Local News Oup v tiger re 'brand'/trademark?

Today's Oxford mail front page (still can't cut n paste link ! ....sorry) leads with " OUP BIDS TO TRADEMARK OXFORD NAME" ....Oxford uni are trademarking more than 100 products - which includes tickets & publications (programmes?)- via Oxford university press.......inside page sub headline " TRADEMARK ISSUE COULD OPEN UP TOWN VERSUS GOWN DIVIDE "
our absent owner, and his M.D., who apparantly knows nothing about anything, have a standoff with the tax exiled slum landlord of the breeze block and now also a clash with the powerfully influential university 're the Oxford name ...or brand... appears to to be brewing

Ou/OUP are trademarking Oxford to protect its interests ahead of brexit Oxford mail claims
Today's Oxford mail front page (still can't cut n paste link ! ....sorry) leads with " OUP BIDS TO TRADEMARK OXFORD NAME" ....Oxford uni are trademarking more than 100 products - which includes tickets & publications (programmes?)- via Oxford university press.......inside page sub headline " TRADEMARK ISSUE COULD OPEN UP TOWN VERSUS GOWN DIVIDE "
our absent owner, and his M.D., who apparantly knows nothing about anything, have a standoff with the tax exiled slum landlord of the breeze block and now also a clash with the powerfully influential university 're the Oxford name ...or brand... appears to to be brewing

Ou/OUP are trademarking Oxford to protect its interests ahead of brexit Oxford mail claims

They might try but that has to be limited in usage even if they succeed considering it is the name of the place. Is Brookes included with the other Universities as they already have merchandise with Oxford on it and that was 20+ years ago?
Knowing the power of the combined colleges I wouldn't be surprised to see them try and, maybe have some success in part. "Oxford" is, of course, not something that could be trademarked but Tiger may have to box clever in using the name aside from when followed by "united". I would be intrigued to know if the "dreaming spires" image that now features on the programme is copyright protected. There is also the type font used in conjunction with "Oxford University".
The club has already trademarked OUFC, OXFORD UNITED, OXFORD UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB, and the Ox-head logo.
I'd be surprised if OUP can trademark just the word OXFORD as it is so generic.
Also been discussed already, but just how much traction is there in the notion of leveraging Oxford as a world-wide brand when associating it with the football club?
TAG's boileroom seemingly managed it by inventing pretend universities and sports teams with vast potential revenues.

The comparables I can think of are where for instance Manchester United (rather than the old MUFC) tried to create a brand to cover other sports but failed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_Eagles

One example I do see is the city of Austin, Texas, which operates a couple of music festivals such as SXSW and Austin City Limited across the city, and sponsors (or did) various music awards in the UK. So all part of a city wide branding as somewhere lively and vibrant etc.
But for instance, say if I wanted to buy a half and half scarf from a man on the street corner, OK they can't put Oxford United vs Manchester City.
But now would they not even be able to put Oxford vs Manchester?
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