Level: Billy Beechers
(7 Apps)
- Messages
- 61
- Reaction Score
- 203
Hi all.
Following various posts/questions on this forum, I thought I’d add a few personal thoughts on Tiger and ‘comparisons’ that some have decided are in some way totally different or irrelevant from takeovers and potential takeovers in the recent past, whilst they've also taken the opportunity to regularly take a pop at OxVox.
'Glass houses and stones' are words that spring into my mind. The recent 'let's all now be friends' posts, simply don't wash with me just now. I've heard it all before.
An area of questioning that people quite rightly are keen to understand about Tiger is, are there any associates/partners that he is working with and might there be any other people directly involved in the actual takeover of OUFC?
Our understanding is that Tiger has embarked on this on his own and that there are not any other parties involved. This of course could change and Tiger has stated that he may bring in other directors and/or shareholders/sponsors to support him to further develop the club in due course. We are not aware who those people might be.
There has been particular talk on this forum about Taweesuk Srismund (Jack).
OxVox met Jack when we met with Tiger and Darryl at our meeting back in November. Jack was introduced as an advisor to Tiger and as someone who was assisting him with financial advice. It was stated that Jack was not involved in any proposed takeover. It is important to stress that a takeover had not been agreed at that time.
A couple of posters have labelled Jack as ‘a criminal and a money launderer’. These of course are very serious allegations and allegations that people should be extremely careful about making on a social media forum if they cannot factually substantiate them. We have communicated these allegations to Tiger for comment and in turn, we understand, he has passed them to Jack. Along with the source. We have not received a response as yet.
There has been constant criticism from a small number of posters about the level of scrutiny that OxVox have undertaken in regard to Tiger and his takeover of OUFC. Indeed it has been levelled by one poster that OxVox ‘facilitated’ the deal! This of course is ridiculous! Our aim was to learn and to try and build a relationship with a potential new owner. The purchase was of a private Ltd company, owned by Darryl Eales, to Tiger, and in no way was OxVox a facilitator! How on earth could we possibly be?!
In terms of ‘scrutiny’, this is never easy and we can ask lots of questions, but can’t force answers! No matter how much we might try!
A comparison has been made with the Portsmouth supporters trust. There is one very important difference here. They were the seller! They owned the club at the time!
However, please be assured that we are asking for clarification across a range of areas, as we did/would have done, on the past takeovers that have taken place, and also the takeovers that 'tried' to take place at our club.
Indeed, at the time Darryl took over, we actively worked to understand his background and motives. Equally we did the same with the other group that were trying to acquire the club from Ian Lenagan at that time.
It is of course correct to understand things ‘around’ the purchaser, as well as things about the purchaser themselves. For example, someone who performs PR for Bahrain (with its human rights issues) and also for the Cayman Islands government (with its ‘secret’ tax affairs), might, for some, be viewed as not necessarily the ‘right sort’ for our football club? Not particular issues for me personally, but as I say, for some, they might be.
One might also want to view the family members of a prospective purchaser in any assessment of their suitability to be an owner of our football club. ‘Allegations’ made, might make one wonder if they were suitable prospective custodians for our club, due to the links that family ties may bring. Again, things to consider, just as Tiger and his historic business associates should be questioned. It’s nothing new, or indeed unusual.
We DO need to understand more and vigilance is of course required, but let’s not fall into the trap that what we have now is definitely bad, simply through association.
Sorry for the long post!
In time, I would like to also address some posters jibes about OxVox’s ‘independence’ and how different things are today in OxVox, versus the ‘good old days’ of 'openness and transparency' under previous ‘management’. But I’ll leave that for another day …….
Following various posts/questions on this forum, I thought I’d add a few personal thoughts on Tiger and ‘comparisons’ that some have decided are in some way totally different or irrelevant from takeovers and potential takeovers in the recent past, whilst they've also taken the opportunity to regularly take a pop at OxVox.
'Glass houses and stones' are words that spring into my mind. The recent 'let's all now be friends' posts, simply don't wash with me just now. I've heard it all before.
An area of questioning that people quite rightly are keen to understand about Tiger is, are there any associates/partners that he is working with and might there be any other people directly involved in the actual takeover of OUFC?
Our understanding is that Tiger has embarked on this on his own and that there are not any other parties involved. This of course could change and Tiger has stated that he may bring in other directors and/or shareholders/sponsors to support him to further develop the club in due course. We are not aware who those people might be.
There has been particular talk on this forum about Taweesuk Srismund (Jack).
OxVox met Jack when we met with Tiger and Darryl at our meeting back in November. Jack was introduced as an advisor to Tiger and as someone who was assisting him with financial advice. It was stated that Jack was not involved in any proposed takeover. It is important to stress that a takeover had not been agreed at that time.
A couple of posters have labelled Jack as ‘a criminal and a money launderer’. These of course are very serious allegations and allegations that people should be extremely careful about making on a social media forum if they cannot factually substantiate them. We have communicated these allegations to Tiger for comment and in turn, we understand, he has passed them to Jack. Along with the source. We have not received a response as yet.
There has been constant criticism from a small number of posters about the level of scrutiny that OxVox have undertaken in regard to Tiger and his takeover of OUFC. Indeed it has been levelled by one poster that OxVox ‘facilitated’ the deal! This of course is ridiculous! Our aim was to learn and to try and build a relationship with a potential new owner. The purchase was of a private Ltd company, owned by Darryl Eales, to Tiger, and in no way was OxVox a facilitator! How on earth could we possibly be?!
In terms of ‘scrutiny’, this is never easy and we can ask lots of questions, but can’t force answers! No matter how much we might try!
A comparison has been made with the Portsmouth supporters trust. There is one very important difference here. They were the seller! They owned the club at the time!
However, please be assured that we are asking for clarification across a range of areas, as we did/would have done, on the past takeovers that have taken place, and also the takeovers that 'tried' to take place at our club.
Indeed, at the time Darryl took over, we actively worked to understand his background and motives. Equally we did the same with the other group that were trying to acquire the club from Ian Lenagan at that time.
It is of course correct to understand things ‘around’ the purchaser, as well as things about the purchaser themselves. For example, someone who performs PR for Bahrain (with its human rights issues) and also for the Cayman Islands government (with its ‘secret’ tax affairs), might, for some, be viewed as not necessarily the ‘right sort’ for our football club? Not particular issues for me personally, but as I say, for some, they might be.
One might also want to view the family members of a prospective purchaser in any assessment of their suitability to be an owner of our football club. ‘Allegations’ made, might make one wonder if they were suitable prospective custodians for our club, due to the links that family ties may bring. Again, things to consider, just as Tiger and his historic business associates should be questioned. It’s nothing new, or indeed unusual.
We DO need to understand more and vigilance is of course required, but let’s not fall into the trap that what we have now is definitely bad, simply through association.
Sorry for the long post!
In time, I would like to also address some posters jibes about OxVox’s ‘independence’ and how different things are today in OxVox, versus the ‘good old days’ of 'openness and transparency' under previous ‘management’. But I’ll leave that for another day …….