Today's Oxford mail front page (still can't cut n paste link ! ....sorry) leads with " OUP BIDS TO TRADEMARK OXFORD NAME" ....Oxford uni are trademarking more than 100 products - which includes tickets & publications (programmes?)- via Oxford university press.......inside page sub headline " TRADEMARK ISSUE COULD OPEN UP TOWN VERSUS GOWN DIVIDE "
our absent owner, and his M.D., who apparantly knows nothing about anything, have a standoff with the tax exiled slum landlord of the breeze block and now also a clash with the powerfully influential university 're the Oxford name ...or brand... appears to to be brewing
Ou/OUP are trademarking Oxford to protect its interests ahead of brexit Oxford mail claims
our absent owner, and his M.D., who apparantly knows nothing about anything, have a standoff with the tax exiled slum landlord of the breeze block and now also a clash with the powerfully influential university 're the Oxford name ...or brand... appears to to be brewing
Ou/OUP are trademarking Oxford to protect its interests ahead of brexit Oxford mail claims