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National News Sir Keir Starmer

The economy has never crashed . We have not been in recession for many years. Maybe you’re confusing our country with Germany,,,,

How has Rishi Sunak moved away from right of centre policies, I’m curious..,

Was putting up billions and billions of bounce back loans and furlough payments ‘cruel’?

What caused the cost of living crisis, Ukraine or Covid? Or was it the evil Tories?

What policies for economic growth do the Labour Party have? What policies do they have, period?

What is Starmer going to do about illegal
crossings ?

I’d say the failure to recognise the biological difference between the sexes was not as minor, politically, as some contributors seem to think.

Yes , I’ll admit, Truss’s tenure was a nightmare. But it was more than 2 years ago, and she’s been run out of town. She’s almost as much of an embarrassment as Corbyn is to

Who, incidentally, had boatloads of policies. Maybe Sir Keir should give him and MCDonnell
a call,
The economy has never crashed . We have not been in recession for many years. Maybe you’re confusing our country with Germany,,,,
A recession is generally recognised as a fall in GDP for two consecutive quarters. The last time this happened was in the autumn of 2020. However the Tories, and Liz Truss absolutely did crash the economy in only one month, the pound spiralled against all other currencies, the Bank of England had to intervene to prevent pension funds being raided, inflation went through the roof, soon followed by interest rates, and millions of people faced economic uncertainty.
How has Rishi Sunak moved away from right of centre policies, I’m curious..,
Sunak stands for nothing. However, his weakness has empowered numerous Tory MP's to move to the right and fuel more extreme views in the media and on our streets.

What caused the cost of living crisis, Ukraine or Covid? Or was it the evil Tories?

This had absolutely nothing to do with covid or Ukraine, and everything to do with disastrous economic policy led by an incompetent Prime Minister and Chancellor gambling on growth.
Was putting up billions and billions of bounce back loans and furlough payments ‘cruel’?
Furlough and business support was not cruel, Sending people to die in care homes, giving massively inflated contracts to friends and donors to provide inadequate PPE that cost lives, mismanaging the covid outbreak, talking about old people being expendable, and doing all this whilst partying at number 10 whilst the country were unable to be at the side of dying relatives was cruel, and they haven't stopped there.
What policies for economic growth do the Labour Party have? What policies do they have, period?
Google them, there are loads and you will soon be able to read these in far more detail when the parties publish their manifestos.
What is Starmer going to do about illegal
crossings ?
Go after the traffickers and work closer with France to stop crossing at the source. Streamline the immigration application process to prevent the huge build ups that leads to us spending millions every day housing migrants that could either be allowed to live, work and contribute to the UK economy or be returned to their countries of origin.
I’d say the failure to recognise the biological difference between the sexes was not as minor, politically, as some contributors seem to think.
Why is it important to you personally on how anyone else wishes to identify? Why is this such an issue politically?

Yes , I’ll admit, Truss’s tenure was a nightmare. But it was more than 2 years ago, and she’s been run out of town. She’s almost as much of an embarrassment as Corbyn is
Only this week there were key players in the Tory party rallying around Liz Truss and there are some who still see her as the person to lead the Tories after the inevitable election defeat. She is the voice of numerous think tanks that shape Tory policy and are themselves funded by numerous questionable sources.

Also 2 years may seem like a long time ago to you, but tens of thousands of mortgage holders are only now seeing the impact of coming off fixed rate deals and seeing their monthly payments double or more. Household bills have more than doubled. Inflation is coming down but this only means that things are increasing in price slower than they did a year ago, but they're still increasing.

I'm glad that you are insulated from the effects of Tory rule over the last few years. However, I would imagine that 90% of those who post on here have suffered some financial hardship as a direct result of action or inactions of our current Government.

Some may genuinely feel that things will not get better with Labour, but I'm now of the opinion that if I'm going to get mugged I may as well go for the one that apologises for doing it rather than the one laughing in my face whilst they take every last penny.
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Also 2 years may seem like a long time ago to you, but tens of thousands of mortgage holders are only now seeing the impact of coming off fixed rate deals and seeing their monthly payments double or more. Household bills have more than doubled. Inflation is coming down but this only means that things are increasing in price slower than they did a year ago, but they're still increasing.

This is very much a global thing.

As much as the disastrous 42 days that was Truss caused an immediate shock, the actual trend was always going to be upward on the back of what the world is facing. Truss just got us there quicker, stupid woman.

So anyone coming off of a fixed rate mortgage now would still more than likely have been entering the sort of market we currently see.

But if you want to criticise and blame the Conservatives for the current rates of inflation and interest rates, you can’t ignore the fact that over the previous 12 years or so we have enjoyed historically low interest rates and inflation rates. So maybe the last 12 years haven’t been so bad for the household budget after all?

There is of course the argument that these rates were only low as a result of the fallout from the economic crisis, and had nothing to do with Conservatives. So again, we are back to the power of global market forces rather than intrinsic U.K. policy.

Under the previous Labour government we experienced similar interest rate rises to fight inflation, reaching 5.75% by July 2007. This would have put similar strains on families household budgets. It wasn’t necessarily something caused by Labour, it was just a need to react to the economic cycle of global markets.

It’s an economic cycle and it will always be so, no matter who is running this country, history has taught us that.
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A recession is generally recognised as a fall in GDP for two consecutive quarters. The last time this happened was in the autumn of 2020. However the Tories, and Liz Truss absolutely did crash the economy in only one month, the pound spiralled against all other currencies, the Bank of England had to intervene to prevent pension funds being raided, inflation went through the roof, soon followed by interest rates, and millions of people faced economic uncertainty.

Sunak stands for nothing. However, his weakness has empowered numerous Tory MP's to move to the right and fuel more extreme views in the media and on our streets.

This had absolutely nothing to do with covid or Ukraine, and everything to do with disastrous economic policy led by an incompetent Prime Minister and Chancellor gambling on growth.

Furlough and business support was not cruel, Sending people to die in care homes, giving massively inflated contracts to friends and donors to provide inadequate PPE that cost lives, mismanaging the covid outbreak, talking about old people being expendable, and doing all this whilst partying at number 10 whilst the country were unable to be at the side of dying relatives was cruel, and they haven't stopped there.

Google them, there are loads and you will soon be able to read these in far more detail when the parties publish their manifestos.

Go after the traffickers and work closer with France to stop crossing at the source. Streamline the immigration application process to prevent the huge build ups that leads to us spending millions every day housing migrants that could either be allowed to live, work and contribute to the UK economy or be returned to their countries of origin.

Why is it important to you personally on how anyone else wishes to identify? Why is this such an issue politically?

Only this week there were key players in the Tory party rallying around Liz Truss and there are some who still see her as the person to lead the Tories after the inevitable election defeat. She is the voice of numerous think tanks that shape Tory policy and are themselves funded by numerous questionable sources.

Also 2 years may seem like a long time ago to you, but tens of thousands of mortgage holders are only now seeing the impact of coming off fixed rate deals and seeing their monthly payments double or more. Household bills have more than doubled. Inflation is coming down but this only means that things are increasing in price slower than they did a year ago, but they're still increasing.

I'm glad that you are insulated from the effects of Tory rule over the last few years. However, I would imagine that 90% of those who post on here have suffered some financial hardship as a direct result of action or inactions of our current Government.

Some may genuinely feel that things will not get better with Labour, but I'm now of the opinion that if I'm going to get mugged I may as well go for the one that apologises for doing it rather than the one laughing in my face whilst they take every last penny.
Ah, but they are driving down debt you know:
Ah, but they are driving down debt you know:

This driving down debt stance is ridiculous if they really think they can fool the public.

The pile of debt is always getting bigger, only sometimes it might be at a falling rate 🙄
Under the previous Labour government we experienced similar interest rate rises to fight inflation, reaching 5.75% by July 2007. This would have put similar strains on families household budgets.
Complete bollox I'm afraid. House prices as a proportion of average wages was far less than today so it did not put 'similar strains on household budgets'. Plus the fact this was a 1% increase in rate three years earlier not the 4%/5%/6% increases some are now seeing.

Complete bollox I'm afraid. House prices as a proportion of average wages was far less than today so it did not put 'similar strains on household budgets'. Plus the fact this was a 1% increase in rate three years earlier not the 4%/5%/6% increases some are now seeing.

Shock news - house prices rise faster than wages as they have done for decades.

One of our former properties was bought in 2004 for £125k - current value is around £286k, more than doubled in 20 years.

Is that any governments fault? If wages had kept pace with property prices where would inflation be now?

Its the big, long term stuff that short term governments rarely fix.
Truss/kwarteng were an absolute gift to the tories. The whole shitshow for years can just ignored and blame for electoral difficulties just lumped on those 2 patsies.
Ah, but they are driving down debt you know:
Remember when the shadow Home Secretary got a sum wrong and it caused a massive tsunami?

Weird that someone who actually has their hands on the money doesn’t understand how debt works, yet there’s barely a ripple.
Shock news - house prices rise faster than wages as they have done for decades.

One of our former properties was bought in 2004 for £125k - current value is around £286k, more than doubled in 20 years.

Is that any governments fault? If wages had kept pace with property prices where would inflation be now?

Its the big, long term stuff that short term governments rarely fix.
Thanks for the background that supports my contention.😁
Complete bollox I'm afraid. House prices as a proportion of average wages was far less than today so it did not put 'similar strains on household budgets'. Plus the fact this was a 1% increase in rate three years earlier not the 4%/5%/6% increases some are now seeing.

That was always going to happen on the back of bank base rates hitting lows of 0.1% I am afraid. This would have happened under any government even if you chose to believe otherwise, which was really my original point in that interest rates have historically risen and fallen under every government, and what we are seeing now is no different.

I assume if you are a home owner you have enjoyed a decade of cheap borrowing no? If you are feeling the strain now, were you not enjoying feeling pretty well off before?

Okay, given your comment, I accept the use of the word similar was possibly misguided on my part, but nevertheless any cyclical increase in interest rates cause financial strain.
And despite all the negativity and strain on the back of these current interest rates, the housing market hasn't collapsed. I would have expected to see a far greater correction (maybe it is still to come), yet data is now telling us prices are on the rise again.

What are we to think?
Not sure yet who I shall be voting for at the next election. The only thing I can guarantee is that I won't be voting Tory after all the lies and partying around Covid. If Liz Truss becomes their next leader I may never vote for them again.
Not sure yet who I shall be voting for at the next election. The only thing I can guarantee is that I won't be voting Tory after all the lies and partying around Covid. If Liz Truss becomes their next leader I may never vote for them again.

I would like to think that even they couldn't be that stupid :rolleyes:
I think the love for George is given away somewhat by his avatar.

I very much doubt QR would emerge from Room 101 after a little spell at the Ministry of Love :)
I always read 1984 as a clear critique of the dangers of socialist ideology. Surprised QR likes it!
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