhere near enough when it comes to the environment in general, its always fine words, but a much watered down reality.
TBH whatever your position on this (or anything else) if you can't be bothered to get to your local polling station and put an X on a bit of paper you are in no position to moan about a result (especially in a vote with an element of PR!!). If you really can't stomach any of the candidates/parties then still make the effort but write 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' on your ballot paper. It's a spoiled vote, but at least you have bothered.
Spot on @ZeroTheHero
People only voted Greens, Libs, because the two main parties are incompetent.
Nope. I voted Green because I agree with their policies on more things than I do with those of the other parties. And especially in an election where every vote does count (because of the voting system) it makes sense to do so.
People also voted for them because they are 'Remain' parties - of the two main parties, the Tories are on a spectrum from luke warm remain to swivel eyed loon xenophobe and Labour don't seem to have the faintest idea what their policies are from one minute to the next. So no remainer was likely to vote for them simply because of their policies (or lack of them). That's not to say they aren't incompetent - I agree with that, they plainly are!
Turnout for the UK was apparently 37%

That sound low, but apparently it's the second highest turnout rate for any European election.

So now we're back to wondering which set of voters would be less likely to show up to the polls. Still reckon it would be the Leavers that boycott rather than the Remainers.
Mmm so there is apathy in most of Europe for the European elections.
I cant say that I am surprised...
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