Gary Baldi
Level: Paul Moody
(197 Apps, 75 Gls)
I'd never heard the term "Privileged Pain" before, but according to the Guardian, this is what Cameron felt when his son died
I completely understand and respect different points of view on Austerity and how the economy was managed, but it's a bit much from any newspaper to say something so vicious about someone losing a child, let alone one who had life long disabilities.
Where has the humanity gone in the Guardian, and why was it seen appropriate for an editorial in the first place? Dear oh dear.

I completely understand and respect different points of view on Austerity and how the economy was managed, but it's a bit much from any newspaper to say something so vicious about someone losing a child, let alone one who had life long disabilities.
Where has the humanity gone in the Guardian, and why was it seen appropriate for an editorial in the first place? Dear oh dear.