General Russell Brand


Well-known member
7 Dec 2017
Promiscuous man surrounded by willing partners, or a predatory wrong `un uncovered by the media?

Will he be crushed by the inevitable media snowball rolling down the hill or will he actually face criminal charges?
I remember him and Jonathan Ross leaving phone messages on Andrew Sachs’ answer phone, about Sachs’ granddaughter. These were on Brand’s BBC radio show, they thought it was hilarious. Should have been the end of their career.
Whatever happens it’ll be a trial by media.
According to news corp ( The times and The Sun) he’s already guilty. If he did it or not is now neither here nor there.

He’s done for career wise.

Personally I never liked him, and even if he turns out to be a monster, this isn’t how a civilised society does its business.
Whatever happens it’ll be a trial by media.
According to news corp ( The times and The Sun) he’s already guilty. If he did it or not is now neither here nor there.

He’s done for career wise.

Personally I never liked him, and even if he turns out to be a monster, this isn’t how a civilised society does its business.
If Murdoch and the gang have decided to launch a co-ordinated attack on a major celebrity out of nowhere, and skip straight to trial in the court of public opinion, you can be sure that there is something much bigger and much more damaging that they don’t want people talking about at the moment. There will be someone or something being bundled out of the back door and whisked away at high speed if they’ve decided to start a riot out the front.
The offences he's accused of have been well known in comedy circles for years. A certain podcast I listen to have made reference to this for at least the last 5 years yet redacted his name for the recorded versions to avoid any libel claims.

They weren't so worried about hiding his name in their live shows at the fringe, however, and publicly outed him at least twice in the last 3 years. Horrible man and I hope they haul him up in front of the courts ASAP as there's a wedge of evidence not spoke about in the doc.
I thought he was quite entertaining as a TV presenter but haven’t followed him since then. He’s apparently become a far right conspiracist?
Never liked him, he was supposed to give a talk to students at the college I was working approx 10 years ago.
The students and college put a lot of work to get him there.
Right at the last minute he never turned up . Said he too busy.
Katherine Ryan alluded to confronting a fellow comedian back in Louis Theroux's interview with her last year. Russell Brand was named as the most likely candidate on social media at the time. This has been known and been bubbling away for a while.

Whilst I don't want to go in to bat for RB nor dismiss the very credible and harrowing cases the survivors put forward in the Dispatches documentary, trial by media such as this leaves an unsavoury taste. It should really go through the courts rather than play out on TV, in papers and on social media but such is the way of the world, it's how these cases are conducted nowadays.

I hope the outcome is a fair one for all parties after all evidence has been heard in a court of law, whether it's a criminal conviction or an acquittal.
I remember him and Jonathan Ross leaving phone messages on Andrew Sachs’ answer phone, about Sachs’ granddaughter. These were on Brand’s BBC radio show, they thought it was hilarious. Should have been the end of their career.
And he was sacked by the BBC as a consequence. The question is why have Google/YouTube given him a platform?
Promiscuous man surrounded by willing partners, or a predatory wrong `un uncovered by the media?

Will he be crushed by the inevitable media snowball rolling down the hill or will he actually face criminal charges?
Why does it always have to be binary?

Let's hope justice will be done. Whatever that justice is.
It should really go through the courts rather than play out on TV, in papers and on social media but such is the way of the world, it's how these cases are conducted nowadays.

That's always a difficult one. The one argument put forward in favour is that by having the accusations in the public domain, it encourages women who have been sexually assaulted to come forward, where previously they might be too frightened to do do so, which I totally get. If it's not in the public domain, then it's one person's voice against a much loved celebrity millionaire who can afford the very best lawyers. It's hard enough for victims of rape/sexual assaults to come forward.

On the other hand, you are innocent until proven guilty, and if the investigation does fully conclude and there is Brand is found to be not guilty, then that he has had his reputation tarnished and subsequently lost earnings as a result. Those accused, who are later cleared of all charges, are also victims.
If Murdoch and the gang have decided to launch a co-ordinated attack on a major celebrity out of nowhere, and skip straight to trial in the court of public opinion, you can be sure that there is something much bigger and much more damaging that they don’t want people talking about at the moment. There will be someone or something being bundled out of the back door and whisked away at high speed if they’ve decided to start a riot out the front.
agree 100%
Unfortunately, a percentage of the millions who idolise him on social media will never accept he is guilty of anything untoward. Quite telling, in my opinion, that Andrew Tate is offering his support. The attitudes of both men seem parallel, so unsurprising. Brand is no doubt absorbing the current coverage with glee.

A couple at our pub quiz last night couldn't understand why so many women did not take action sooner, implying that any claims against Brand must at least be dubious, possibly false. The 'me too' movement had clearly either passed them by or was regarded with disdain.
When Andrew Tate gives you his support, it’s time to put your affairs in order, you’re off on a break, courtesy of King Charles.
The offences he's accused of have been well known in comedy circles for years. A certain podcast I listen to have made reference to this for at least the last 5 years yet redacted his name for the recorded versions to avoid any libel claims.

They weren't so worried about hiding his name in their live shows at the fringe, however, and publicly outed him at least twice in the last 3 years. Horrible man and I hope they haul him up in front of the courts ASAP as there's a wedge of evidence not spoke about in the doc.
If there’s lots of evidence then it shouldn’t be too hard to get a charge and conviction. We shall see…
Whatever happens it’ll be a trial by media.
According to news corp ( The times and The Sun) he’s already guilty. If he did it or not is now neither here nor there.

He’s done for career wise.

Personally I never liked him, and even if he turns out to be a monster, this isn’t how a civilised society does its business.
It's also the perfect opportunity for the Murdoch owned media to launch further attacks on the BBC, as if they need an excuse.

I'm not sure about his career - he seems to have positioned himself sitting outside of the mainstream, appealing to an audience consisting of absolute hardcore fans, conspiracy theorists and general nutjobs. Look at the reception he supposedly received at Saturday's show. That audience seems loyal and the accusations seems to have hardened their support. What happens if there is ultimately a trial and conviction is another matter.
If there’s lots of evidence then it shouldn’t be too hard to get a charge and conviction. We shall see…
You know that only about 2 per cent of alleged rapes result in a conviction, right? It’s a very hard crime to bring to justice as there is typically little evidence
A couple at our pub quiz last night couldn't understand why so many women did not take action sooner, implying that any claims against Brand must at least be dubious, possibly false. The 'me too' movement had clearly either passed them by or was regarded with disdain.

From the little I've read, one went to a Rape Crisis Centre pretty much immediately after and another talked to friends about it the next morning.
It's also the perfect opportunity for the Murdoch owned media to launch further attacks on the BBC, as if they need an excuse.

I'm not sure about his career - he seems to have positioned himself sitting outside of the mainstream, appealing to an audience consisting of absolute hardcore fans, conspiracy theorists and general nutjobs. Look at the reception he supposedly received at Saturday's show. That audience seems loyal and the accusations seems to have hardened their support. What happens if there is ultimately a trial and conviction is another matter.
And YouTube. A platform that is not only beyond their control but also directly cannibalising their “buy my newspapers and television subscriptions, and watch all the adverts I sell on my channels while I tell you how to feel” sales model. Hence descriptions such as “the 100% Google owned YouTube”.

Always fun to watch media moguls acting like “snowflakes” and trying to use “cancel culture” tactics.
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